Search result(s) - háng-it



To droop, hang down, be full of-, covered with-, laden with-, weighed down with-, fruit, be enshrouded as with a mantle. Nagakápà ang mga sangá siníng káhoy. The branches of this tree are weighed down, (being covered with fruit as with a mantle). Nagakápà gid lang sang búnga iníng páhò. This mango-tree is covered with and bending under the weight of its fruit. (see gápà).



To hang down, fall down loosely (of clothes that are too large, etc.). Nagakarápà lang ang íya bistído. Her dress falls down loosely (like a mantle-kápa), being too long and too wide, etc. (see kápa, kápà).



To hang down freely, dangle loosely, (particularly applied to the male organ of generation of a horse or other animal).



To hang down, depend from, be suspended from, stick out, dangle. Nagakáwal ang pányo mo sa bólsa. Your handkerchief is hanging out of your pocket. Pakawála ang koréa sa kílid mo, dílì sa atubángan. Let your girdle hang down at the side, not in front. (see kábit, káway, gáway).



Anything that dangles or hangs down freely as a tassel, fringe, hair, rope, string, etc.; to dangle, hang down, protrude and shake in the wind, etc. (see gáway, káwal, kábit).



To be supported insecurely on a narrow ledge, be but slightly connected, hang by a thread, be in danger of having the connection severed. Nagakibít na lang iníng págbo sá halígì, sa baláyan, etc. This rafter rests only on a narrow ledge of the post, girder, etc. Indì mo pagpakíbton ang baláyan sa halígi, kóndì pasámlon mo gid. Don't permit the girder to rest on the edge of the post, but put it on far enough to secure it well. Walâ man mabálì ang íya bútkon, kóndì nakíbtan lang. His arm was not entirely broken, but only dislocated.



To clasp, hug, stick-, cleave-, hang on-, hold tight-, hold fast-, to, as a lizard to a wall, a child to its mother, etc. Nagakúpkup ang bátà sa likód sang íya ilóy. The child is clinging to its mother's back. Kupkupí akó, kay ginatugnawán akó. Cling to me, for I feel cold. Tan-awá iníng padér nga ginakupkupán sing madámù nga mga tagútò. Look at this wall with many lizards clinging to it. Pakupkupá lang ang balágon sa palápála. Just let the creeper grow up the trellis. (see kápkap, kalápkap, kupó, kabúd, pangalápkap).



To hang on, stick or cling to, adhere to. Ang tokô nagakupô sa díngding. The gecko is clinging to the wall. (see kúpkup id).



(B) With bent head; to bow or bend the head, stoop, hang the head in shame, incline the body forwards and downwards. Nagakuúb ang íya úlo. His head is bent. Nagpakuúb siá sang íya úlo sa dakû nga huyâ. She hung her head in great shame. Magpakuúb ka sang ímo láwas, kay ang ganháan manobô. Stoop down for the door is low. (see dukô).



To swing, dangle or hang down loosely. Nagalawítwit ang íya nga báyò, kay nagísì. His jacket is hanging loose, for it is torn. (see kawáykawáy, kabítkábit).



To protrude, project, stick out, hang out, stand out a little. Ang íya kamiséta nagalidít sa idálum sang íya báyò. His shirt protrudes a little from under his jacket.



Lightning, fork-, sheet-, summer-, lightning, bolt, flash of lightning; to lighten, strike by lightning; also used as a curse: Blast it! or the like. Nagalíntì, may líntì. It is lightening, there is lightning. Nalintián ang lubí dídto. The coconut palm there was struck by lightning. Sa búlan sa Máyo sing masamí may panglíntì kag panagúub. It often lightens and thunders in the month of May. Ang íya baláy nahápit sang líntì kag nasúnug. His house was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Ginhápit (Hinápit) siá sang líntì kag napatáy. He was struck and killed by lightning. Lintián ikáw! May lightning strike you dead! Curse you! A curse upon you! Líntì! Blast it! Hang it! The dickens! The deuce (take it)! Ay, líntì ikáw! Why, you are a damned nuisance! Oh, líntì, naglupúk ang góma! Oh, damn it, the tyre has burst! Indì ka magpangyáwà kag magpanglíntì, kay maláw-ay. Don't curse and swear. Don't use so frequently the expressions "yáwà" and "líntì", because it is unbecoming. (see kilát, pangilát, kilás, yáwà, yámat).



To get loose, drop, come down, fall down, sink lower, said of things that are not fastened well, sag, droop, hang loose, dangle. Naglóslos ang kawáyan sang kodál, kay gabúk ang higót, kay nasakán sang táo, etc. The bamboo got loose from the fence for the ties are rotten, because people stepped on it, etc. Naloslosán ang búgsok sang láta. The cross-pieces got loose from the stake. Húgta ang paghigót sang halóghog, kay nagalóslos ang ímo puróy. Fasten the slip-cord tightly, for your short pants are coming down. (see lógho).



To droop, hang down, dangle loosely, be limp, said of wet clothes, etc. Nagalóyloy ang íya panápton-or-ginaloyloyán siá sang íya panápton, kay naulanán. His clothes are limp, for he, has been in the rain. Nagalóyloy ang íya pakó, kay ginbálhas siá (nabalhasán siá) sing támà. His sleeve is hanging down limply, for he has perspired very much. Naglóyloy ang íya bútkon, kay nabálì. His arm hung down loosely, for it was broken.



To bend, droop, hang down (as branches under the weight of fruit).



To put forth, put out, hang or stick out, particularly said of the tongue. Padiwalá (Ipadiwál) ang dílà mo. Put out your tongue. Indì ka magpadiwál, kay maláw-ay. Don't put out your tongue, for it is unbecoming. (pa, diwál).



To hang out, put, dry or air in the wind, to winnow. Pahangíni ang linínas nga humáy. Winnow the trodden rice. Pinahangínan na ang humáy? Has your rice been winnowed yet? Sán-o kamó mapahángin sang ínyo humáy? When are you going to winnow your rice? (pa, hángin).



To hang up, let hang, suspend. Ipakábit ang kínke sa písì. Let the lamp be hung up by a string. Pakabíta ang kínke sa písì. Hang the lamp up by a string. (pa, kábit).



To put up in a line or row, line up. Pakatáya ang mga bátà. Put the children in line. Make the children form in line. Ipakátay ang mga linábhan sa písì. Hang the wash in a row on the line. (pa, kátay).



To let-stick out,-protrude,-hang down, etc. Caus. of káway-to dangle, etc.

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