Search result(s) - hinguyáng



(Sp. echar granos) To waste, squander, spend freely, be prodigal, lavish, thriftless, extravagant; spendthrift, improvident. Garanatsahá lang ang pílak mo, kon amó ang buót mo. Waste your money, if such is your will. Ang buhahâ nga táo amó ang nagagaranátsa. The spendthrift squanders money. Napúto siá, kay gingaranátsa gid lang níya ang kwárta. He became bankrupt, because he spent money too freely. (see granátsa, garnátsa, hinguyáng, úsik).



(Sp. gastar) To spend, disburse, lay out, expend, pay; consume, use up, wear out, make the worse for wear, waste, squander. Nagastár na ang pérno. The iron bolt is worn thin. Gingastár níya ang madámù nga pílak sa walâ sing pulús. He spent much money to no purpose. Indì mo paggastahán sing lakás ang mga kalingawlingáwan. Don't spend money extravagantly on diversions. Pilá ka galón nga gasolína ang igastár mo sa isá ka pagpakádto-pagpakarí? How many gallons of gasoline do you use up in one round-trip? (see gásto, hinguyáng).



(Sp. gasto) Expense, outlay, expenditure, disbursement; to spend, expend, disburse, pay out. Pilá ang gásto (ginagásto) mo sa isá ka simána? How much do you spend weekly? Gingastohán ko na sing duhá ka líbo ka písos ang bág-o ko nga baláy kag walâ pa mahumán. I have spent two thousand pesos on my new house, and it is not finished yet. Maggásto ka sing pilá ka gatús ka písos kag saráng mo mailísan ang atóp nga kógon sing sin.-Húo, matúod man, ápang walâ akó sing ikagásto. Spend a few hundred pesos and you can change your cogon-roof for one of galvanized iron.-Yes, quite true, but I have not got the wherewithal. Batóna iní nga igásto sa imo nga hinákay. Take this to pay your fare. (see uyáng, hinguyáng, úsik).

To spend, lay out, expend, waste; expense, expenditure, waste. (see uyáng).



To overstep, transgress, trespass, encroach, exceed, surpass, go beyond the limit. Maningúhà ka gid, agúd ang ímo nga kinitáan magláksam sang ímo nga hinguyáng. Do your best, and see that your income exceeds your expenses. Nagláksam siá sang ákon dútà. He encroached or trespassed on my land. He took part of my field. Indì mo paglaksamón (-án) ang talámnan sang ibán. Don't trespass on another's field. Don't appropriate fields belonging to another. (see sabán, hámham, lámlam, sakáb, sakám, sáklam).



(H) Spending much, wasteful, prodigal, lavish, extravagant, spendthrift, making great out-lays in money, etc. (hinguyáng; see magásto, palagásto).



Waste, squandering, loss, useless consumption or expenditure, lavishness, prodigality, labour lost or in vain; to waste, spoil, spill, drain, squander, fritter away, spend or use to no purpose. Usik gid lang inâ sang pílak, sang mahál nga mga tinión, etc. That is waste of money, loss of precious time, etc. Indì ka magúsik siníng kahigayónan. Do not miss this opportunity. Indì mo pagusíkan ang kán-on, pílak, etc. Don't waste the rice, money, etc. Ginusíkan níya ang mánggad sang íya nga asáwa. He squandered his wife's wealth. (see uyáng, hinguyáng).



Waste, squandering, loss, useless consumption or expenditure, lavishness, prodigality, labour lost or in vain; to waste, spoil, spill, drain, squander, fritter away, spend or use to no purpose. Usik gid lang inâ sang pílak, sang mahál nga mga tinión, etc. That is waste of money, loss of precious time, etc. Indì ka magúsik siníng kahigayónan. Do not miss this opportunity. Indì mo pagusíkan ang kán-on, pílak, etc. Don't waste the rice, money, etc. Ginusíkan níya ang mánggad sang íya nga asáwa. He squandered his wife's wealth. (see uyáng, hinguyáng).



Expenditure, outlay, waste; squandering, extravagance, wastefulness, prodigality. (see uyáng).



To finish, take away or off (a loom or the like). Abána ang ákon háblon sa madalî nga saráng mahímò. Get my cloth off the loom as soon as possible. Ginában sang subâ ang ámon dútà. The river has washed away our land. Abánon mo na ang íya nga balayoón, kay nagtú-gon siá nga, kon maában na, ipadalá sa íya sa waláy lídan. Finish the cloth for making dresses, for she ordered it to be sent to her at once, when it was ready. Abáni akó sing duhá ka patádyong. Get me off the loom two native skirts, i. e. cloth sufficient for two such skirts called patádyong. Dílì makaában ang subâ siníng umá, kay may pángpang nga dínglì. The river cannot carry (wash) away this farm-land, for its bank is of hard sandstone. Naában na ang tátlo ka búlan sa napúlò nga inogbulúthù níya sa koléhyo. Three months have gone by already of the ten he has to study at college. Ginában níya ang dakû níya nga mánggad sa mga kalingáwlingáwan kag waláy pulús nga mga kahinguyángan. He spent his great wealth on diversions and useless extravagance. (see hingápus, hingapús, kúhà, búhin, áb-ab, etc.).



See buhâ. Buhahâ siá nga táo. He is a squanderer, spendthrift, prodigal, (see maúdhà, mainusíkon, mahinguyángon).



(H) Expenses, things to be paid for, things requiring outlay or expenditure. (see gásto, baláyran, kahinguyángan).



To reach, come to, amount to. Nagahinangát na sa limá ka líbo ka mángmang ang íya nga ginhinguyáng. He has already spent five thousand pesos. (see dángat).



To cherish, be attached to, be loath to part with, regret the loss of, guard or keep carefully. Ginahingilínan-or-ginahingínlan gid níya ang bág-o níya nga réloh. He likes his new watch very much. Dílì mo paghingínlan ang paghinguyáng sing pílak sa áton pándut, agúd magsádya. Don't spare expense for our feast-day, that it may be a pleasant affair. Ginhingínlan níya sing dakû ang síngsing nga nadúlà. She very much regrets the loss of the ring. (see ngílin, hílak, kangílin).



A prefix of very wide use in the formation of abstract and collective nouns as well as of an exclamatory superlative which nearly corresponds in meaning to the English "How--!" e.g. álam-kaálam (wisdom, learning); písan-kapísan (diligence, application); píntas-kapíntas (cruelty); ángot-kaangtánan (connection); lábut-kalabtánan (participation, implication); uyáng-kahinguyángan (outlay, expenditure); bátà-kabatáan (childhood; children); baláy-kabalayán (houses, collection of houses); támad-katámad sa ímo! How lazy you are! Dásig-kadásig siníng kabáyo! How swiftly this horse runs! gáhud, galúng-kagáhud kag kagalúng sináng mga bátà! Oh, the noisiness and boisterousness of those children! lisúd-ay, kalisúd! Oh, what a heavy cross! After superlative adverbs like lakás, lám-ag, dúro, masyádo, támà, túman, etc. "ka" is either prefixed to the adjectives or takes the place of ma-, e.g. Dalók-greedy. Lakás kadalók. Very greedy. Layâ-dry. Masyádo kalayâ. Very dry. Maitúm-black. Lám-ag kaitúm. Very black. Madálum-deep. Dúro kadálum. Very deep. Matámbok-fat. Támà katámbok. Very fat. Dakû-large. Túman kadakû. Very large, etc.



Guess, opinion, calculation. Kabantâbantáan sang kahinguyángan. Estimate or calculation of expenses. Budget. (see bántà).



To hazard, dare, venture, be audacious, reckless, intrepid, impertinent, insolent, daring, bold, high-spirited, dauntless. Kinahásan níya ang paghinguyáng sang pílak nga ginpatágò ko sa íya. He dared to spend the money I had entrusted to him for safe keeping. Indì mo pagkahásan ang pagbukás sang ganháan kon walâ ka sing túgut sa pagsulúd. Don't dare to open the door, unless you have permission to enter. (see aháng, ahás).



Expensive, dear, costly, extravagant, wasteful. (see gasto, kostóso, maámbas, mahákug, mahinguyángon).



To have one's will, do to one's heart's content, do as one pleases. Nagapagusá gid lang siá sa paghingúyang sing madámù nga pílak. He wastes much money on whims and fancies. Nagpagusá silá sa pagpíntas sa táo nga íla nadakúp. They tortured the man they caught till their cruelty was sated. They wreaked their anger on the man they caught. (see patúyang, pasamíyang).



To economize, curtail-, check-, curb-, cut down-, one's expenditures, to refrain from spending as much as usual; to avoid, turn away from, keep aloof from. Nagapangiyáw siá karón sa paghinguyáng, kay maíwat kaáyo ang kwárta. He spends little at present, for money is very scarce. Ginapangiyawán lang námon karón ang pagtíg-ang, kay nakulángan kamí sing humáy, kag ang tigaláni malayô pa. We are cooking only a little rice at present, for we have run short and the harvest is still far off. Magpangiyáw (mangiyáw) ka sa pagpatúyang mo sing pílak, kay kon dílì mapúto ka sa dílì madúgay. Refrain from spending money so freely, for otherwise you will be bankrupt before long. Pangiyawí siá. Keep aloof from him. Nagapangiyáw siá, kay may útang siá sa ákon. He avoids me, because he is in debt to me. (see paúmud, likáw).