Search result(s) - katúngdan



West, etc. See katulúndan, katúndan. Also: relation, etc. See katungdánan.



(H) West, sunset; going down, disappearance. (see túnud, tunúd, katúndan, katúngdan).



Width, breadth, wideness, broadness; to broaden, widen, become wide. Nagsángkad na ang plása, kay ginhálin níla ang isá ka kátay nga baláy sa katúngdan náyon. The public square has been widened, for they have removed a row of houses on its western side. Sangkará (-adá) ang dálan. Make the road wider. Nasangkarán akó siníng báyò. This jacket is too wide for me. (see lápad, áblang).



Relation, connection with, reference to; duty, obligation. (see tungúd).



Western. See katundanánon.



A suffix of verbs that have a passive in-on. This suffix occurs in the following tenses:

1.) The passive impersonal imperative. Buháta iní. Do this. (búhat, buháton). Higugmaá kag tahúra (-úda) ang ímo ginikánan. Love and respect your parents, (higúgma, higugmaón; táhud, tahúron, tahúdon).

2.) The passive negative past. Walâ níya pagbuháta iní. He did not do this. Walâ ni la pagtumána ang íla katungdánan. They have not fulfilled their duties, (túman, tumánon).

3.) The passive negative present. Sa karón walâ na níya pagaúmha iníng bánglid. He now no longer tills this slope, (umá, úmhon). Tungúd sang kadamuón sang íla mga páhò, walâ na níla pagaisípa, kóndì ginosokób na lang sa pasungán. Owing to the great quantity of their mangoes they no longer count them, but measure them by the bushel. (ísip, isípon). Ngáa man nga walâ mo pagapatindogá ang halígi? Why are you not setting up the post? (pa, tíndog, tindogón).



Lazy, indolent, slothful; to be lazy, indolent, slothful. Indì ka magágol. Don't be lazy. Indì mo pagagólan ang pagtúman sang ímo mga katungdánan. Don't be indolent in the performance of your duties.



What is to be-undertaken,-taken charge of,-seen to,-attempted,-set about; duty, responsibility, burden (to be shouldered). (see ákò, palangakóan, katungdánan, tulumánon, buluháton).



Superficial, on the surface, not deep, not from the heart, hypocritical, insincere, cool, merely formal; careless, perfunctory, negligent. Abáw, alimpapáw gid lang ang pagtúman mo sang ímo katungdánan. Why, you are very negligent or careless in the performance of your duties. Alimpapáw lang ang íya nga pagsímba. He goes to church only to keep up appearances. (see halimpapáw, salimpapáw, pakuláhaw).



(Sp. atender) To attend to, look after, take care of, pay attention to. Atendehí ang ímo mga katungdánan. Attend to your duties. Atendehá ang ímò asiénda. Look after your plantation. Iatendér akó ánay siníng kwárto, kay may kadtoán akó. Please keep an eye on this room for a while, for I have to go out. (see tátap, sapák, alingá, bántay, baláka, ripára, dipára).



To neglect, postpone, put off, procrastinate, disregard, pay no attention to. Dílì mo pagbuyánbuyánan ang ímo mga tulumánon. Don't neglect the performance of your duties. (N.B. This term is mostly used with the prefix pa-. Nagpabuyánbúyan siá sa pagkompesár. He neglected-, put off-, going to confession. Pinabuyánbuyánan níya ang pagtúman sang íya mga katungdánan. He shirked doing his duty. (see patumbáyà, pahámak, palántang, pasalipótpot).



Careless, heedless, indifferent, inattentive, unmindful slovenly, hurried, negligent, routine, perfunctory, off hand, without proper care or attention; to scamp, perform carelessly, etc. Dakúldakúl nga pangóbra. Careless, slovenly work. Indì ka mag dakúldakúl sa pagpangadî. Don't pray distractedly, without attention. Indì mo pagdakúldakulón ang ímo trabáho. Don't perform your work in a hurried or careless manner. Gindakúldakúl gid lang sang pánday ang pagbúhat sang lamésa, The carpenter made the table in a careless manner, too quickly. Nagadakúldakúl gid lang siá sang íya mga katungdánan. He scamps the performance of his duties. (see dagóldagól).



(Sp.) Fault, deficiency, defect, omission, default, want, lack, failure; to fail to, neglect, commit a fault, to default, not to fulfil one's promise, not to perform one's duty. Indì ka magfálta sa pagsímba sa mga Domíngo kag Fíesta. Don't miss going to Church on Sundays and Feast-days. Nagfálta siá sa pagtúman sang íya nga katungdánan. He neglected to fulfil his duties. (see sayóp, salâ, lápas, lípas).



Dim. and Freq. of lántang. Indì ka maglantánglántang (magpalantánglántang) sa pagtúman sang ímo katungdánan. Do not put off from day to day the fulfilment of your duties. (see pabuyánbúyan).



(Sp. obligación) Obligation, duty, liability. (see katungdánan, tulumánon).



(Sp. obligación) Obligation, duty, liability. (see katungdánan, tulumánon).



(Sp. oficio) Office, duty, work, calling. (see palangakóan, palangitán-an, katungdánan, buluhatón).



(Sp. oficio) Office, duty, work, calling. (see palangakóan, palangitán-an, katungdánan, buluhatón).



Form or shape of one's shoulder (abága) Also: to shoulder, undergo, tackle, handle, manage. Walâ siá sing igkasángkol sa pagpangabága sang amó nga palangakoán. He has not the ability to shoulder the duties of such an office. Pílit na gid nga magkangíl-ad kamí sang íya pagpangabága (sang íya mga pangabága) sang íya mga katungdánan. We are now forced to-repudiate his way of performing his duties,-be disgusted with his manner of carrying out his obligation.



To steal-, sneak-, run-, away from work or duty, to leave secretly, play truant, shirk work, abandon one's duty. Indì ka magpasalipótpot sa (sang) ímo mga buluhatón. Don't shirk your duties. Sang nasápwan siá nga íya pinasalipótpotán ang pagtúman sang íya katungdánan dáyon siá ginpahalín sang íya agálon. When it was found out that he was in the habit of leaving work undone his master sent him away at once. Sang nabúksan ang gangháan pumasalipótpot siá kag nagpalágyo. When the door was opened he stole out and fled. (salipótpot).

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