Broth, sauce, any liquid condiment or concoction served with solid food to make it easy to swallow as well as to aid digestion.
(B) To thicken, condense, coagulate, inspissate (of liquids). Ang lasáw nagátoy na. The molasses has become thick. Ginátoy (ginpaátoy) níla ang sabáw. They made the sauce thick. Atóya ang sópas. Make thick soup. (see lapúyot).
Mixed food or provender; wash, swill; to eat or give to eat mixed foods, to mix rice with sauce and vegetables and the like; to feed dogs, give pigs their swill, etc. Bahogí siá sing ísdà, ulutanón kag sabáw. Give him a mixture of fish, vegetables and sauce. Binahogán mo na ang báboy? Have you given the pig its swill? Ibahóg iníng upá sa báboy. Put this rice-chaff into the pig's wash. Bahogí ang idô. Give the dog its food. Feed the dog. (see damóg, lakót, sakót, sámò).
To spot, speck, spatter, stain, soil, fleck with some adhesive matter. Nabulítan akó sang lúnang. I was covered with mud. Ang pintúra nagbúlit sang ákon delárgo. The paint spotted my trousers. Indì mo pagibúlit ang sabáw sa íya nga báyò. Don't spatter his jacket with sauce. (see bulíng, músing, hígkò).
To taste, try the taste of, bring in contact with the tip of the tongue. Dímdim-or-magdímdim ka lang siní kon anó ang íya sabór. Try the taste of this. Dimdimí iní kon kaúyon ka siní ukón índì. Taste this and see whether you like it or not. Dinimdimán ko yanáng sabáw, ápang índì akó makaúyon (sinâ). I tasted that sauce, but I don't like it. Nadimdimán ko na iníng bulúng kag napaitán akó (siní). I tasted this medicine and found it bitter. (see tiláw).
A ladleful; to lade, ladle, dip, spoon or draw out with a ladle or dipper, scoop up. Ang manuglútò nagagaló na sang tinóla. The cook has begun to ladle out the side-dish. Gálwi (galohí) akó sing isá ka galó nga kán-on, sópas, sabáw, etc. Give me a ladleful of rice, soup, broth, etc. Igaló akó ánay siníng tinóla nga natigána sa mga dumulúaw. Please ladle out this side-dish for the visitors. Ginálwan akó ni Fuláno sing kárne nga laúya. N.N. scooped out for me some boiled meat. Indì ka magsabát, kay básì magálwan man ikáw. Don't say a word or you may catch it, (receive a scolding or the like). (see sarók, kándus).
Mixture, disorder, confusion, agitation; to mix, stir, put one's finger into a liquid, agitate, wade or walk about in water, to disturb. Ginalabutáw mo ang sabáw, ha? Samói, ápang índì mo paglabutawón. You have your fingers in the sauce, heh? Mix it (with your food), but don't put your finger in it. Ang mga bátà nagalabutáw sa túbig. The boys are wading or walking in the water-or-splashing about in the water. Indì mo paglabutawón ang túbig sa batíyà sang mahígkò mo nga tiíl. Don't put your dirty feet into the water in the large wash-basin. Ipalabutáw lang sa mga bátà yanáng danáw. Just let the children play or splash about in that puddle (pool) of water.
To thin out, dilute, make watery (of liquids). Ginlabyawán níya sing túbig ang tínta. He watered the ink. Labyawí ang almidón. Thin out the starch. Linabyawán ko iníng sópas, kay támà kalapúyut. I put some water into this soup, for it was too thick. Ilábyaw sa sabáw iníng túbig. Put this water into the sauce to thin it out. (see lángyaw, básyaw).
Mixture, mingling; to mix, mingle, intersperse, put in. Iníng maís may lakót nga humáy-or-iníng maís naláktan sang humáy. This corn is mixed with rice. Ginláktan níya ang sabáw sing áhos. He mixed the sauce with garlic. Ginlakót níya ang áhos sa sabáw. He put garlic into the sauce. Indì mo pagláktan ang ímo hunâhúnà sing babáe, agúd índì madupág ang ímo pagtoón. Don't occupy your thoughts with women, lest your studies should be interfered with. Ilakót iníng kalámay sa bíno tínto, agúd magtám-is. Put this sugar into the red table-wine to sweeten it. (see sámò, lákay, símbug, sákot).
To be or make watery, thin, to thin out, dilute (liquids). Iníng gátas naglángiaw. This milk has curdled, coagulated, separated, become part clotted and part watery. Langiawá ang tíntà sing túbig, kay támà kalapúyut. Water the ink, for it is too thick. Ilángiaw sa sabáw iníng isá ka báso nga túbig. Thin out the sauce with this glass of water. (see básiaw).
Thick, condensed, clotted, coagulated, inspissated, semi-liquid; to thicken, condense, inspissate. Naglapúyot na ang sabáw. The sauce has thickened. Dugángi ang almidón túbtub nga maglapúyot. Add more starch till it becomes thick. Gátas nga malapúyot. Condensed milk. Nalapuyótan akó siníng tsokoláte. This cocoa is too thick for me. Palapuyóti akó sing sópas, sabáw, etc. Make some thick soup, sauce, etc. for me. Ginapalapúyot níla ang lasáw sa káwà. They are inspissating the sugar-cane juice in the cauldron. Nagalapúyot na ang íla pagilináway. Their fighting is getting thick i.e. they are now fighting in real earnest, tooth and nail. They are getting to grips. (see lángiaw-thin, watery).
(B) Any solid addition, especially meat, in broth. Walâ sing pátaw iníng sabáw. In this broth there is nothing solid or substantial. A, malás-ay ang sabáw dídto, kay kúlang ang pátaw. Oh dear, the broth there was no good, for it was short of solid morsels or ingredients.
To go or step into water, mud, etc.; to dip or soak in. Nakasáwsaw akó sa lúnang (lalaó). I stepped into the mud. Indì ka magsáwsaw sang ímo kamót sa túbig. Don't dip your hand into the water. Isáwsaw mo ang tinápay sa sabáw. Dip the bread into the sauce. Ginsawsawán níla ang bíno sing mamón. They soaked some cakes in wine. (see sagáwsaw).
Sip, taste, mouthful; to taste, try, sip, take a small draught of a liquid. Tigsimí iníng bíno, tubâ, sabáw, etc. Taste this wine, tubâ, sauce, etc. Walâ akó katígsim (makatígsim) sang íya mga ilímnon. I have not tasted (any of) his drinks. I have had no occasion to try his drinkables (wines, liquors). (see tiláw, dímdim, samít, dimól, sagámsam).