Search result(s) - takúd



Shutter, door, window; anything that is to be tied, fastened or hitched up to something else, as a draught animal, a cart, or the like; to shutter, close with a shutter; to attach to. Tákdi (takudí, takurí) ang báka. Yoke the ox. Itakúd ang pútyong sa báyò ko. Sew the button on my jacket. Tákdan mo ang ganháan. Shut the door. Itakúd ang takúd sa bintánà. Close the window-shutter. Tinákdan ko na ang karabáw sang arádo. I have now hitched the buffalo to the plough. (see takóp).



(H) To stand, be able to, afford, can. Indì na siá makatákud magtokád sa Napulák, kay tigúlang na siá. He cannot climb the Napulák any more, for he is an old man now. (see saráng, tukúd, batás).



(B) Width, breadth, to widen, broaden, to make wide or wider. Sádto ánay makitíd ang dálan, karón nagáblang na. Formerly the road was narrow, now it has widened. Gináblang níla ang plása. They widened the public square. Ginpaáblang níla ang plása. They have had the public square widened. Sogóa ang pánday nga ablangón níya ang lamísa. Order the carpenter to make the table wider. Naablangán akó siníng takúd. This shutter (door, etc.) is too broad for me, or appears to me to be very broad or too broad. (see lápad).



To shut, close well (a door, window, etc.). Haópa ang ganháan. Shut the door. (see háom, dápat, takúd, será).



(Sp. persiana) Window-blind, Venetian blind, shutter. (see takúd).



(Sp. cerrar) To close, shut, lock, fasten; a lock; shutter, a wing of a door or window, the lid of a box, etc. Serahí ang ganháan. Lock or shut the door. Iserá ang será sang bintánà. Close the window-shutter. Naserahán ang íla pátyo. Their cemetery has been closed. (see dápat, háum, takúd, takúp).



(Sp. cerradura) Lock; closure. (see takúd, pamakúd).



To put on, lay on, lie or lean upon. (see tángday, hámbuy) Also: To add to, fasten or sew on. Lióngi na ang ímo báyò kag itákboy ang mga pakô. Make holes in your dress for the sleeves and sew the sleeves on. (see takúd, angót).



From takúd-to close; hitch up, etc.



That is to be-closed,-shut,-hitched up, etc. (see takúd).



Oblique, diagonal, not vertical or horizontal, slanting; to be, become or make diagonal, etc. Ang balásbas dílì tíndog. What is oblique is not vertical. Balasbasón mo ang pagtakúd sang láso sa ákon báyò. Fasten the ribbon obliquely across my jacket. Walâ níya pagtadlungá ang pagarádo, kóndì ginbalásbas níya. He did not plough straight across the field, but diagonally, from corner to corner. Ibalásbas iníng láso sa pakô sang ákon báyò. Put this ribbon aslant across the sleeve of my jacket.