Search result(s) - tiíl



(H) Foot, paw, pad, leg; leg (foot) of a table, etc. (see kahíg, sikí, páa, tiilán).



Bent, curved, warped; to bend, to curve, to warp, kink. Ang mga manuglagarì nagalagárì sang káhoy sonô sang íya abóy. The sawyers are sawing the tree according to its curve. Nagaabóy ang kalát, ang mga soléras, ang bánkò, etc. The rope is kinked, the floor beams are warped, the bench is sagging in the middle, etc. Butangí ang bánkò sing duhá pa ka tiíl sa tungâ, agúd nga indì magabóy. Add two legs to the middle of the bench, so that it may not sag or bend. (see táboy, lúy-on).



To spread the feet and legs wide apart in standing, sitting or lying. Nagabalakáng siá sa ganháan. He is standing at the door with his feet wide apart. Ibalakáng or balakangá ang tiíl mo. Straddle your legs. Aláng-álang man nga balakangán ko ang tanán nga buluhatón. It is impossible for me to do all the work. (Literally: it is impossible for me to stretch my legs astride all the work, to bestride all the work. (see bakâ, bakáng, barakáng).



To prop, support, put in, or under, something a prop or wedge of wood, stone, etc. in order to heighten, tighten or steady things. Bangíli ang tiíl (kahíg) sang lamésa, agád magtádlong. Prop up the foot of the table, that it may stand straight. Ibángil ko iníng káhoy sa lamésa. I'll prop up the table with this piece of wood, (in order to steady it, raise it on one side). Dílì mo pagbangílan ang aparadór sing isá ka bangíl nga madámol, ang isá ka manipís túman na. Don't put a thick wedge under the cupboard; a thin one is quite sufficient. (see písak, piíl-wedge).



(B) To jam, press, squeeze or pin against something or between something. Nabani-ól ang ákon tiíl sang gamót sang káhoy. My foot got jammed in between the roots of the tree. Ginbani-ól níya ang ákon tiíl sa salúg. He pressed my foot firmly against the floor. Bani-olá ang báboy sa púsud sang kodál. Pin the pig into the corner of the fence. Ginbani-ól níya ang báboy sa díngding sang íya bagát. He pressed the pig against the partition-wall with his pole. (see ipít, lígpit, bánsok, aróod, oróod).



Moisture, humidity, dankness, damp, dampness, wet, wetness; moist, damp, wet, soaked, dank, humid; to make or become wet, to drench, etc. Nabasâ ang ákon tiíl. My foot got wet. Ginbasâ níya ang ákon pányo. He made my handkerchief wet. Bás-a ang lampáso. Soak the mop in water. Bás-i ang ití sang manók sa salúg. Clean up with water the chicken-dung on the floor. Pahíran mo lang ang lamésa sing trápo nga mamalá, dílì mo pagbás-on. Just wipe the table with a dry cloth, don't use water. Binás-an níya ang íya kamút sing agás, agúd makúhà ang dágtà sang pínta. He wetted his hand with petroleum, in order to get out the paint-stains. Likawí ang ulán, agúd dílì ka mabasâ kag mapásmo. Avoid the rain, lest you should get wet and catch a cold. Ang hubág níya nga maáyo na gid nagbasâ na man. His ulcer that was quite healed before is now suppurating (wet) again. Nagbasâ na man ang mga matá sang ilóy sang pagkabatî níya nga may nagsámbit sang ngálan sang íya anák nga bág-o lang napatáy. The mother's eyes became wet (filled with tears), when she heard someone mentioning the name of her child that had recently died. Kánding nga binasâ (nabasâ) sang ulán. A goat that has been drenched by rain. (see malá-to be dry, etc.).



To grasp another just above the ankle and jerk up his foot so as to throw him or break his resistance. Batíngi ang báboy. Get hold of the pig's leg. Batíngi ang íya tiíl. Grasp him by the small of the leg and jerk up his foot. (An expression often used in wrestling).



To sprain, dislocate, put out of joint. Nabílwa ang íya nga tiíl. His foot was sprained. Dì mo pagbilwahón ang íya abága. Do not dislocate his shoulder. Indì ka magámbak dirâ, kay matáas kag básì mabílwa ang ímo páa. Don't jump down there, for it is deep and you might sprain your leg. (see súlpò).



To strike the ground or floor with a pointed instrument, as with the point of a stick, dibble, pole or the like. Sang pagbinót ko sang tagád naígò ang ákon tiíl kag napílas. When I thrust down the dibble my foot was hit and wounded. Ibinót mo ang tagád sa dútà. Dig the dibble into the ground. Binotí sang bastón mo iníng búhò. Poke your stick into this hole. Bininotán níya ang haló sang íya bára. He stuck the point of his crowbar into the iguana.



(B) Thorn, prick, prickle, barb, spike, spine, point; to prick, scatter-, strew with-, thorns, etc. Nadógi ang tiíl ko. My foot was pricked by a thorn. Sín-o ang nagdógi sang dálan? Who strewed the road with thorns? Who scattered thorns on the road? Gindogíhan (gindógian) níla ang kodál sang pamulákan. They put thorns in the garden-fence. Iníng kamúnsil idógi ko sa dálan sa binít sang ákon umá, agúd índì masúdlan sang mga háyup. These camunsel-branches with their prickles I will put on the road near the edge of my field, so that animals cannot enter. (see súyak, dalíngag, tunók).



To establish firm contact with, compress, press down, exert pressure upon. Indì makadóol ang íya tiíl sa salúg, kay may hubág. He cannot put his foot to the floor, for it-is swollen,-has a boil or ulcer. (see doót).



To tickle, titillate, make to itch. Duráya ang bátà, agúd magkádlaw. Tickle the baby to make it laugh. Ginadúray ang ákon úlo sang kútò. Lice are making my head itch. Duráyi siá sa tiíl. Tickle his foot. (see kalám).



To heat, make hot, warm (by putting near a stove or fire). Gaánga ang kamót mo, kay matúgnaw. Warm your hands, for it is cold. Gingáang níya ang íya mga tiíl nga nabasâ túbtub nga nagmalá. He warmed his wet feet till they became dry. Gaángi akó sing dáan nga tinápay, báhaw, etc. Warm up for me some stale bread, cold rice, etc. Igáang mo akó ánay sing súd-an. Heat for me, if you please, some side-dish. Ipagáang mo sa manuglútò iníng tápa. Get the cook to heat up this dried meat. Pagaánga siá sang íya mga kamót. Let him warm his hands. Indì mo akó paggaángan sing kán-on nga báhaw, kay buót akó ákon sang mabáhaw. Don't warm the cold rice for me, for I like to eat it cold. (see paínit, baángbáang, aráng, aríng-ing).



To heat or warm near a stove or fire. Ganggangá ang kamót mo. Warm your hands. Igánggang ang tiíl mo sa kaláyo. Warm your feet at the fire. Ganggangá ang báyò mo sa kaláyo túbtub nga magmalá. Dry your jacket at the fire. Si Fuláno nagagánggang (nagapagánggang) sang íya kamót sa kaláyo. N.N. is warming his hands at the fire. Gingánggang níya ang tinápay nga dáan. He toasted the stale bread. (see bagáng, gáang, aráng, baángbáang, paínit).



Cracked, split, chapped; to crack, split, form fissures, chap. Naggotás ang pánit sang íya tiíl tungúd sang lakás níya nga pagtánum. The skin of his foot became full of cracks on account of his working too long at planting rice. Nagotasán ang íya kamót sa támà nga paglabá. Too much clothes-washing chapped her hands. (see litík, bángag).



Loose, not tight, moving freely; to loosen, get loose. Ang pakô sang íya kamiséta halúg. His shirt-sleeve is loose. Ang síngsing mo halúg sa ákon túdlò. Your ring is too big for my finger. Naghalúg ang háwak sang íya sárwal, kay nagníwang siá. The waist of his trousers became too wide for him, because he had got lean. Pahalugá gáwa ang paláy sa búhò. Make the bolt fit a little more loosely into the hole. Ipahalúg ko sa sapatéro iníng mga sapátos, kay gutúk sa ákon tiíl. I'll get the shoemaker to widen these boots, for they are too tight for my feet. (see tugák, hugák).



To chafe, fret, hurt, make or be sore (of hands, eyes, etc.). Naghápdus ang ákon tiíl sa lakás nga paglakát. My feet are sore on account of so much walking. Nahapdusán ang ákon tiíl, kay gutúk ang sapátos ko. My feet have become sore, because my boots are tight. Ang pagbayó nagpahápdus sang íya kamót. Pounding rice chafed his hands. Pinahápdus sang púling ang ákon matá. The mote made my eye sore. (see hápdì).



To break out afresh, open again, become worse (of wounds, boils, etc.). Nagahimaló ang íya nga katúl, kay kinálot níya. His "katúl" is getting worse, because he has been scratching it. Naghimaló ang íya nga pilás sa tiíl, kay nasúntok sang isá ka baníklan. The wound on his foot broke out afresh, for it received a sharp knock from a piece of wood. (see dalusó).



To rinse, wash, clean, cleanse with water. Hugási ang báso. Rinse the glass (with water). Mahúgas pa akó ánay sang ákon tiíl. First I am going to wash my feet. Ihúgas iníng túbig sa pínggan. Use this water to clean the plates with. Hinugásan níla ang mga kópa. They cleaned the wine-glasses (with water). Ihúgas akó siníng supéra. Kindly clean this soup-tureen for me. Ipahúgas iníng mga báso sa mutsátso. Have these glasses cleaned by the servant-or-Order the servant to clean these glasses.



(B) Foot. (see tiíl).

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