To rise, ascend, spread (of smoke, dust, etc.). Bás-an mo ánay sing túbig ang salúg kag ugáling silhigán mo, agúd nga índì makaútbug ang yáb-ok. First sprinkle the floor with water and then sweep it, otherwise the dust will rise. Ginautbugán kitá dirí sang yáb-ok. We are being enveloped here in dust. (see alintabó, timbúok).
To rise, ascend, spread (of smoke, dust, etc.). Bás-an mo ánay sing túbig ang salúg kag ugáling silhigán mo, agúd nga índì makaútbug ang yáb-ok. First sprinkle the floor with water and then sweep it, otherwise the dust will rise. Ginautbugán kitá dirí sang yáb-ok. We are being enveloped here in dust. (see alintabó, timbúok).
Own, proper, private, personal, independent, peculiar, particular.
Attached to one's own, hence: nationalistic, independent. (see kaugalíngon, makiugalíngon, makiangáyon--democratic; makihariánon--imperialistic).
See makinaugalíngon, makinaugalingón-nationalistic, independent, etc.
To mill, grind, pulverize, reduce to powder, powder, comminute, crush, put through a mill or between grinding stones. Sán-o kamó magagalíng sang ínyo tubó? When shall you mill your sugar-cane? Galingí akó sing diótay nga maís, humáy, kapé, etc. Grind for me some corn, rice, coffee, etc. Igalíng akó ánay siníng isá ka gántang nga kapé. Please, grind this "ganta" of coffee for me. Kay walâ akó sing galingán nga ákon kaugalíngon, ipagalíng ko lang ang ákon tubó sa galingán ni Fuláno. As I have no sugar-mill of my own, I will have my sugar-cane put through N.N.'s mill. (see gáling).
To refer to, belong to, be relevant, appertain to, bear upon, touch, affect, have to do with, be one's business. Inâ nga mga butáng nahanungúd sa mga punoán, sa pagkamanugdumála, sa simbáhan, etc. Those things belong to the office of an administrator, are the business of the authorities, are part and parcel of the Church, etc. Iníng báhin mahanungúd sa kay Fuláno. This share belongs to N.N. Sa nahanungúd sinâ walâ akó sing lábut. As regards that, I have no interest in it-or-nothing to do with it. Indì mo pagipahanungúd sa ibán ang ímo kasaypánan. Don't put on others the blame for your own faults. Ang mga mapainubúson nagapahanungúd sang tanán nga mga kaayóhan sa mahál nga Diós, ápang ang mga bugalón sa íla nga kaugalíngon. The humble refer all good things to God, but the proud to themselves. (see tungúd).
To consider, hold or take for, look upon as--. Kabígon mo lang nga duhá iníng ápat ka páhò, kay magamáy. Just count these four mangoes as if they were only two, for they are so small. Sa madámù nga mga salákyan ginakábig ang duhá ka bátà nga isá lang ka pasahéro. On many vehicles two children are reckoned as only one passenger. Ang napúlò ka sógò sang Diós ginakábig (nakábig) nga duhá nga amó iní: "Higugmaón mo ang Diós labí sa ngatanán kag ang ímo isigkatáo súbung sa ímo nga kaugalíngon". The ten commandments of God are contained in (or are equal to) these two: "Love God above all things, and thy neighbour as thyself". (see bílang).
One's own affairs, proper to oneself, selfishness, individualism, egotism. (see íya, kaugalíngon).