To take or grasp all, appropriate the whole amount, seize greedily everything to be had without consideration for others. Indì ka maghugákom sang tanán nga tabákò, ságing, etc. Don't take all the cigars, bananas, etc. (but have some consideration for others). Hugakóma lang ang tanán. Just grasp everything. Take it all. (see kayába, ángkon, kúhà, guráput, kapút, kápyot).
Dim. and Freq. of húgnat. To do at intervals, on and off, by fits and starts, by spells, do something in alternate periods as working and resting, walking and riding, sleeping and waking, etc. Nagahugnáthúgnat silá sang íla pagarádo. They are doing their ploughing by fits and starts. Ginahugnáthúgnat lang níla ang íla paglakát. They took frequent rests during their walk. Hugnáthugnáta lang ang ímo trabáho, kon índì ka makaántus magpangabúdlay sing lángkoy. Work a bit and then rest awhile if you cannot stand working at a stretch.
To snore; snoring. Indì ka maghulágok. Don't snore. A, pahulagóka lang siá. Just let him snore. (see hurágok).
To divide, partition, share out, distribute, apportion. Hulayá ang humáy, kwárta, etc. Divide the rice, distribute the money, etc. Hulayí akó sang ákon báhin. Let me have my share-or-give me my portion. Ginhuláy níla ang mga háyup nga pinanúblì níla. They divided amongst themselves the animals they had inherited. Ari ang limá ka mángmang; ipahuláy lang sa mga músiko. Here are five pesos; let the musicians divide them amongst themselves. (see báhin, párte).
To drop, throw, fall down, cause to fall down, tumble down, precipitate, precipitate oneself. Andam ka, agúd índì ka mahúlug. Take care lest you should fall. Hulúga ang bató. Throw down the stone. Nahulúgan siá sing bátà. She had a miscarriage. Nahulúgan akó sing tokô sang nagakatulúg akó. A gecko dropped down on me whilst I was asleep. Ihúlug mo lang ang martílyo sa bintánà. Just throw the hammer down from the window. Sang isá ka túig ang Pagkatáo nahúlug sa isá ka Domíngo. Last year Christmas fell on a Sunday. Halín ka dirí kay básì hulúgan ka sing lubí. Go away from here, for a coconut might drop down on you. (see dágdag).
To wash one's hands. Naghunáw ka na sang ímo kamót? Have you washed your hands? Hunawí ang bátà. Wash the child's hands. Ihunáw lang iníng túbig sa ímo kamót. Wash your hands in this water. Ihunáw akó siníng bátà. Please wash this child's hands. Ang mga nagakaláon sa tábad ginahunawán níla ánay ang íla kamót. Those who partake of a banquet wash their hands first. (see hináw, panghilám-os-to wash one's face; panghúgas-to wash one's feet).
Premeditated, deliberate, wilful; to intend, purpose, mean, do deliberately, on purpose, purposely; intentionally, with free volition, knowingly, freely. Ginhímò níya iní sing hungúd sa buót (sa hungúd nga buót). He did this intentionally, with premeditation, deliberately. Ginhungúd (ginhúngdan) níya inâ. He intended that, did it on purpose. Nakahungúd siá magbutíg. He told a deliberate lie. Húngda sa buót mo ang pagsímba sa mga Domíngo kag Piésta. Make a firm resolution to go to church on Sundays and Feast-days. Dílì inâ hungúd sa buót níya, kóndì nakatabinás lang siá. That was not deliberate on his part, but he acted from a sudden impulse. (see túyò).
Dim. and Freq. of hutík. Ihutíkhútik mo lang sa ákon ang ímo kinahánglan. Just whisper to me what you want.
Sincere, honest, hearty, real, genuine, guileless; to do wholeheartedly, frankly, honestly, etc. Hutúhut gid ang íya paghágad sa ákon. He invited me most heartily. Kon hutúhut gid ang ínyo paghigugmaánay magpakasál lang kamó. If your love is true then get married. Hutuhúta ang ímo pagtoón. Study with a right good will. Dílì hutúhut, kóndì pakuláhaw gid lang ang íya nga pagkádlaw. His smile was not natural but forced. Hutuhúti silá sing mga pangágda. Send them hearty invitations-or-Invite them with sincerity (not as a mere formality). (see túod, hugút, bunáyag, turúk, sa, tagiposóon, etc.).
To loiter, loaf, roam about idly, stroll. Nagahúyaw gid lang siá. He roams about doing nothing. (see landólándo, lagáwlágaw, etc.).
Dim. and Freq. of íban. Ibánibáni lang ang maís nga kinokót. Just take a small amount of the shelled corn.
Dim. of ibán. Kon ibán-ibán lang ikáw, índì gid akó magpáti sang ímo sógò. If you were someone else, I would not obey your order.
Dim. and Freq. of íban. Ibánibáni lang ang maís nga kinokót. Just take a small amount of the shelled corn.
Dim. of ibán. Kon ibán-ibán lang ikáw, índì gid akó magpáti sang ímo sógò. If you were someone else, I would not obey your order.
A simulated cough, hem, hum; to cough, to hem (hum) and haw, to speak in a very hesitating manner. Nagaigáigá gid lang siá. He just hems and haws. Ginigáigahán gid lang níya akó nga walâ gid siá maghámbal sing maáthag. He just kept coughing (hemming and hawing) at me without saying anything distinctly. (see ígham).
A simulated cough, hem, hum; to cough, to hem (hum) and haw, to speak in a very hesitating manner. Nagaigáigá gid lang siá. He just hems and haws. Ginigáigahán gid lang níya akó nga walâ gid siá maghámbal sing maáthag. He just kept coughing (hemming and hawing) at me without saying anything distinctly. (see ígham).
To drag oneself along without using the feet, crawl, creep, said of animals like snakes, snails, slugs, etc. Magígod ka lang sa salúg, kon índì ka makalakát. Push yourself along the floor if you cannot walk.
To drag oneself along without using the feet, crawl, creep, said of animals like snakes, snails, slugs, etc. Magígod ka lang sa salúg, kon índì ka makalakát. Push yourself along the floor if you cannot walk.
To groan, moan. Nagaígong siá. He is moaning. Ginigóngan akó níya. He moaned in my presence, or at me. Iígong mo lang, agúd maghagánhágan ang ímo pagbátyag. Just groan softly, to relieve your feelings.