Search result(s) - ámò



Ah, Oh, Well, Why. A, amó gid inâ. Ah, that is it, certainly. A, ikáw galî ang nagabút. Oh, it is you, that have come. A, bayái (pabayái) lang ang mga bátà dirâ. Well, leave the children there alone. A, pagkaláut sang ákon kapaláran! Oh, how unfortunate I am! A, indì ka magsapák sinâ. Why, don't take any notice of it. (see ah).



An exclamation of sorrow, anguish or the like. A-a, kon amó inâ ang pangabúhî, maáyo na lang nga mamatáy akó! Ah, if life is such, it would be better for me to die! A-a, ano na man iní! Maanó na lang akó! Alas, what does this mean! What shall I do now!



To finish, take away or off (a loom or the like). Abána ang ákon háblon sa madalî nga saráng mahímò. Get my cloth off the loom as soon as possible. Ginában sang subâ ang ámon dútà. The river has washed away our land. Abánon mo na ang íya nga balayoón, kay nagtú-gon siá nga, kon maában na, ipadalá sa íya sa waláy lídan. Finish the cloth for making dresses, for she ordered it to be sent to her at once, when it was ready. Abáni akó sing duhá ka patádyong. Get me off the loom two native skirts, i. e. cloth sufficient for two such skirts called patádyong. Dílì makaában ang subâ siníng umá, kay may pángpang nga dínglì. The river cannot carry (wash) away this farm-land, for its bank is of hard sandstone. Naában na ang tátlo ka búlan sa napúlò nga inogbulúthù níya sa koléhyo. Three months have gone by already of the ten he has to study at college. Ginában níya ang dakû níya nga mánggad sa mga kalingáwlingáwan kag waláy pulús nga mga kahinguyángan. He spent his great wealth on diversions and useless extravagance. (see hingápus, hingapús, kúhà, búhin, áb-ab, etc.).



To take within range or sweep (of fire, etc.). Sang pagkasúnug sang baláy ni Fuláno naábang man ang ámon baláy. When N.N.'s house burned down, our house also was involved. Kon may súnug nga malapít sa plása, may katalágman nga abángon man sang kaláyo ang simbáhan. If a fire breaks out near the public square, there is danger that the church may also come within its destructive range. (see ánas, úmid).



To follow closely without going beyond, be barely sufficient; just enough without anything to spare, living from hand to mouth. Ginaabátabát gid lang ang ámon pagkáon. We just manage to live from hand to mouth. The food we can procure is hardly enough to keep us alive. Ang ámon kinitáan abátabát gid lang sa ámon pangabúhì. Our earnings are barely enough for our living.



Friend, comrade; to be friends. Siá maáyo ko gid nga ábian. He is my best friend. Nagaábian silá. They are friends. Magabiánay kamó. Be friends.



(Sp. habilidad) Ability, capacity, expertness, talent, mastery, knowledge, dexterity. Walà siá sing abilidád sa amó nga palangakóan. He has no capacity for such an office, (see kasángkul, álam, kaábtik, takús, tinón-an).



Ash, ashes; to treat with ash, apply ashes, use ashes; to turn into or become ashes. Abohí ang púsud sang bátà. Treat the baby's navel with ash. Nag-*abó ang ámon baláy sa kaláyo or ginabó sang kaláyo ang ámon balay. The fire burned our house to ashes. Abohán mo ang pínggan kag báso, agúd makúhà ang kadánlug. Clean the plate and glass with ashes, so that the greasy dirt may be removed. Ang abó nga ginpát-in sa áton mga ágtang sa ádlaw nga Miérkoles de Senísa (Ceniza) amó ang abó sang mga pálua (ráamos) nga nabenditáhan sang ádlaw nga Domingo de Rámos. The ashes with which our foreheads are marked on Ash-Wednesday are the ashes of the palms blessed on Palm-Sunday. Dílì mo pag-*ipaabó sa íya iníng mga tulún-an, kay bisán dumáan na may kapuslánan pa. Don't let him burn these books, for, though they are old, they are still of use. (see ágbon).



Fire-place, hearth; kitchen, (see dapóg, digamohán, lulutoán).



Ashy, full of-, covered with-, ashes. Abáw, abohón gid ang ólo mo. Oh, your head is covered with-, full of-, ashes. Ang manók nga abohón amó ang nagítlog. The grey hen is the one that laid the egg.



On the windward side, not under the lee, open or exposed to the wind; to be or become exposed to the wind, etc. Ang ákon hulút ábong sa amíhan. My room is open to the north wind. Ginaabóngan sang habágat ang ámon kalán-an. Our refectory or dining-room is exposed to the south wind. Sádto ánay nalípdan sang kawáyan ang ákon kwárto, ápang karón, kay natapás na ang kawáyan, nagábong sa hángin. Formerly my room was sheltered behind bamboos, but now that the bamboos are cut down, it has become exposed to the wind, (see ámbi-open to the rain; abansáda).



(Sp. absolver) To absolve, acquit, declare free. A, kon amó inâ, índì akó makaabsolbér sa ímo. Oh, if that is so, I cannot absolve you. Absolbehí siá. Absolve him. Give him absolution. (see patáwad, luás, pasáylo).



To cut in thin slices, to slice with a frame-set knife. Ad-adá ang kamóti. Slice the sweet potato. Iád-ad akó ánay siníng mga patátas. Kindly slice these potatoes for me.



To receive in trust, to acquire with the prospect of ultimate ownership, to have some property provisionally settled on oneself during the lifetime of the testator (especially applied to lands distributed to their children by parents with the stipulation that the parents retain the ownership as long as they live, and may at any time change the previous arrangement). Nagaadá-áda siá siníng (or ginaadá-áda níya iní nga) bántud sámtang (miéntras) buhì ang íya ginikánan. This enclosed field is in his possession or administration during the lifetime of his parent (with the promise of ultimate ownership after the death of his parent). Ginpaadá-adahán níya ang íya mga anák sing mga dútà. He distributed some lands among his children.



Full daylight after sunrise. Adláwon na, bángon kamó. It's full day, rise. It's bright daylight. Get up.



To separate, cull, pick, weed out. Ag-agá ang mga bató sa balás. Pick out the stones from among the sand. Ag-agi ang saburán sang hilamón. Weed out the grass from the plot of rice-seedlings. Iág-ag akó ánay sang mga óhot sa humáy. Please gather the empty ears from among the rice-grains. Inag-agán mo na sang mga lánsang ang sinapíyo? Have you picked out the nails from among the shavings?



To cope with, be able to perform or accomplish, to manage. Agamón ko gid iníng trabáho. I will readily undertake to perform this work. Makaagám ikáw sinâ? Can you cope with that? Can you manage that? (see ágap).



What is to be or should be snatched from or saved at once. Sang pagabút námon dídto walâ na siá sing pangalibútan kag agáwagawón gid siá. When we arrived there he was already unconscious and it was high time for us to try to save him. (see ágaw, hingagawón, hilingagawón).



To trickle, dribble, run down in drops, flow slowly and gently. Naga-*ágay ang mapaít níya nga lúhà kag nagatúlò sa íya kamót. Her bitter tears are trickling down and dropping on her hand. Ináng kalisúd nagpaágay sang íya mga lúhà. That trouble brought tears into her eyes. Ang masakit nga bátà ginapaagáyan sing madámù nga mga lúhà sang íya ilóy. The sick child is being much wept over by its mother. Nagbúswang na ang íya hubág kag nagágay ang nánà. His boil burst and the pus flowed out. Nagpangabúdlay siá sing támà sa ínit nga ang masulúg nga bálhas nagágay sa tanán nga mga buhôbúhò sang íya pánit. He worked very hard in the heat of the sun, so that streams of perspiration poured from all the pores of his skin. (see tubúd, túlò, talabirís, tululágay, ílig).



Similar, like, resembling; to resemble, to be like or similar. Nagaagíd-ágid silá sing pamatásan. They resemble each other in their ways or behaviour. Agid-agída silá, kon nagaparého ang íla dágway. Compare them to see, whether their shape is the same. Iníng baláy, agíd-ágid sa ámon. This house is something like ours. (see ánggid, anggíd-ánggid).

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