Search result(s) - bálo



The bladder. See balókhan id.

(H) The bladder. (see barók-an id.).



A vessel or receptacle for containing powdered mangrove-bark. (balók; see balalokán).



A severe cough resembling croup. Also used as a verb. May balókoy ang bátà or ginabalókoy ang bátà. The child has a bad cough. (see barókoy id.).



(H) A roll; to roll up. Balolóna ang baníg. Roll up the mat. Ibalólon akó ánay siníng amákan. Kindly roll up this bamboo-mat. Balolóni akó sing isá ka sigarílyo. Please roll me a cigarette. (see lolón, álas-to coil or wind a rope, etc.).



(Sp. balon) A bale of paper (24 reams); foot-ball. Bákli akó sing isá ka balón nga papél. Buy me a bale of paper. (see bulús).



Provisions or food-supplies for a journey; to take provisions along. Nagbálon akó sing tápa. I took dried meat along for the trip. Balóna iníng kán-on. Take this cooked rice with you for the journey. Balóni siá sing pinákas. Give him dried salt fish along as a provision for the journey. Pabalóni siá sing pinákas. Provide him with dried salt fish for the trip. Ipabálon ko sa íla iníng búgsò nga kárne. I will give them this piece of meat along for the trip.



The craw or crop of a fowl. (see bútse).



(B) To wash rice (bugás) previous to boiling it. Balonási ang bugás. Wash the hulled rice. Ibalónas akó siníng bugás. Please wash this rice for me. (see balinónas-the water in which rice has been washed; kilís id.).



A creeper, whose juice is used like the juice from the bark of salangkúgi to oil the hair and clean the scalp. Its fruit looks like an apple or orange, but is uneatable and only employed by children to play ball with.



Vapid, stale, bad, rotten; ugly, nasty. Itlog nga balót. A rotten egg. Tabákò nga balót. Bad tobacco. (see barót).



Pickled fish. (see bagóong, ginamús).



(Sp. balota) Ballot, vote; ballot-form.



Not well done, underdone, parboiled, not sufficiently cooked (of food); healing slowly (of ulcers, etc); desultory, unsatisfactory (of schooling, education, etc.). Also used as a verb. Iníng kán-on balotanóg. This rice is not sufficiently cooked. Ang bakokáng balotanóg. The carbuncle called "bakokáng" is slow in healing. Balotanóg gid lámang ang íya panoón. His schooling was very desultory or quite insufficient. Dílì mo pagpabalotanogón ang pagtíg-ang. Don't only half-cook the rice. (see angól-angól, akúl-akúl).



To pull up, raise or lift out of water, mud or the like. Balotbotá ang bátà sa lúnang. Pull the child out of the mud. Ibalótbot akó sa madalî sang bátà sa subâ. Please, pull the child out of the river at once. (see bátak).



(Sp. aviar) To provide for a journey, get things ready; to invite, treat to refreshments, etc. Abiahá siá. Provide him with provisions. Invite him. Sín-o ang nagabiár sa ímo? Who invited you? (see pabálon, ágda, hágad, kángay, dápit).



(Sp. aviso) Notice, information; to give notice, to send word, to notify, to inform. Abíso! Notice! Attention! Abisóhi siá sang kamatáyon ni Fuláno. Inform him that N.N. is dead. Paabisóhan mo siá sang pagabút dirí sang íya amáy or ipaabíso mo sa íya nga nagabút dirí ang íya amáy. Send him word (through somebody else) of the arrival here of his father or that his father has arrived here. (see balítà, pahibaló, pasáyod, paálam, paáman, paándam, pamáan, etc.).

adbertí, adbertír


(Sp. advertir) To advise, give warning, instruct, give notice, call attention to. Adbertihá siá sinâ. Bring it to his notice. Notify him about it. Call his attention to it. Ginadbertí níya akó nga--. He sent me word that--. He advised me to--. (see tíngga, tíngkaw, paálam, pahibaló, abíso, paabíso).



(Sp. adobo) A dish of meat cut up or sliced and mixed with vinegar and various spices; to make or serve adóbo. Adobóha ang báboy. Work the pork up into adóbo. Bákli akó sing kárne, kay adobóhon ko sa panyága. Buy me some meat, for I am going to prepare from it a dish of adóbo for dinner. Anhon mo iníng kárne?-Adobóhon ko. What are you going to do with this meat?-I am going to make adóbo of it. Adobóhi ang mga bisíta. Treat the visitors to a dish of adóbo. Makahíbalo ka magadóbo? Do you know how to prepare adóbo? Anhon mo iníng lánggaw?-Iadóbo ko sa kárne. What are you using this vinegar for?-I am going to use it for a dish of adóbo.



(Sp. acólito) Acolythe, altar-boy, mass-server. Akólito ko siá. He is my acolythe. Nagakólito siá. He became an acolythe. He was an altar-boy. He served mass. Makahibaló ikáw magakólito? Do you know how to serve mass? Do you know how to serve as an altar-boy?

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