Search result(s) - kápà



Low or mean station (position); low estimate, contempt, contemptibility, despicableness. (see hámak, pahámak).



Rest, repose, quiet, peace. (see pahúay).



See kapahuáyan.



Competitor, rival, contestant. (see paindísíndis).



Ah, Oh, Well, Why. A, amó gid inâ. Ah, that is it, certainly. A, ikáw galî ang nagabút. Oh, it is you, that have come. A, bayái (pabayái) lang ang mga bátà dirâ. Well, leave the children there alone. A, pagkaláut sang ákon kapaláran! Oh, how unfortunate I am! A, indì ka magsapák sinâ. Why, don't take any notice of it. (see ah).



(B) To join, enter, associate with, take to, mingle. Nagabáy na siá sa pagkapánday, pagkamangangawáy, etc. He has now taken to carpentry, has cast in his lot with the soldiery, etc. Dî mo pagiabáy ang ngálan sang Diós sa mga sugilánon nga kalibutánon. Do not mingle the name of God in worldly conversation. Indì mo pagábyan ang mga dîmatárung. Do not join with, associate with, wicked men. Abyí siá. Join him. Become his companion or associate. Ipa-*abáy mo ang ímo nga anák sa mga kaupdánan nga maáyo sing pamatásan. See that your child associates with companions of good behaviour. (see ábian, ábyan).



(Sp. absolución) Absolution, acquittal. (see pagpatáwad, kapatawáran).



Ah! Oh! Alas! Aháy, nga pagkawaláy pálad! Alas, bad luck! Aháy, pagkalisúd sang ákon maláut nga kapaláran nga dáw waláy paaliwánsan! Oh, the wretchedness of my fate from which there is no escape!



To transfer, hand over, deliver to, hand down; come down to, be conveyed or transferred. Ang íya sinâ nga marágtas nagalínton sa áton sa sugíd-súgid sang mga mál-am. The history of that episode came down to us through the oral tradition of the old people. Ialínton ang baúl sa baláy. Transfer the box to the house or convey the box home. Ginalínton (ginpaalínton) ko ang ákon kasangkápan sa baláy. I transferred my equipment to the house. Ginpaalintonán kitá sang áton mga ginikánan sang íla nga mánggad. Our parents handed down to us their property. Ang mga Apóstoles nagpaalínton sa áton sing madámù nga mga kamatuóran nga walâ masulát sa sántos nga ebanhélyo. The Apostles handed down to us many truths that were not written in the gospel.



Lazy, indolent, slothful; to be or become lazy, indolent, slothful, slack. Ang amád nga táo amó ang isá ka táo nga may katámad. A lazy man is one who has the vice of sloth. Indì ka magamád. Dont get lazy. Walâ siá makapasár sa íya grádo, kay nagamád siá sa pagtoón. He could not pass his grade, because he was too lazy to study. Naamadán siá sa pagsímba. He is (was) too lazy to go to church. (see támad, ágol, agohós, ligóy, pasalipótpot).



Participation, share, part; to participate, have a part or share in. Húo, magaámbit gid akó sinâ nga bínhì. Yes, I shall certainly get a share of that seed-grain. Paambitá akó sinâ nga bínhì. Let me have a share of that seed-grain. Húo, kon malúyag ka, ipaámbit ko sa ímo ang isá ka pásong sináng bínhì. Yes, if you wish, I'll let you have a bushel of that seed-grain. Ang tanán nga mga táo malúyag magámbit (maghiámbit, magpanghiámbit) sang lángit. All men wish to get a place in heaven-or-to participate in the joys of heaven. Naambitán ko man ang maáyo níla nga kapaláran. I also participated in their good luck. Paambití sa íya iníng mga páhò. Let him have a share of these mangoes, (see áyap, ámò, báhin, lábut).



Caution, wariness, carefulness, prudence, circumspection; to be cautious, to beware, to be careful, wary, circumspect. Andamá ang pagkapút sang báso, agúd índì makapalús sa kamót mo. Grasp the glass carefully, lest it should slip out of your hand. Andamí iníng báso. Handle this glass with care. Paandamí sa íla iníng karabáw, kay palasúngay. Let them beware of this buffalo, for it tosses. Iándam akó ánay siníng báso. Kindly take care of this glass for me. Inandamán níla gid ang síngsing, agúd índì madúlà. They were very careful with the ring, lest it should be lost. Ipaándam ko sa ímo iníng taknáan. I entrust this watch to your care. Andam ka! Beware! Be on your guard! Look out! (see anám-anám, tagám).



To move, to transfer one's residence, go to live somewhere else, to carry or transport to some other place. Nagántay kamí sa umá sang tigtalánum. During the planting-season we lived at the farm. Iántay ang mga kasangkápan sa bánwa. Transfer your outfit to the town. Kon matápus ang áni maántay kamí liwán sa bánwa. After the rice-harvest we shall move to town again. Antayi ang umá mo sa bakólod, kay maáyo sa ímo láwas ang pagpuyô mo didto. Go to live at your farm on the hill, for staying there is good for your health. (see líton).



Mercy, compassion, pity, commiseration, sympathy; to have compassion, to pity, feel for, have mercy on, be compassionate. Nagakaáwa, akó sa íya. I pity him. Ginakaawáan námon ang maláut níya nga kapaláran. We sympathize with him in his bad luck. Maáwà kitá sa íya! Let us have pity on him! (see ló-oy, mainawáon, maawáon, kaáwà).



Hill, mound, rise, hillock, down, any small eminence or elevation. Ang ákon karón nga pinamáhaw saráng makapabáklay sa ákon sa pitó ka bakólod. With the breakfast I have taken I can walk over seven hills. (see búkid-mountain; bánglid-slope).



News, information, notice, communication; to notify, inform, report, communicate. Anó ang mga balítà nga bág-o? What is the latest news? May balítà balá? Is there any news? Nabalitáan kamí sang kamatáyon ni Fuláno. We were informed of N.N.'s death. Ginbalitáan kamí níla sang maáyo nga pagabút níla dídto. They notified us of their safe arrival there. Ibalítà mo sa íla ang kamatáyon ni Fuláno or ibalítà mo sa íla nga napatáy si Fuláno. Inform them of the death of N.N. or that N.N. is dead. Ginpabalitáan sang Diós ang mga manugbántay sang mga háyop sing isá ka ánhel. God sent a message to the shepherds through an Angel. Pinabalitáan níya kamí sa isá ka hatud-dulús sang maáyo níya nga kapaláran. He sent us word by telegram of his good luck. (see pahibaló, pasáyod, pamáan).



On account of, by reason of, due to, because. Bangúd sinâ --. Therefore --. Bangúd sang íya katámad sa pagpangabúdlay napúto siá. On account of his being too lazy to work he became a bankrupt. Walâ akó makakarí sang simána nga tinalíkdan, bangúd nga nahilántan akó. I was unable to come here last week, because I had a cold or influenza. Bangúd sang madámol nga ulán índì kamí makapaúlì karón. Due to the heavy rain we cannot go home now. (see tungúd, kay).



To rise from the dead, to raise to life again. Si Hesukrísto nabánhaw sing mahimayáon. Jesus Christ rose glorious from the dead. Ginbánhaw sang Diós si Lásaro. Lazarus was raised by God from the dead. Pagabanhawón gid sang Diós ang tanán nga mga táo sa katapúsan sang kalibútan. God will certainly raise all men from the dead at the end of the world. Indì ka makapabánhaw sing karabáw nga patáy na. You cannot raise to life again a dead buffalo. Ang kaadláwan sang pagkabánhaw. The day of the Resurrection. Ang Domíngo sang Pagkabánhaw. Easter Sunday, the Sunday of the Resurrection.



(H) To bundle or wrap up, tuck in. Bantalá ang tinápay, ang mga búlak, ang kapáyas, etc. Tie up the bread, the flowers, the papayas, etc. in a bundle. Bantalá (ibántal) ang tinápay sa ímo patádyong. Wrap up the bread in your skirt. Bantalí ang ímo tampíon sing tinápay. Tuck some bread in your apron. (see bágtong, putús).



Experienced, proficient, skilled, well versed, good at; to be or become expert, etc. Batíd nga táo. An expert or skilful man. Batíd siá sa trabáho. He is skilled in work. Nagbatíd siá or nahímò siá nga batíd. He became an expert. Batidá siá sa pagkapánday. Make him proficient at carpentry. (see sagád, anád, hanás, lísto, sampáton).

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