Search result(s) - likô



To clean a small hole or aperture with a feather, etc.; to clean the ears, nose, wounds by means of a cotton-probe or the like. Kilikóga ang ilíg sa dulúnggan sang bátà. Clean the flow from the child's ear. Kilikógi ang dalúnggan sang bátà. Clean the child's ear. (see kolíkog, kolíkot).



A feather or any other similar instrument used for the operation of "kilíkog". (see kolikóg, kililikóg, kirilikóg).



(H) To scratch gently (the edge of a wound, of an itching eruption or the like). Indì mo pagkilikóton ang ímo katúl. Don't scratch your "katúl". Ginakilíkot nía ang íya pilás. He is scratching the edge of his wound. (see kálot, kolíkot, kilíkog).



(H) See kilikóg id.



See kilikóg, kililikóg.



To bore or clean one's ears, etc. with a feather, the finger or the like. (see kilíkog).



Anything used for the operation "kolíkog". (see kilikóg).



(H) See kolíkog. (see koríkog, kotíkot).



(H) See kolikóg. (see korikót, kilikóg).



(B) The back, shoulder-blades, scapula; the breast of a bird, especially of a fowl; to carry on the back, put on the back. Ibutáng mo iníng bayóong sa abá sang karabáw. Put this bag on the buffalo's back. Toktoká ang abá sang manók. Chop up the breast of the chicken. Ginpaabá akó níya sa pagtabók sa subâ. He carried me on his back across the river. Paábhan mo siá. Get hold of his back. Grasp him behind by the shoulders. (see likód, talúdtud, dúghan, pétso, tíbong, patíbong).



To wash, rinse, pour water over something or somebody, and the like. Ahógi akó sing túbig. Pour water over me. Iáhog ang túbig sa úlo ko. Pour the water over my head. Ahóga ang ákon likód sang túbig. Pour water over my back. May inugáhog ikáw? Have you a scoop or vessel for pouring out liquids? Sang íla pagpalígos sa subâ nagahogáy or nagahogánay silá. When they took a bath in the river they poured water over each other. (see bóbò).



A shawl or cover for the shoulders; to cover the shoulders and back, put round the shoulders. Iambílay lang ang pányo mo. Just cover your shoulders with the shawl. Ambilayí ang likód mo sing hábul. Put a blanket round your back. Ang mga babáye nagaambílay or nagapangambílay. Women cover their shoulders with shawls. (see abláy, abílay, abrigo, kúnop, talákdong).



(Sp. arco) Arch; bow (of a violin, etc.). (see balitók, balikô).



The position directly before a person or thing, front, face; to face, stand before, confront. Sa atúbang maáyo siá, ápang sa likód malibákon. In one's presence he is fair-spoken, but behind one's back he is given to detracting. Magatúbang ka sa íya. Present yourself before him. Stand before him. Face him. Atubánga siá. Face him. Confront him. Paatubánga si Hosé sa ákon. Make José appear before me. Paatubánga si Hosé sa kay Andres. Tell José to go over to Andrew (to keep him company, talk to him, etc.). Ipaatúbang ko siá sa ímo. I'll present him to you or make him appear before you. (see támpad).



A large rent or hole, a gaping wound, gash; to make a gash or rent. May bábha ang likód níya, kay ginlabô ni Fuláno. He has a gaping wound on the back, for he received a gash from N.N. Ginbábha níya ang báyò ko. He tore a large hole in my jacket. Ginbabhaán níya ang íya likód. He made a gaping wound in his back. Ibábha sa likód níya ang ímo binángon. Give him a gash on the back with your bolo. (see wáng-wang).



To come back, return, go back to the place one came from. Nagbálik siá sa Ilóng-ílong. He went back to Iloilo. Balíkon mo ang maléta nga nalipatán ko. Go back and fetch the handbag I forgot. Balíki si Hosé. Return to José. Ginbálik níya ang pílak nga íya ginhulám. He returned the money he had borrowed. Ibálik mo na ang líbro ko. Now at last give me back my book. Ipabálik lang inâ sa íya. Just send that back to him. Binalíkan níya ang ámon baláy, kay bangúd sang bahâ walâ siá makatabók sa subâ. He came back again to our house, for on account of the freshet he could not cross the river. Binalíkan pa gid sang idô ang diótay nga kárne nga íya nabilín. The dog went back again to the little meat he had left. (see úlì, buélta, panumbalík).



A stick, rod, piece of iron, etc. bent to form an arch; an arch. (see balikô, árko).



To rub rather hard with a stone or the like. Ibánggos sa ákon likód iníng bató. Rub my back with this stone. Banggosí akó sang lugúd. Rub me down with the rubbing-stone. Binanggosán níya ang ákon likód sing bukáy. He rubbed my back with a bit of limestone. (see bányos, hílot, kískis-to scrape).



The other-, opposite-, further-, side of something obstructing the view, as the further side of a screen, partition, house, mountain, lake, sea, etc. Sa bangî sang--. On the other side of (the house, mountain, etc., according to the context). Ang íya baláy ádto dídto sa bangî sináng bakólod. His home is there behind that hill. (see likód, pihák, tabók).



To rub, knead, massage. Ibángrus akó ánay sang ákon likód. Kindly rub my back. (see bánggos).

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