Search result(s) - ulán



(H) Night, nightfall; to get-, grow-, dark, become night. Maáyong gáb-i. Good evening. Good night. Dalî kamó sa pagpaúlì, agúd índì kamó magabihán. Go home quickly, lest-you should be benighted,-you should be overtaken by night,-night (darkness) should overtake you. Naggáb-i na kag walâ pa siá magabút. It is quite dark, and he has not arrived yet. Nagab-ihán kamí dídto tungúd sang ulán. We spent the night there on account of the rain. (see kagab-íhon).



(B) Half-cooked, underdone, not properly cooked, not well done, especially applied to peas and beans; to be underdone, etc. Gáb-ul pa ang kadiós kag ginbahít mo na. The cadios-beans are hard still, and yet you have taken them off the fire. Nagab-ulán akó siníng mga balátong. These beans are too hard for me. Indì mo pagpagab-ulón ang mga patáni, kóndì lagáon mo sing maáyo. Don't cook the beans insufficiently, but boil them well. (see alibútdan, lágdos, balotanóg).



An irregular hole, gap, opening or apperture in a roof, floor, partition or the like; to make such a hole. Sin-o ang naggihâ sang díngding? Who made that hole in the partition? Indì mo paggihaán ang salúg. Don't make holes in the floor. Nagasulúd ang ulán, kay may gihâ galî ang atóp. The rain comes in, for the roof, sure enough, has a hole in it. (see kinitáan, ángkat, tohók, búslot, lubô).



(H) Ever, constantly, always, evermore, continually, perpetually, at all times or hours. Ari kamí sa maáyo nga láwas nga súbung sang sa gihápon. We are in as good health as ever. Iníng táo nagatámbong sa gihápon sa bulangán. This man is always at the cock-pit. Si Fuláno nagatámbong pa gihápon sa bulangán. N.N. is still at the cock-pit. (i.e. he has been there for some time and is there yet). Komústa man ang masakít?-Amó gihápon. How is the sick person?-The same as ever. Kon madámol ang úlan may bahâ sa gihápon. Whenever there is a heavy rain, the river rises. (see dáyon, daláyon, pírme).



To put on a string or line, hang out to dry (clothes, etc.). Ihaláy (halayá) ang mga linábhan. Hang the washed linen on the line. Halayí iníng písì sang ímo mga panápton túbtub nga magmalá. Hang your clothes on this line till they are dry. Kuháa sa madalî ang mga hinaláy nga ulús, kay malapít na lang ang ulán. Take the clothes off the line at once, for it is coming on to rain. (see sáblay, haláyhay).



Damp, dank, wet, moist, humid; to be damp, etc. Naghám-og ang íya ulús sa ulán. Her clothes became damp in the rain. (see hamúg).



To hang down loose or limp (as clothes drenched with rain or the like). Nagahóyhoy ang pakô sang iya báyò. The sleeve of his jacket is hanging loose. Ang ulán nagpahóyhoy sang íya mga panápton. The rain caused his clothes to hang limp. (see lóyloy).



(H) To cease, stop, give over, leave off (of rain); die down, burn out (of fire). Naghúlaw na ang ulán. The rain has stopped. It has stopped raining. (húraw id.).



(B) To enter, pass-, ooze-, percolate-, filter-, soak-, through. Ang túbig nagahunúb sa bangâ. The water is filtering through the jar. Ang mga bág-o nga kólon sing masamí ginahunubán sang túbig. New clay-pots are frequently porous (not water-tight). Pahunubí ang salaán sang túbig. Pass the water through the filter. Sa súbung siní nga ulán índì magbahâ ang subâ, kay ang tanán nga ulán mahunúb gid sa dútà nga kigás. With such a rain-fall there will be no flood in the river, for the dry ground will absorb (soak up) all the rain-water.



Slow, soft, tender, mild; to do tenderly, etc. Inanáy nga pagkahúlug. A soft fall. Inanáy nga ulán. A gentle rain. Ibutáng inâ dirâ sing inanáy. Put it there carefully. Hakwatá ang masakít nga bátà sing inanáy, or: inanayá ang paghákwat sang masakít nga bátà. Lift the sick child tenderly. (see ananáy, alugáynay, hínay).



Slow, soft, tender, mild; to do tenderly, etc. Inanáy nga pagkahúlug. A soft fall. Inanáy nga ulán. A gentle rain. Ibutáng inâ dirâ sing inanáy. Put it there carefully. Hakwatá ang masakít nga bátà sing inanáy, or: inanayá ang paghákwat sang masakít nga bátà. Lift the sick child tenderly. (see ananáy, alugáynay, hínay).



Heat, sun-heat, heat of the day, warmth, fervour; to become or make hot, fervid. Nagínit ang binángon sa ádlaw. The bolo became hot in the sun. Iníta ang túbig. Heat the water. Iníti ang manók sing túbig sa paghimúlbul. Boil some water to clean the chicken of its feathers. Iínit mo iníng kaláyo sa salsálon. Heat the iron in this fire. Ginakinahánglan sang áton láwas ang ínit sang sílak sang ádlaw. Our body needs the heat of sunlight-or-of the sun's rays. Nagántus siá sing alángay sang ínit kag ulán. He bore equally well sunshine and rain. Nagaínit ang íya láwas sa kaákig. He is waxing hot with anger. Iínit akó ánay siníng tinápay. Please warm this bread for me. (see tagítì, tagíngting, salíit, bóhot, gín-ot).



Heat, sun-heat, heat of the day, warmth, fervour; to become or make hot, fervid. Nagínit ang binángon sa ádlaw. The bolo became hot in the sun. Iníta ang túbig. Heat the water. Iníti ang manók sing túbig sa paghimúlbul. Boil some water to clean the chicken of its feathers. Iínit mo iníng kaláyo sa salsálon. Heat the iron in this fire. Ginakinahánglan sang áton láwas ang ínit sang sílak sang ádlaw. Our body needs the heat of sunlight-or-of the sun's rays. Nagántus siá sing alángay sang ínit kag ulán. He bore equally well sunshine and rain. Nagaínit ang íya láwas sa kaákig. He is waxing hot with anger. Iínit akó ánay siníng tinápay. Please warm this bread for me. (see tagítì, tagíngting, salíit, bóhot, gín-ot).



Peacefulness, tranquillity, quiet, repose, calmness; joy, pleasure. Walâ sing kagirihim-után ang kalibútan, kon daláyon gid lang magtalibóbò ang ulán. There is no pleasure in life (in the world), when it always rains. Walâ sing kagirihim-után ang íya guyá, panumdúman, etc. He looks worried, his mind is troubled, etc. (see buót, hamúot).



Hard, stiff, dry; shrunk, cold, chilled; to be or become hard, chilled, etc. Iníng maís mabúdlay podporón, kay kusúg. It is difficult (or tiresome) to crush this corn, for it is very hard. Pasilónga ang báka, agúd índì magkusúg sa ulán. Put the cow under shelter, lest it should get chilled in the rain.

lalaó, lala-ó


(B) Mud, slush, soft mire: to be or become muddy, miry. Naglalaó ang dálan, kay madámol ang ulán. The road has become muddy, because there has been a heavy rain. Mabúdlay ang paglakát kon madálum ang lalaó. It is tiresome to walk, when the slush is deep. (see lúnang).



To be or become rather hard or dry, but not very dry; to be pliable or damp. Ang kusáhos walâ gid mag-ugá, kóndì naglamayó lang. The slice (of meat) has not become thoroughly dry, but only slightly so. Hálus naglamayó ang mga panápton nga inamidolán pinúnpun ko, kay daw matupâ ang ulán. As soon as the starched clothes were slightly dry, I gathered them in, because it looked as if it was going to rain.



(B) To fade, wither, die out, parch, burn. Nagalayók ang tinanúm ko nga mga búlak. The flowers I planted have withered. Nalayokán akó sa karón nga túig sing madámù nga maís. This year a great deal of my corn was parched. Kon magdáyon ang ínit nga walâ sing ulán madámù nga tanúm ang magalayók. If the heat continues without rain, many plants will die. (see láyà, lúmpaw, layóng).



Thick, not thin (of boards, sheets, or the like). Madámol nga tápì. A thick plank. Madámol nga ulán. A heavy shower of rain. Madámol nga pílak. Thick silver i.e. plenty of (much) money. (see dámol).



This term seems to be employed only after a negative particle (índì, dílì) and then conveys the meaning of: very loud, uproarious, boisterous, so as to interfere with any ordinary conversation, etc. Dílì maghilibátì nga ulán, dagúob, etc. A very heavy downpour of rain, a very loud thunderclap, etc. Waláy lábut sang índì maghilibátì nga sinínggit sang mga táo--. Notwithstanding the deafening shouts of the men--. (see batî).

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