Search result(s) - ulán



A prefix used in the following ways:

1) To form the potential future tense of the active voice (see ma- for the passive voice), e.g. Makabúhat ikáw sinâ? Are you, or shall you, be able to do that? Makadángat siá sang íya nga ginatúyò, kon mapísan siá. He will be able to obtain his desire, if he is earnest about it. Makabáyad na siá sang íya útang, kay dakû ang sináplid níya sa pangomérsyo. He can now pay his debt, for he has made a large profit in business. Walâ siá makaabút, kay madámol ang ulán. He could not come, for there was a heavy rain. Indì siá makahalín. He cannot leave or get away. N.B. Quite frequently this "maka-", particularly in verbs expressive of any mental or sensitive operation, has the meaning of the present, e.g. Makahibaló ka siní? Do you understand this? Makabatî ikáw sang túnug sang linggánay? Do you hear the sound of the bell? Makakítà na akó sa íya dirâ. Now I see him over there. (see naka-).

2) to form adjectives meaning "able to, capable of, giving rise to or causing" what the root implies. "Maka-" is either simply prefixed to the root, e.g. "makaákò-powerful, mighty (ákò) or, as is more frequently the case, the first syllable of the root is reduplicated and then "maka-" prefixed, e.g. "makalilípay-causing joy or pleasure, joyful, pleasing (lípay); makalilísang-inspiring terror, causing great fear, terrible, shocking (lísang); makangingíl-ad-exciting nausea, loathsome (ngíl-ad), etc.

3) to form multiples corresponding to the English -times, e.g. makalíbo-a thousand times; makaduhákapúlò-twenty times; makaisá-once, etc.



(B) See pamulúng-to stare or gape at with open mouth (in disappointment, failure, or the like). Namalóng akó, kay walâ akó makadayón pakádto sa Ilóngílong. I am (was) greatly disappointed, because, after all, I could not go to Iloilo (as intended). Namalóng akó, kay walâ akó makatámbong dídto tungúd sang madámol nga ulán. I was sorely disappointed (I could go and whistle for it), because the heavy shower of rain prevented me from being present there. (see gamón).



(H) Rainy, wet, showery. Ang maulánon nga panahón. The wet (rainy) season. (see ulán).



There is or exists; to have. May ulán. There is rain. It rains. May lángit kag inpiérno. There is a heaven and a hell. Heaven and hell exist. May kwárta siá. He has money. May baláy siá nga kaugalíngon. He has a house of his own. May ginabátyag siá. He has a feeling of sickness. He feels sick. May duhá siá ka útud. He has two brothers. Malúyag akó nga may áwto akó. I should like to have (own, possess) an automobile. Sa may káhoy--. There where the tree stands--. Sa may pílak mahulás iní. This is easy for one who has money. Sa may upúd siá ukón sa walâ--. Whether he has a companion or no--. At all events, whether with, or without, a companion--. Sa may ulán kag sa may ínit--. In rain or (and) shine--. Kon may pílak lang akó--. If I only had (the) money--. Sang may mánggad pa akó--. When I was still wealthy (rich)--. Sa may lúyag ikáw ukón (kag) sa walâ--. Whether you like or not (nolens volens)--. (see walá-no, none, there is not, does not exist).



To cover, fill with alluvial matter. Ang dakû nga búhò dirâ sa ubús sang bakólod namonmonán tungúd sang madámol nga ulán. The large hole there at the foot of the hill was filled with alluvium due to the heavy rain. (see láy-on, punô, támpok, táp-ok).



A very frequently used prefix with the following meanings:

1) Movement or direction towards, e.g. paidálum-downwards, down; paibábaw-upward, up; nagpamanílà siá. He has gone to Manila. Nagapabugál siá. He is on the road to pride, i.e. he is getting proud, is haughty, overbearing. Nagapadayáw siá. He is vain. Nagapabungúl siá. He is acting as if he were deaf, is stubborn, disobedient, heedless, does not listen, etc.

2) Efficient cause, e.g. Sín-o ang nagpatíndog sang halígi? Who set up the post? Ang isá ka alakáyo saráng makapakádlaw sa mga táo. A joker can make people laugh. Ginpahalín níla ang matámad nga sologoón. They discharged the lazy servant. Patalumá ang binángon. Sharpen the bolo. Pinabálik níya ang sulát. He sent the letter back, etc.

3) Order or command (quite frequently to be performed by a third person), e.g. Patáwga si Pédro (sa) kay Huán. Ipatawág si Huán (sa) kay Pédro. Order (Get) Peter to call John. Padálhi akó sing túbig. Send me some water. Get someone to bring me water. Palutói akó sing panyága. Have dinner prepared for me. Order someone to cook the dinner for me. Palutóa ang kosinéro sang panyága. Ipalútò ang panyága sa kosinéro. Order the cook to get dinner ready. Ipaábat siá. Send somebody-after him,-to call him here, etc.

4) Toleration or sufferance, e.g. Pahampangá lang dirâ ang mga bátà. Just let the boys play there. Pabayái (Pabáy-i) lang silá. Leave them alone. Let them do what they like. Pasakayá (Pasákya) siá sa ímo salákyan. Give him a lift in your vehicle. Let him ride in your car (carriage). Indì mo silá pagpasúgtan. Don't allow them to have their will. Don't grant their request. Don't approve their proposal. Indì ka magpabúang, magpadáyà, etc. Don't allow yourself to be fooled, cheated, etc. Mapapuút pa akó ánay sang ulán kag ogáling mapadáyon akó sang ákon panglakátan. I'll let the rain stop first (I am waiting for the rain to stop) and then I shall continue the march, etc.

N.B. It should be borne in mind that the context alone can determine the exact meaning of pa-(usually, for convenience' sake, called the Causative). Hence in this dictionary when words with the prefix pa-occur, the translation does not exclude meanings other than the one given.



To tire, cause stiffness in the limbs (as from much walking or overexertion). Napá-ul akó. I got (felt) tired. Napa-úlan ang ákon páa. My leg got stiff. (see búdlay, álay).



(B) To darken, make dark, etc. See paalúm, paágdom. Nagapaarúm siá sang íya guyá. He knits his brows. He is scowling. Ginpaarúm sang ulán ang binángon. The rain blackened the bolo. The rain took the sheen off the bolo.



To make easy, facilitate, render easy. Ginpahulás sang ulán ang pagarádo. The rain made ploughing easy, less difficult, lessened the labour of ploughing. Pahulasá ang pagági sang kángga. Make the passage for the cart easy. Ang isá ka maáyo nga kapulóngan nagapahulás sang pagtoón sang (dumulúong) luásnon nga hámbal. A good dictionary makes the study of a foreign language easy. (see pahapús, pa, hulás).



To stop, cease, make an end of, leave off, break off, have done with, give over, quit, discontinue. Nagpalangán siá sang íya pagbúthò, pagsímba, pagkonpesár, etc. He stopped going to-school,-church,-confession, etc. Ginpalángnan (ginpalanganán) níla ang pagáni, kay madámol ang ulán. They gave over harvesting rice, because it rained heavily. (see langán, puút, dúlug).



(B) To wet the ground under the eaves of a house from the eaves, i.e. to rain only a little. Naniríngan gid lang kaína ang ulán. There was a little rain a short while ago. (see siríngan).



(B) To let, etc. penetrate or flow through. Malakát na kitá; patabóson ta lang ang ulán sa áton panápton, kay madúgay pa maghúlaw. Let us go now; we shall let the rain wet our clothes, for it will last a long time yet before it stops. (pa, tábos). (see patahós).



To be exposed to the rain, heat, elements, etc., stand (defy, brave) the rain, heat, etc. Indì ka magpatúras sa ulán, sa ínit. Don't expose yourself to the rain, the heat of the sun.

púhot, puhót


To penetrate, pass or go through, seep-, soak-, through, percolate, filter. Ang ulán nagpúhot (nagpuhót) sa ákon panápton. The rain soaked through my clothes. (see tábos, tahós, sálà).



Stopped, discontinued, ceased, finished; to stop, discontinue, desist, stay, give over, end, break-, leave-, off, finish, make an end of, cease. Puút na ang ulán-or-nagpuút na ang ulán. The rain has stopped. Pút-i (puutí) na lang ang pagsulát mo. Stop writing. Magapapuút pa akó sang ulán kag ugáling malakát akó. First I shall let the rain stop and then I shall set out (shall go away). Pinút-an siá sang mga buyóng. He was stopped (waylaid) by the robbers.



To flow or boil over, overflow, inundate. Ang túbig nagasagáhay sa kólon. The pot is boiling over. Ang túbig nagasagáhay sa dálan, umá, etc. The water is overflowing the road, the field, etc. Ang ákon talámnan ginasagaháyan sang túbig tungúd sang madámol nga ulán. My field is under water owing to the heavy rains.



To place under, put underneath in order to catch or gather. Salúra ang tubúd. Catch the droppings in a vessel placed underneath. Salúri sing salúd ang tubúd sang swák. Hang a bamboo-vessel to catch the drops oozing from the fruit stalk of the coconut palm. Salúri akó sing ulán. Catch some rain-water for me. Isálud iníng láta sa ulán. Put this can out to catch rain-water.



To walk through pelting rain, flying bullets, etc., to brave, defy opposition, challenge difficulties. Ginsúlay níya ang ulán, bágyo, ínit, etc. He went out (did his work) in spite of the rain, the storm, the heat, etc. Suláya lang ang mga lisó. Brave the rain of bullets. Sinúlay níya sing matútum ang tanán nga mga kabudláyan kag kalisúd. He bravely (courageously, pluckily) went through all fatigues and difficulties. (see súray).

tábos, tabós


To penetrate, go-, pass-, seep-, soak-, flow-, through. Nagtábos ang ulán sa ákon páyong, báyò, etc. The rain went through my umbrella, jacket, etc. Kon magdámol ang ulán magatabós sa ímo kapóte. If the rain is heavy it will soak through your raincoat. Natabosán sing túbig ang íya mga panápton. His clothes were soaked with water. (see tahús).



To fall, pour down (said especially of a heavy rain). Nagatalibóbò gid lang karón ang ulán. At present the rain is pouring down in streams. (see bóbò).

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