Search result(s) - lawás



(H) A slight cold or catarrh; to produce a catarrh, etc. Ginalágnat akó. I have a slight cold. Ginpílit siá sang íya mapíntas nga agálon nga magkádto sa umá bisán malágnat ang íya láwas. He was forced by his cruel master to go (work in) to the farm, even although he was suffering from a cold. (see hilánat).



Excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, to excess, superabundant, profuse, too much, overmuch, more than enough, beyond the proper limit, unreasonable, immoderate; to be or do to excess, etc. Lakás man inâ. That's really too much. Indì ka magkáon sing lakás, kay maláin inâ sa láwas mo. Don't eat too much, for it is bad for your health. Naglakás na ang bilí sang humáy. The price of rice has grown exorbitant. Nalakasán akó sang íya nga ginhámbal, ininúm, kináon, etc. He talked, drank, ate, etc. too much for my taste. Sa lakás nga pangabúdlay nagbalatián siá. Due to excessive work he fell ill. (see támà, masiádo, dúro, lám-ag).



Taste, savour, flavour, tang; ingredient, element; to taste, savour. Nakalalím akó sang kanámit sang úbas. I tasted some delicious grapes. Ipalalím ko sa íya iníng bibíngka. I shall let him taste this bibinca (a kind of rice-cake). Walâ siá sing lalím. He is an insipid, annoying, disagreeable fellow. Ang amó nga mga lalím sang áton pagkáon nagapabákud sang láwas. Those elements in our food give strength to the body. (see dímdim, sámsam, sagámsam, idilímdim, panákot).



To worry, be anxious about, have apprehensions, wait anxiously for, to expect, desire. Nagalángkag akó sinâ. I am worrying about it. Indì ka maglángkag. Don't worry. Ginalángkag ko ang íya pagbáyad sang íya nga útang, kay may kinahánglan akó sang kwárta kag lumígad na ang terminó. I am anxious about his paying his debt, because I need the money and the date fixed for payment is passed. Indì mo paglangkagón ang íya pagabút, kay may búhat pa siá dídto. Don't worry about his arrival (or his coming home), for he is still occupied over there (and will come a little later). Nagakalángkag ang ákon painóíno tungúd siníng balítà nga nabáton ko. My mind is troubled on account of this news I have received. Indì mo igkalángkag ang ímo anák dídto, kay maáyo man siá sing láwas. Have no fear for your boy there, for he is in good health. Dílì igkalángkag sang ímo buút ang amó nga hitabû. You should not worry about such an event. Ginalángkag níla ang pagabút sang pangúlo-bánwa. They are anxiously waiting for the arrival of the Municipal President. (see bakág, hídlaw).



(B) Long, extended, wide, large. Iníng bátà lawhán sing páa. This baby has long legs. Pangitái akó sing isá ka lawás nga kawáyan nga may bokó nga láwhan. Get me a joint of bamboo with one large knot. (see malábà, malápad, maláwhan).

líad, liád


To arch backwards, walk about proudly erect, incline or bend backwards, carry the head erect. Liadá, liará or iliád ang láwas, úlo mo. Bend your body-, incline your head-, backwards. (see biád-ad, biádbíad, báy-ad, báy-od).



A kind of mushroom that is highly esteemed by many as a savoury side-dish; to be alarmed, get a shock. Naglígbus (nagpanglígbus) ang íya láwas. His hair stood on end. He stood agast (aghast).

lihók, líhok


To move, budge, stir, bestir oneself. Ilihók na ang láwas mo sa pagtapás sing káhoy. Bestir yourself now and cut down some trees. Walâ gánì siá magalihók. He does not even move. He is very quiet. Lihók ka na. Get a move on now. Bestir yourself. Andot warâ kaw angód pagkalihók nga adláwon ron? (B) Why don't you get a move on now, as it is broad daylight already? (see litók, húlag, húblag, híwos, gíos, íos).



A quick movement aside, a swift dodge; to turn or step aside swiftly, make a quick dodge, side-step, elude, evade. Walâ ko siá madakúp, kay nakalíksi siá. I could not catch him, for he succeeded in running off swiftly. Ginliksihán níya akó. He was too quick for me. Ilíksi ang láwas mo, agúd índì ka maígò sang bóla. Dodge quickly, lest the ball should hit you. (see págsi).



Weakness, debility, feebleness; to become weak, feeble, debile. Nalúya (nagkalúya) siá. He became weak. Naluyáhan akó sa íya. He appears to me to be weak. Ginlúya sang balatían ang íya láwas. The disease (sickness) enfeebled him, made him weak. Linuyáhan ang íya kabubút-on sang amó nga katarúngan. Those arguments weakened his intention (will). (see pígaw).



Good, honest, righteous, virtuous, excellent, kind, well-behaved, honourable, benevolent, wholesome, serviceable, suitable, fit, proper, just, reasonable, fair; well, healthy, strong, sound. Maáyo siá nga táo. He is a good (virtuous, etc.) man. Maáyo gid (iní). This is very good. This is just the thing. Very well. Maáyo man. All right. Walâ maáyo sa ímo (sa íya, íla, etc.) kóndì--. There is nothing better for you (him, them, etc.) than--. You (he, they, etc.) can do nothing better than--. Maáyo (gid) kuntánì kon--. It would be (very) good (advisable, an excellent thing, a splendid idea, etc.) if--. Maáyo siá sing láwas. He is physically fit, healthy, strong. (see áyo).



Fornicator, lewd, unchaste, wanton, lecherous, lustful, sensual, carnal, erotic, immoral, attached or addicted to sensual pleasures, inclined to sins of the flesh. (see láwas, hiláwas).



Weak, frail, feeble, nerveless, enervated, debilitated, unstrung, strengthless, powerless. Malúya ang íya láwas. Malúya siá sing láwas. He is weak. His health is impaired. Malúya siá sing buút. He lacks will power. He is weak-kneed. (see lúya, malumíng, mapígaw).



To be or get stiff and painful, especially applied to the joints of the body, but said also of the teeth and of the conscience. Nagaól-ol ang mga lutalutahán sang íya láwas. The joints of his body are getting stiff (are stiffening).



To be or get stiff and painful, especially applied to the joints of the body, but said also of the teeth and of the conscience. Nagaól-ol ang mga lutalutahán sang íya láwas. The joints of his body are getting stiff (are stiffening).

paálay, paaláy


Caus. of álay. To tire, make stiff. Also: (especially in (B): to worry, feel uneasy, be upset. Ang paglakát nagpaálay sang ákon páa. The walk has made my legs stiff. Pagapaaláyon (pagapaalayón) gid ang ímo láwas kon magpangabúdlay ka sa ínit. You will certainly get tired and stiff, if you work in the heat of the sun. Ngáa nga nagapaaláy ka gid túngud sinâ? Why do you worry about that? Why does such a thing upset you? Anó ang ímo ginapaalayán (sang ímo hunâhúnà)? What are you worrying about? What is it that makes you feel so ill at ease?



To strengthen, stiffen, make-strong,-stiff, confirm, reinforce, brace, fortify, invigorate, refreshen, to raise (one's voice, etc.). Pabaskugá ang ímo kabubút-on. Strengthen your will. Ipabáskug sa labandéra ang ímo delárgo. Let the washerwoman starch and iron your trousers. Ginpabáskug níla ang íla láwas, kalág, etc, They refreshed (refreshened) themselves, fortified their souls, etc. Pabaskugá ang ímo tíngug. Raise your voice, speak aloud (louder). (see báskug).



To take the air, walk or travel in the open, go out for a breath of fresh air. Mapahangínhángin, kitá. Let us take the air. Nagapahangínhángin siá sang íya láwas sa áwto. He is taking an airing by a ride in the auto. Pahangínhangíni ang bátà. Take the baby out into the open air. (pa, hangínhángin).



To return, give back, reimburse, restore, compensate, make restitution; recuperate, recover. Magpahaúlì ka sa íya sang kináwat mo-or-ipahaúlì mo sa íya ang kináwat mo. Give back to him what you stole from him. Mapalíwalíwa siá buás pakádto sa búkid sa pagpahaúlì sang íya láwas. To-morrow he is going on a vacation to the mountains to recuperate his strength. (see úlì).



To quiver, shake, struggle, tremble, be convulsed, as a chicken immediately after its head is cut off. Nagpálak gid lámang ang íya láwas kag napatáy. His body was convulsed and then he died. Ipálak ang láwas mo. Shake all over (as if in your last agony). Nagapálak siá sa pagkádto sa báyle. She is trembling with eagerness to go to the dance. (see kúrug, kiréu, kíryo).

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