Search result(s) - ságing



To ruin, destroy, demolish utterly, extirpate, get rid of. Papása ang mga ságing sa pamulákan. Get rid of the bananas in the flower-garden. Ginpápas sang kaláyo ang baláy. The fire consumed the house utterly. Napapásan iníng lugár sang mga lubí. The coconuts in this place were utterly destroyed.



To cut down or fell many trees, etc., strike or knock down with sticks or poles much fruit from branches, etc. Paspasá ang mga ságing. Cut down the banana-plants. Ginpáspas níya ang mga sangá sang káhoy. He struck down the branches of the tree. Paspasá ang mga búnga sang páhò. Knock down the mangoes.



To stanch or stop the flow of blood. Patôtoí ang pilás mo sing tagók sang ságing. Stanch the bleeding from your wound with banana-juice.



To throw-, cast-, chuck-, away, fling off, hurl. Ipilák sa gwâ iníng mga ságbot. Throw this rubbish out. Pilakí akó sing isá ka sipî nga ságing. Throw me a cluster of bananas.

Dim. and Freq. of pílik. To tremble, move, shake slightly; to shake off (by a quick tremulous motion). Ginapapilíkpílik sang dupóydúpoy sang hángin ang mga pakláng sang ságing. The soft breeze is moving (swinging, swaying) the banana leaves gently to and fro. Pinilíkpilikán siá sang lunángon nga karabáw kag napilitán siá sa pagpalígos. He was bespattered with mud by a dirty buffalo and was forced to clean himself by taking a bath. (see hulághúlag).



Wholesale, in gross, in the gross, in the bulk, in large quantities; to buy-up,-in the gross,-wholesale (by wholesale). Nakapíndak akó sing ságing sa tiénda. I bought bananas wholesale (by wholesale) in the market. Ginpapíndak ko ang ákon kalámay. I sold my sugar in the gross. Nagapamalígyà kamí sing píndak kag sing utáyutáy. We are selling (en gross and en detail) wholesale and retail.

plátano, platanó


(Sp. plátano) Banana, plantain. (see ságing, sáb-a).



(Sp. pujar) To buy wholesale, etc. See píndak. Puhará lang ang ákon mga ságing. Buy up my bananas, the whole lot. (see hág-on, ságib).



A mass, cluster; to form a-compact mass,-cluster, to be near-, close-, to come or gather close-, together, be or lie in a heap or mass, collect in a heap, huddle together. Nagapúsgò gid lang yanáng mga bitóon. Those stars form a veritable cluster. Ang mga sáhà sang dágmay, ságing, etc. nagapúsgò sa íya púnò. Dágmay-layers, banana-suckers, etc. grow in clusters around the parent stem. (see púnsok).



(B) To crush to pulp, squash, squelch; to be pressed or crushed to pulp. Nalapákan ang ságing kag naramúsot. The banana was trodden upon and crushed. Ang pángkà maramúsot (Ang pakâ malamúsut) kon igóon mo siníng bató. The frog will be squashed, if you hit it with this stone. Indì mo pagparamusóton (pagpalamusóton) ang mga páhò. Don't crush the mangoes. Ang manók nalígsà sang áwto kag naramúsot (nalamúsut). The chicken was run over by the automobile and crushed. (see pusâ, lumâ, báak, bókbok, etc. N.B. ramúsot, (lamúsut) implies that the crushing results in a pulpy formless mass and can consequently not be used of dry objects or things that merely crumble under pressure). (see lamúsut).



Banana. (see ságing, N.B. In some places sáb-a is used for bananas that are usually boiled before eating, whilst ságing denotes all kinds of bananas).



(B) To look for, try to find, seek, go in search of, search for. Sagápa ang báboy nga nadúrà (nadúlà). Look for the lost pig. Anó ang ginaságap mo? What are you looking for? Sagápi akó ti ságing (sing ságing). Find some bananas for me. Nagaságap akó kang kálò ko, pay warâ ko makítà ásta tulád kadiá (kadyá). (Nagapangítà akó sang ákon kálò, ápang túbtub karón walâ ko makítà). I am looking for my hat, but can't find it. (see sághap, lághap, pangítà).



(B) To fetch-, bring-, take-, along together with something else, to do or perform at the same time as some other work, do in one go. Sagibiná rúgya ang maléta ko. (Ulayhoná dirí ang ákon maléta). Bring along with you at the same time my suitcase or handbag. Kon magbakál ikáw ti kálò nga búntal sagibiní akó ti isará. (Kon magbakál ikáw sing kálò nga búntal ulayhoní akó sing isá). If you buy a búntal-hat, buy one for me too. Isagibín akó sa pagdará rúgto kang ákon páray. (Iuláyhon mo akó sa pagdalá dídto sang ákon humáy). Take along with you my rice. Indì ron akó makasagibín kang mga ságing mo, hay lám-ag ron kabúg-at ang mga kinárga sa trak ko. (Indì na akó makauláyhon sang ímo mga ságing, kay támà kabúg-at na ang mga linúlan sa ákon trak). I cannot take along your bananas, because the load on my truck is already too heavy. (see dungán, uláyhon).



A kind of flowering plant with banana-like leaves; small, narrow lines, stripes or streaks in cloth.



One of the clusters-, a single cluster-, of a bunch of bananas; to cut-, break-, off a cluster, break up into clusters. Ibalígyà mo ang ságing sing binúlig, índì mo pagsipión (pagsíp-on). Sell the bunch of bananas as a whole, don't break it up into clusters.



To press or force upon, to insist on another's accepting or receiving something offered him. Isólsol sa íya iníng mga ságing, páhò, etc. Insist on his accepting these bananas, mangoes, etc. Solsolá gid siá sa pagpadáyon sang íya pagkamanunúon. Press him to continue his profession of teaching. Ginsolsolán níya akó sing pílak. He insisted on my accepting some money. He made me take some money. He forced some money on me.



(B) To pilfer, steal, purloin, take secretly or stealthily. Anó ang tinakáb na? (Náno ang íya kináwat)? What did he steal? Gintakáb na ang mga sáb-a ko. Tinakabán na akó kang sáb-a ko. (Kináwat níya ang ákon mga ságing. Kinawátan akó níya sang ákon mga ságing). He stole my bananas. (see tákaw, káwat).



The cooking or boiling of tubers, bananas, or the like; to boil tubers, etc. Ságing, maís, úbi, etc. nga tinanók. Boiled bananas, corn, úbi, etc. Tánki (tángki, tanokí) akó sing kamóti. Boil me some sweet potatoes. Tánka (Tángka) ang úbi, buhayán, etc. Boil the úbi, buhayán, etc. Iníng sárì nga ságing manámit gid kon tánkon, apáng malás-ay kon kán-on nga hiláw. This variety of bananas is very nice (tasty) when boiled, but insipid when eaten raw. (see talangkúnon, lâgâ, lapó, laúya, tíg-ang, bakól, bukál, pabukál).



Any plant except rice; to plant any kind of seed, seedling, layer, shoot, sucker, etc., except those of rice; to set, sow, put in the soil (ground). Támna (Tanumá) iníng isá ka líso sang sandíya. Sow this melon-pip. Ang íya palangúmhan madámù gid sing mga tanúm, ápang walâ sing tánum. On his farm very many plants are growing, but no rice. His farm is stocked with many varieties of plants (emblements), except rice. Itanúm iníng tátlo ka sáhà sang ságing. Plant these three banana-layers. (see tánum).



To throw away, discard, thrust out, cast forth, eject. Itápal sa bintánà iníng pánit (úpak) sang ságing. Throw these banana skins out of the window. (see pilák, habúy).

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