Search result(s) - túbig



To drink, imbibe, quaff, swig, swill, drain the cup, bib, guzzle. Imna iní. Drink this. Imni iníng bíno bisán diótay lang. Drink some of this wine, even if only a little. Take a little of this wine. Ipainúm sa íya iníng túbig nga mabúgnaw nga isá ka báso. Give him this glass of fresh water to drink. Paímna siá. Give him a drink. Let him drink. Indì ka maginúm sing lakás nga tubâ, kay básì mahubúg (mabalúng) ikáw. Don't drink too much toddy, you may get drunk. (see káon-to eat).



To erode, undermine, take off piece after piece, eat away (of water); to dredge, excavate. Ginkádkad (kinádkad) sang subâ ang pángpang. The river undermined and carried off its bank. Kinadkarán ang bató sang túbig. The stone was undermined by the water. (see áb-ab, kábkab).



To wash away-, take out-, dissolve-, a stain, or the like. Butangí sing agás, agúd makakás ang pínta. Apply some kerosene to remove the stain of paint. Anó balá ang maáyo nga ikakás ko sa siní nga bulíng? What is the best for removing-, taking out-, this stain? Kakasá ang mga dágtà nga tínta sa ímo kamót. Wash the ink-stains off your hand. Indì akó makakakás siníng bulíng (índì ko makakás iníng bulíng) sa túbig. I cannot get this stain out with water. Kakasí akó sináng mga dágtà sa ákon delárgo. Wash those stains out of my trousers. Ikakás akó sináng hígkò sa ákon báyò. Please wash that dirt off my jacket.



(B) To stir, turn about. Kalóa ang túbig. Stir the water. Sín-o ang nagkálò sang áwang, kay malubúg ang túbig? Who stirred up the well, for the water is dirty (turbid)?



To overflow, swamp, cover, pass over. Ang subâ nagkápan sang ámon umá. The river overflowed our farm-land. Ang pángpang nakapánan sang túbig. The banks were covered with water. Ginkápan sang mga balúd ang sakayán. The waves passed over the boat-or-The boat was swamped by the waves.



(B) To be full, brim-, chock-, choke-, full, replete, replenished, crammed, stuffed. Nagakátà ang túbig sang ísdà, ang bólsa sang tinápay, etc. The water is full of fish, the pocket is crammed with bread, etc. (see punô, butâ).



To float, hover, drift. Ang mga sakayán nagakayánkáyan sa túbig, ang mga píspis sa hángin. Boats float on water, birds in the air.



To move the shoulders up and down, to rock, undulate, pulsate; a rocking motion or movement. Ang kiáy sang túbig sa baybáyon. The rise and fall of the water on the sea-shore. Nagakiáy siá sang íya abága. She moves her shoulders up and down. (see kiáy-kíay).

Dim. and Freq. of kóbo. To flutter, flap the wings, move with quick vibrations or undulations. Ang mga gánsa, bíbi, etc. nagakobókóbo sa lúnang. The geese, ducks, etc. are bathing (or splashing) in the mud. Pakobókobóha ang manók sa túbig. Let the chicken splash in the mud (flapping its wings and shaking itself).



To float, swim on the surface. Ang tápas nagakubág sa túbig. Coconut husks float on the water. (see kutáw, lutáw, utáwútaw, kubáw).



To hollow out, undermine, wash away, said especially of water. Ginkubkubán ang bató sang túbig. The stone was undermined by the water. Ginkúbkub sang túbig ang balás. The water washed away the sand. (see áb-ab, kábkab, kádkad).



(B) Mud, slush, mire; to be or become muddy, etc. Naglaó ang idálum sang baláy, kay nasúdlan sang túbig sang pagulán. The ground-floor of the house became muddy, because water came in when it rained. Nalaohán ang ákon sapín. My boots have become muddy. (see lala-ó, lúnang).



To stir, move about, mix. Kon magság-a ka sang áwang labugáya ánay ang túbig. When you clean out the well, stir the water first. Labugáyi ang káwà sang siménto. Mix the cement in the cauldron. Labugáyon mo ang ápog sing máayo, agúd matúnaw sing saláma. Stir the lime well to dissolve it evenly. (see labutáw).



Mixture, disorder, confusion, agitation; to mix, stir, put one's finger into a liquid, agitate, wade or walk about in water, to disturb. Ginalabutáw mo ang sabáw, ha? Samói, ápang índì mo paglabutawón. You have your fingers in the sauce, heh? Mix it (with your food), but don't put your finger in it. Ang mga bátà nagalabutáw sa túbig. The boys are wading or walking in the water-or-splashing about in the water. Indì mo paglabutawón ang túbig sa batíyà sang mahígkò mo nga tiíl. Don't put your dirty feet into the water in the large wash-basin. Ipalabutáw lang sa mga bátà yanáng danáw. Just let the children play or splash about in that puddle (pool) of water.



To thin out, dilute, make watery (of liquids). Ginlabyawán níya sing túbig ang tínta. He watered the ink. Labyawí ang almidón. Thin out the starch. Linabyawán ko iníng sópas, kay támà kalapúyut. I put some water into this soup, for it was too thick. Ilábyaw sa sabáw iníng túbig. Put this water into the sauce to thin it out. (see lángyaw, básyaw).



(B) To boil or to cook in water (meat, vegetables, peas and beans, tea, etc.). Lagáa ang kárne, balátong, mónggo, etc. Boil the meat, the beans, the monggo, etc. in water. Lagái akó sing isá ka búgsò nga kárne. Boil a piece of meat for me. Ilágà akó ánay siníng kadiós. Please to boil these black peas for me. Ilágà iníng túbig sa tsa. Boil the tea in this water. (see laúya, lapó, tanók, bukál, lútò, ráhà).

lagápak, lagapák


The noise of falling waters, the tramping of horses, etc; to roar, thunder, clatter, clap, slap, etc. Naglagápak ang mga láta nga nahúlug sa hágdan. The cans that fell down the stair made a clatter. Nagalagápak ang túbig sa busáy. The water is falling over the precipice with a noise like thunder. Magalagápak ang mga tápì sang táytay kon maágyan sing kabáyo nga nagatúwad. The boards of the bridge resound when a horse passes over it at a gallop. Tinámpà níya siá nga lumagápak (lumagapák) ang íya guyá. He slapped him that his cheek resounded with the blow. (see lágpak).



A splash, the noise made by a liquid being spilled or poured out with some force; to splash. Ang túbig nga ginbásia mo naglágpak sa bató. The water you poured out splashed on the stone. (see lagápak).



To lap, lick up, swill, guzzle, gulp, gobble, swallow down, eat and drink, as dogs and pigs, etc. Ang báboy nagaláklak sang damóg. The pig gulps down its swill. Ang túbig siníng pínggan ginlaklakán sang idô. The dog lapped water from this plate. (see hábhab, hákhak).



Inundation, flood; to inundate, overflow, cover, flood. Ang subâ naglámbas sang ámon dútà. The river inundated our land. Linámbas sang túbig ang ámon talámnan. Our rice-field was flooded, (see lángbas).

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