Search result(s) - bátò



To jam, squeeze, press, compress, squash, crush by pressure as between two boards and the like. Nalígpit ang tagútò sang bató. The lizard was crushed by the stone. Ligpitá ang tánga. Squash the cockroach. Ginlígpit níya ang ilagâ sang tápì. He crushed the rat with a piece of board. Ilígpit ang haló sa padér. Jam the iguana against the wall. Iníng tápì naligpitán sing tátlo ka tokô,-or-iníng tápì nakalígpit sing tátlo ka tokô. Three geckoes were crushed against this board. (see ipít, lágpit, lígsà, lumâ, pusâ).



To crush, comminute, fracture, squeeze to pulp by pressure or a superimposed weight. Nalígsa ang íya bútkon sang bató. His arm was crushed by the stone. Ginligsaán siá sang íya batíis sang alíling sang áwto. The wheel of the automobile fractured his leg. Nalígsà ang kawáyan sang halígi nga ginagúyud. The bamboo was smashed by the post being hauled over it. Andam ka, agúd dílì ka maágyan sang tren kag malígsà. Beware, lest the train should run over you and crush you. (see lígpit, ipít, lumâ, pusâ).



Dodge, evasion; to dodge, avoid, step aside, sidestep, evade, elude, start suddenly aside. Naglíkday siá, búsà walâ siá maígò. He stepped aside, therefore he was not hit. Likdayí ang bató. Dodge the stone. Kon walâ níya paglikdayí sing madalî ang lubí, walâ sing duhádúha nga nahulúgan siá. If he had not quickly dodged the coconut, he would certainly have been hit. (see liháy, líksi, idóg, ísdog, ísol, likáw, líktin).



To shake, move to and fro or up and down, jolt, jog, budge, move. Indì siá malíngkang sa íya tinindúgan. He cannot be moved from his position. Lingkangá gid siá. Move him at all costs. Ilíngkang ko iníng bára sa dakû nga bató. I shall try to move the large stone with this crow-bar. (see ínghit, ínkà).



To fly, jump off to a distance (like pieces of stone or chips of wood, etc.). Naglisík ang inágsap sang káhoy sa malayô. The chips of wood flew off to a distance. Nalisikán (nalískan) akó sang inágsap sang bató. I was struck by a flying piece of stone. Malayô ang íya nalískan. He quickly moved away, swiftly stepped aside, scampered off to a safe distance. (see ásik, lásik, ágsik, ásang, ályas).



Moss; to cover with moss, be or become mossy. Ang ámon áwang nalomótan. Our well has become mossy, is covered with moss. Bató nga nalomótan. A mossy stone.



To scour, rub with something hard, as with a stone in bathing, or the like; to scrub. Ilúdgud sa íya iníng lulúdgud. Rub him with this scourer. Ludgurí siá sing bató sa likód. Rub his back with a stone. Ludgurí sing maáyo ang ákon luáglúag. Lúdgud ka sing maáyo sang ákon luáglúag. Rub my shoulder blades well. (lúgod id.).



To open, lay bare, unfold, expose. See lúk-ab. Ang lisó naglúkba sang íya bagól. The bullet laid his brain bare-or-exposed his brain. Ginlúkba níya sa padér ang isá ka dakû nga bató. He broke a great stone off the wall. (see úklab).



(B) To fall down on one's back with some force. Nakalumpa-ód siá sa bató. His seat came down violently on the stone. Sang buút siá magpúngkò kinuháan siá ni Fuláno sang síya kag naglumpa-ód sa salúg. When he wanted to sit down, N.N. took away his chair and he fell thump on his back on the floor. Buhî pa si Fuláno? Hú-o, nagalumpa-ód pa gánì. Is N.N. alive still? Yes, and he is still pretty strong. (see úgsang).

To clank, rattle, clatter, tinkle, clink, chink, as matches, stones, nails, etc., if shaken in a box and the like. Nagalungkagáy ang kadéna. The chain is clanking. Indì mo paglungkagayón ang mga bató. Don't rattle the stones. Ginapalungkagáy sang idô ang íya talikalâ. The dog is rattling its chain. (see ringkádol, rungkádol-applied to the noise made by pieces of wood or other objects tumbling down stairs, etc.).



(B) To sit down cross-legged, to sit tailor-fashion. Ginalupagían níla ang dálan, bató, salúg. They are sitting with crossed legs on the road, the stone or rock, the floor. Indì ka maglupágì sa atubángan sang pangólo-bánwa. Do not squat down in presence of the Municipal President.



Free, untrammelled, free to act or proceed as one sees fit; unfettered, at liberty, one's own master. Lusáy ang íya pangabúhì. His life is untrammelled. Lusáy siá sa íya kahimtángan. He is of independent means. Naglusáy na siá. He has now become free, unshackled. Lusáy nga bató. An unset (precious) stone. (see líbre, hílway, luás).



See mabinatókon. (bátò-bátok).



(Sp. marmol) Marble. Batungdáan nga mármol (bukáy). A marble monument. (see bató, nga, bukáy).



(Sp. mina) Mine; to mine, to mint. Mináha ang buláwan nga nagasímbug siníng bató. Mine the gold mixed with this rock. Ginmináhan kitá sang pangolohán sing bág-o nga pílak. The government minted for us new silver coins. (see duláng, dulángan).



To exert oneself, do something with force or violence. Nagmúg-ot siá sa paghákwat siníng bató. He put forth all his strength in lifting this stone. It was all he could do to lift this stone. Nagamúg-ot siá sa kaákig. He is violently angry. Ginmug-otán níya ang aparadór sa paggíhit. He made a great effort to shift the cupboard. Indì mo pagmug-otán ang ímo anák sang ákig. Don't be furiously angry with your son. (see paningúhà, panikasúg, himúd-os).



A conjunctive particle used in various ways:

a.) to connect adjectives and nouns, nouns and nouns, etc., e.g. mabúg-at nga lúlan. A heavy load. Sa manábaw nga subâ. In the shallow river. Baláy nga bató. A stone building. Isá ka kúlon nga kán-on. A kettle full of rice. Mga ságing nga tinanók. Boiled bananas. Ang mga nagahuníhúni nga sirúmsirúm. The chirping crickets. Isá ka lubí nga binukâ. A split coconut.

b.) to connect ideas or sentences, equivalent to: that, in order that, if. Nakadumdúm akó nga--. I thought that--. Ang labíng maáyo nga magkádto ka dídto sa súbung siní. It would be best, if you went there at once. Indì mo pagkalímtan nga buás masúgud kitá magarádo. Don't forget that tomorrow we begin ploughing.

c.) as relative pronoun. Ang táo nga naglubás kaína amó ang ákon tíyò. The man who passed a while ago is my uncle. Amó iní ang bátà nga mahúmok gid sing úlo. This is the boy who has a very bright under-standing. Diín na ang tigíb nga gingámit ko kahápon? Where is the chisel I used yesterday?

d.) as an introduction to an exclamation. Nga pagkalisúd sang pangabúhì karón! Oh, how difficult living conditions are! Nga pagkabungúl siníng bátà! Oh, the stubbornness (obstinacy) of this boy! How stubborn this boy is!



To rise to the surface, appear, stand forth, emerge, issue, push up, show, come up, sprout, become visible. Nagólbo na ang túbò sang lubí. The first sprout or shoot has now pushed up from the coconut. Walâ pa magólbo ang túbò sang maís nga ginpánggas ko sang may tátlo na ka ádlaw. The corn I planted three days ago has not yet sprouted. Paolbohá ang pabílo sang kínke. Turn up the lamp-wick. Tan-awá ang haló, nga nagaólbo dirá sa bató. Look at the iguana peeping out from among the stones there. Ginapaólbo níya sing diótay ang íya tiíl sa idálum sang hábul. He lets his foot stick out a little (peep out, show, be seen) from underneath the blanket. (see gitíb, gimáw).



To rise to the surface, appear, stand forth, emerge, issue, push up, show, come up, sprout, become visible. Nagólbo na ang túbò sang lubí. The first sprout or shoot has now pushed up from the coconut. Walâ pa magólbo ang túbò sang maís nga ginpánggas ko sang may tátlo na ka ádlaw. The corn I planted three days ago has not yet sprouted. Paolbohá ang pabílo sang kínke. Turn up the lamp-wick. Tan-awá ang haló, nga nagaólbo dirá sa bató. Look at the iguana peeping out from among the stones there. Ginapaólbo níya sing diótay ang íya tiíl sa idálum sang hábul. He lets his foot stick out a little (peep out, show, be seen) from underneath the blanket. (see gitíb, gimáw).



To heap, or pile up, stones, sand, etc., make a heap (mound) of stones, sand, etc. Osóna ang mga bató. Put the stones together in a heap. (see túmpok).

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