Diminution, lessening, deterioration, loss of quality or quantity. Sing masúnsun gingámit mo inâ nga báyò, ápang túbtub karón walâ gid sing ín-in; dáw bág-o gihápon. You have used that dress quite often, but till now it is not the worse for wear, it is still like new. Walâ gid sing ín-in ang kadalísay siníng lánggaw, bisán nasimbúgan na sing túbig. This vinegar has not lost its strength, though it has been mixed with water. Ang humáy dirâ sa tabungós daw walâ sing ín-in, gái nabuhínan ko sing duhá ka gántang. The rice in the tabungós-basket seems to have been left intact, though as a matter of fact I have taken two gantas from it. Also, but seldom, used as a verb: Indì magín-in iníng salsálon, bató nga bantíling, etc. This iron, solid stone, etc., will not wear out, will not rust, crumble, lose strength or the like. (see búhin, íban).
(H) One, unit, single, solitary, alone, sole, all by oneself; to be, take, make, etc. only one. Walâ níya akó paghatági bisán sing isá ka dakû. He did not give me even a single centavo. Isá gid lang ang magupúd sa ákon sa karón. Only one of you shall come with me this time. Isahá lang ang pagkúhà sing lubí. Just take one coconut.
(H) One, unit, single, solitary, alone, sole, all by oneself; to be, take, make, etc. only one. Walâ níya akó paghatági bisán sing isá ka dakû. He did not give me even a single centavo. Isá gid lang ang magupúd sa ákon sa karón. Only one of you shall come with me this time. Isahá lang ang pagkúhà sing lubí. Just take one coconut.
(B) To do or want "what". Maiwán kamó? What do you want?-or-What have you come here for? Nagaiwán silá dirâ? What are they doing there? Iwanón ko lang karón iníng túbo, kay nabúong? What shall I do with this lamp-globe, for it is broken? Ngáa man nga nabúong? Giniwán mo haw? How did it break? What, I ask, did you do to it? (see anó).
(B) To do or want "what". Maiwán kamó? What do you want?-or-What have you come here for? Nagaiwán silá dirâ? What are they doing there? Iwanón ko lang karón iníng túbo, kay nabúong? What shall I do with this lamp-globe, for it is broken? Ngáa man nga nabúong? Giniwán mo haw? How did it break? What, I ask, did you do to it? (see anó).
(B) Bad, wicked, evil, no good, ugly, nasty, foul, not nice; to be or become bad, ugly, etc. Kaayóáyo siníng bátà sang úna, ápang karón, kay nagdakû (naghánggud), nagkadû (nagláw-ay)! How beautiful this child was formerly! But now, it has grown up plain! Indì ka magbúhat sin_à, kay kadû (maláw-ay, maláin). Don't do that, for it is wicked or bad. Indì ka magsúgpon sa mga sugilánon nga kadû (maláw-ay). Don't take part in foul talk. Waláy sapayán nga ginadáyaw siá sang ibán, akó sing ákon ginakaduán (ginalaínan, ginalaw-ayán) sa íya. Notwithstanding that others praise him, I for my part consider him a bad (ugly) man. Indì mo pagkaduón (paglaw-ayón) ang pagsulát. Don't write badly, i.e. illegibly, indistinctly, obscenely. (see láin, láw-ay, hígkò, maláin, maláw-ay, mahígkò, kadô).
To receive Holy Communion, communicate. Nakakaláwat na ikáw? Have you been to Holy Communion? Sín-o ang ginakaláwat? Who is received in Holy Communion? Buás magakaláwat akó. To-morrow I will receive Holy Communion. Mangaláwat akó karón. I am going-to receive Holy Communion now. Ang masakít nga táo ginpakaláwat sang Párì. The sick man had Holy Communion administered to him by the Priest. The Priest gave the sick man Holy Communion.
Slow, tedious, tardy, flagging; to be slow or tedious. Nagkánat ang ámon trábano sa umá sa karón nga túig, kay nagmasakít ang ámon mga háyup. Our farmwork has been slow this year, because our animals are sick. (see kúnat).
(B) See karón.
To manage-, distribute-, portion out-, well, apportion, assign; to spend little, be economical, live frugally, be thrifty. Katákatáha ang humáy, agúd índì kitá makulángan, kay dílì gid maáyo ang áton pinatubás sa karón nga túig. Portion out well the rice or we may run short, because this year's harvest was far from good.
Less than required or expected, short, insufficient, inadequate, not enough, too little, deficient, deficit; to lack, fall short, be inadequate, etc. Kúlang iní. This is short-or-This is too little. Kúlang gid inâ sa íla nga tanán. That certainly is not enough for all of them. Nagkúlang ang bíno. There was not enough wine. Nakulángan akó sing kwárta. I ran short of money. Pakulángi siá sing limá ka dakû. Give him five centavos less. Pinakulángan níya ang bilí sang líbro sing napúlò ka dakû. He lowered the price of the book by ten centavos. Kúlang karón ang ísdà. There is at present a dearth or scarcity of fish. (see kabús, kulábus).
After some time, later on, in the future. Ang mga kabatáan karón amó ang mga manugdumála sang bánwa kunína. The children of the present will be the leaders of to-morrow-or-of the future.
(H) A particle implying a possibility, hope, wish or desire for the future and regret for the past: Would, should, maybe, perhaps, peradventure, likely; it would be, it were, would to God that, let us hope; it would have been, might have been, etc. Maáyo kúntà kon-. It were well if--. Maumpawán pa man siá kúntà. He may recover yet; let us hope that he will recover. Maáyo kúntà kon amó inâ, ápang--. Dápat kúntà nga amó inâ, ápang--Would to God it were so, but--. Ay, matahúm gid kúntà kon ímo nabúhat inâ sádto ánay, ápang ánhon mo karón, kay walâ mo pagbuháta? Oh, it would have been so nice if you had done that in the past, but what can you do now, as you have not done it then? Malúyag akó kúntà magtámbong dídto. I would like to be present there. (see kuntánì, úntà, untánì, ráad, dáad).
From; since (time). Kútub sang pagtúga sang Diós sang kalibútan túbtub karón. From the time that God created the world till now. Kútub sádto--. From or since that time--. Kútub sa (sang) magamáy nga mga káhoy túbtub sa mga dalágkù--. From the small trees to the large--. All the trees, whether small or large,--.
Over, above, higher, taller, excelling, exceeding; to surpass, exceed. Nagalabáw sa simbáhan iníng kawáyan. This bamboo is higher than the church. Nalabawán akó níya karón sa kataasón. He is now taller than myself. Ipalabáw ang áton hayáhay sa íla nga bandéra. Put our flag above their banner-or-raise our flag to a greater height than their banner. Si Fuláno labáw sing dungúg sa kay Pédro. N.N. is more famous than Peter. Indì ka magpalabáw. Don't be stuck-up or haughty.
Course, way, method, manner; condition, state of affairs, juncture, situation, pass. Ang tanán nga mga butáng nagasunúd sang lakát sang íla kinaugálì. Everything follows the course of its nature. Sa karón nga lakát sang panahón--. At this juncture--.