Search result(s) - karón



Miserable, hard to bear, difficult, trying, wretched; to be or become miserable, etc. Lapígot ang pangabúhì sa karón nga panahón. Life at present is trying or difficult. Naglapígot ang íya kahimtángan sa karón nga túig. This year his condition has become miserable.



Insipidity, mawkishness, tastelessness; to be, make or become insipid, mawkish, unappetizing, tasteless, abominable, disgusting. Walâ gid sing lás-ay iníng pagkáon. This food has nothing of insipidity about it. This food tastes fine or nice. Naglás-ay iníng bíno, kay nasimbúgan sing hinébra. This wine has lost its flavour, for it has been mixed with gin. Nalas-ayán akó sa íya. He is abominable to me. I am disgusted with him. Las-ayá lang ang íla pagkáon, kay támà kadalók sa íla. Make their food tasteless, because they are too greedy. Linas-ayán (pinalas-ayán) akó níla dídto sing pagkáon. They gave me there tasteless or insipid food. Urúton (Saídon) mo iní sang káon karón, kay sa buás magalás-ay. Eat this up now, for to-morrow it will be stale, vapid, mawkish, unappetizing, flat. (see báng-aw, pán-os, lán-o, maláin, etc.).



To roam, loaf, wander, walk about aimlessly and finally "hit", "strike" or "land" somewhere. Túbtub karón walâ kamí sing binatîbátì kag walâ námon mahibál-i, kon sa diín siá maglásog. Up till now we have not heard of him and do not know where he has gone or where he is. (see patúpling).



Half-empty, showing many gaps, not full (of corn-cobs with only a few grains on it, etc.). Latóláto gid lang ang maís nga pinatubás ko karón. The corn I have harvested this time is mostly half-empty cobs.



(B) To fade, wither, die out, parch, burn. Nagalayók ang tinanúm ko nga mga búlak. The flowers I planted have withered. Nalayokán akó sa karón nga túig sing madámù nga maís. This year a great deal of my corn was parched. Kon magdáyon ang ínit nga walâ sing ulán madámù nga tanúm ang magalayók. If the heat continues without rain, many plants will die. (see láyà, lúmpaw, layóng).



To borrow, get on credit, raise money, run into debt. Maglíngit ka lang ánay sing tátlo ka gántang nga bugás sa kay Fuláno. Just borrow for the present three gantas of hulled rice from N.N. Língta (lingíta) ang íya kwárta. Borrow his money. Palingíta (palíngta) akó sing isá ka sáko nga maís. Lend me a sack of corn. Walâ akó makalíngit sang íya salákyan, kay ginhinakáyan ni Fuláno. I could not borrow his car or vehicle, for it had been hired by N.N. Pinalíngit man níya akó kuntánì sing kwárta, ápang sa karón balasúbas siá. He would have granted me a loan of money, but at present he is out of cash. (see hulám, útang).



To be confused, worried, perplexed. Nagalíntong ang íya úlo karón tungúd sang íya útang. He is worried now about his debt. Nagapalíntong siá sang íya úlo. He is cudgelling his brains. (see libúg).



To slap, strike. Karón lipatón ko ikáw. I've a good mind to slap you. (Perhaps this lipát is identical with the foregoing and the phrase quoted can be explained by "I shall make you forget it" (by causing you some physical pain that may restrain you from repeating what you did).



Trouble, difficulty, distress, moral, spiritual or physical hardship; to be or to get in trouble, distress, etc. Nagalisúd na ang íya pagbátì. His disease is getting serious. Nalísdan kamí sang ámon pangabúhì sa karón nga túig. This year we have found it difficult to get a living. Dî mo igkalisúd yanáng mga butáng-or-dî mo pagkalísdan yanáng mga butáng. Don't take those things too much to heart. Don't allow yourself to be troubled by such things. Indì ka magpangalisúd sing lakás tungúd sang kamatáyon sang ímo útud. Don't grieve overmuch over the death of your brother. Nagakalisúd siá karón, kay--. He is troubled-or-in distress at present, because--. (see kalisdánan, kalilísdan, malisúd).



Cracked, split, flawed, rifted, fissured; to crack, split, flaw, rift, become fissured; to be worried, perplexed, upset. Naglitík ang bangâ. The water-cooler has cracked. Indì mo pagbutangán ang báso sing túbig nga inínit, kay básì magalitík. Don't put hot water in the glass, for it might crack. Litík nga gorgoríta. A cracked water-jar. Palítkon (Palitikón) ko karón ang úlo mo. I'll split your head. Palítki (Palitikí) siá sang íya ólo. Split his head. Nagalitík ang ákon úlo tungúd siní. I am very much worried about it. Amó inâ nga butáng ang nagapalitík karón sang íya úlo. That is the thing that upsets him,-worries him, at present. (see balanâ, bukâ, balángkà, píhak, bíal).



Burial, funeral, exequies, obsequies, interment, inhumation, entombment; to bury, inter, inhume, consign to the grave, hide in the ground. Ilubúng na lang ang patáy nga karabáw, kay índì mapúslan ang íya kárne. Just bury the dead buffalo, for his meat is of no use. Sán-o kamú magalubúng sang minatáy? When will you bury the dead? When will the funeral take place? Dirí may linubúng nga pílak nga nasulúd sa tibúd, konó, ápang túbtub karón walâ maquítà. Here, they say, a pot of money was buried, but till now it has not been found. Amó iní ang linúbngan sa ákon ilóy. This is the grave, where my mother was buried (laid to rest). (see kótkot, lulúbngan).



A hen; brood (of chickens); to hatch, incubate, brood, sit. Ang ákon mungâ nagalúmlum karón sa (sing) napúlò kag duhá ka bílog nga ítlog sa íya pugarán. My hen is at present hatching twelve eggs in her nest. Palumlumá na lang iníng kilawát. Get this young hen to hatch (some chickens). (see hilúmhum).



Weaned, weanling; to wean. Ang báta ginalutás karón kag walâ na pagapasóswa. The child is being weaned at present and not being given the breast. Lutasá ang bátà kay dakû na. Wean the child from the breast, for it is quite big now. Lutás nga bátà. A child weaned from the breast. (see butás, bútas).



Rising to (showing on) the surface, floating, buoyant, visible, conspicuous, prominent, eminent, distinguished; to float, be buoyed up, come to light, rise to the surface, become conspicuous, be distinguished or eminent, to be in (on, upon, above). Ang kawáyan nagalutáw sa túbig. Bamboo floats in water. Ang dágat ginlutawán sing madámù nga mga káhoy nga dinágsà sang pagbágyo. The sea was full of floating driftwood at the time of the hurricane. Lutáw siá nga táo kag binátà sang isá ka lutáw nga panimaláy. He is a prominent man and scion of a conspicuous family. Naglutáw sa íya ang panálig sang mga punoán. The authorities showed that they trusted him (had confidence in him). Karón nagalutáw na siá sa dakû nga katalágman nga--. At present he is in great danger of--. (see kubáw, kubág, kutáw, utáw-útaw, bútwà-to rise to the surface from under water).



A shortened form of the verbal prefix maga-denoting the active future, e.g. Si Fuláno maabút (magaabút) sa buás. N.N. will arrive to-morrow. Karón sa hápon masulát (magasulát) akó sa íya. This afternoon I will write him.



A verbal prefix used to denote:

1) the active future, e.g. Buás magalakát akó sa Ilóngílong. To-morrow I will walk to Iloilo. Karón sa hápon magaabút gíkan sa Manílà ang akon amáy. This afternoon my father will arrive from Manila. Kon bayáan mo dirâ sa ínit ang bíno tínto magaáslum. If you leave the red wine there in the heat of the sun, it will go sour. (see ma-).

2) a present negation with "walâ", e.g. Si Hosé walâ magtánum kahápon, walâ man siá magatánum karón kag índì man siá magtánum buás. José did not plant rice yesterday, neither is he planting rice to-day nor will he do so to-morrow. This "maga-" under 2) is never shortened into "ma-".



Tasteless, insipid, mawkish, flat, neither sweet nor sour; like the taste of búyò-leaves. Ang tubâ karón nga hápon malabúyò. The toddy this evening tastes flat.



One peso each, a peso for each. Nabayáran ko silá sing mamísos ang inádlaw. I paid them each a peso a day. Mamísos karón ang kílo sang kapé. A kilo of coffee costs one peso now. (see písos).



An evil spirit, bogy, bogey, goblin, hobgoblin, bugbear, bugaboo, a mischievous ghost. Karón ipadakúp ko ikáw sa máwmaw. Now I shall hand you over to the máwmaw. Halá, ára na dirâ ang máwmaw. Look out, the máwmaw is over there. (see mámaw; N.B. These terms are often used to intimidate or threaten disobedient children).



(Sp. menos) No good, poor, mean, defective, bad, not well done or said, inferior, mediocre, below expectations, not up to the mark or standard; to grow less, deteriorate, be bad. Nagmínus ang pinatubás ko nga humáy sa karón nga túig. This year I had a poor crop of rice. (see kulabús, kabús, maláin, kúlang).

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