A slipshod way of supplying a word or name one does not know or remember for the moment; Mr. So-and-So, what d'ye call 'em, thingummy, thingumbob. Also used as a verb. Diín si Kwan? Where is Mr. So-and-So? Dî mo pagkwanón ang kwan, kay básì magkwán--. Don't do what do you call it to what is its name, for the result may be I don't know what--.
(B) So-and-so. Ang angí. Mr. (Mrs.) So-and-so. See kwan.
What d'ye call them, etc. See kwan.
See kwan.
To be or make drowsy, sleepy, to sleep long, lie in bed till late in the morning (day) on account of lack of sleep during the previous night. Nagmatá na si Kwán?-Walâ pa, napúyat siá tungúd sang báyle kagáb-i. Has N.N. risen from sleep?-No, not yet, he needs much sleep on account of last night's dance. Ginapúyat siá, karón, kay nagab-ihán siá magpaúlì kagáb-i. He feels very sleepy now, because last night he came home late (at a late hour). Napúyat siá tungúd sang belasyón kagáb-i. He rose late this morning on account of last night's wake.
The personal article. Si Huán. John. Si Huán kag si Pédro. John and Peter. Si Fuláno. So-and-so. Si Kwán. What's-his-name. Si pánday Pédro. Peter, the carpenter. (see tay).
Invitation, persuasion, inducing, urging; to urge, induce, persuade, incite, instigate, prevail upon, attract, allure, entice, draw. Yakatá ang bátà sa pagkádlaw. Make the baby laugh. Induce the baby (by playing with it, or the like) to laugh. Iyakát akó siníng bátà sa pagkasádya (sa pagkádlaw). Please do something to-entertain,-amuse, the baby (to make it laugh). Ginyakát akó níya sa pagtámbong sa báile. He induced me to go to the dance. Walâ kúntà silá sing lúyag sa pagsugál, ápang si Fuláno sa íla ang nagyakát. Really they had no desire to gamble, but N.N. induced them to play at cards. Silíng níla mahípus siá; índì man galî, kay ginyakát nínyo. They said he was a quiet (silent, taciturn) man; but he is not, as (you saw yourself when) you drew him out (paid much attention to him). Walâ gid siá sing gána sa pagtán-aw sang síni, kon índì pagyakatón. She has no desire to go to a moving-picture theatre; she has to be prompted. Hinúgay kamó sang gáhud dirâ! Ari si Kwan ay, nagapangyakát (sang gáhud)! Stop that noise there! But, good (great) heavens, that fellow, what's his name, is always so rowdy, boisterous, inciting others to make a noise. Amó gid inâ ang kinaugálì siní nga bátà nga walâ pagkádlaw? Yakatá, kay tan-awón ta. Is that the baby without a smile? Just play with it and let us see. (see hágad, ágda, tulúd, ís-is, galít, sótsot, súdyot).
See ángkwa id.
(B) See balikawáng.
Knobby, knotty. Bokwanán nga kawáyan, tubó, túdlò, etc. Knotty-bamboos,-sugar-cane,-fingers, etc. (bokó).
A sort of wooden shuttle employed in making or mending fishing nets, etc.
A full-grown locust. (see palakúkwan-a young locust beginning to grow wings, but not yet able to fly; tárik-a young locust with newly grown wings, able to fly, but not far; lúkso-a young locust without wings, only capable of hopping along the ground). Also used as a verb figuratively. Abáw, nagalapán gid lang ang mga dumulúaw dídto! Why, the visitors there were as numerous as locusts! Dílì nínyo pagapanán ang pagkáon. Don't fall upon the meal like locusts.
Knotty, knobby. See bokwanán id.