Search result(s) - pásò



(B) Caus. of solô. Pasól-i siá. Provide him with a lamp or light.



To swell painfully (of breasts containing too much milk, etc.). Nagapasólok ang íya nga sóso. Her breast is swollen with an excess of milk.



(Sp. habano) A cigar, especially one made by machinery, and sold by tobacconists (in contradistinction to the piokós-a home-made cigar, rolled by hand for private use). Bákli akó sing duhá ka abáno nga taglimá ka sentimós. Buy me two cigars of five centavos each. Indì akó makaúyon sang abáno kay matáb-ang; ginapasolabí ko gid ang piokós, kay labíng maísug. I do not like cigars sold by tobacconists, for they are too mild; I much prefer home-made cigars, because they are very strong, (see tabákò, tabakô, piokós).



A loan contract, the loan to be paid, mostly at usurious interest, in agricultural products; to borrow money on such a contract. Kon índì ka magbáyad sing túbò, índì ka makaalíli. If you are unwilling to pay interest, you cannot get a loan. Nagsilíng siá sa ákon nga pagapaalilíhan ikáw níya sing napúlò ka mángmang kon magbáyad ka sa íya sing ánum ka pásong nga humáy sa tubás. He told me that he will lend you ten pesos, if you will pay him six bushels of rice at the harvest-time. Ipaalíli lang sa íya ang tátlo ka mángmang nga íya kinahánglan. Just lend him the three pesos he needs. Sing masamí ang mga manugpaalíli nagasokót sing lakás nga túbò. Very often money-lenders on an alíli-contract charge exorbitant interest. (see útang, hulám, língit, ángkat).



Participation, share, part; to participate, have a part or share in. Húo, magaámbit gid akó sinâ nga bínhì. Yes, I shall certainly get a share of that seed-grain. Paambitá akó sinâ nga bínhì. Let me have a share of that seed-grain. Húo, kon malúyag ka, ipaámbit ko sa ímo ang isá ka pásong sináng bínhì. Yes, if you wish, I'll let you have a bushel of that seed-grain. Ang tanán nga mga táo malúyag magámbit (maghiámbit, magpanghiámbit) sang lángit. All men wish to get a place in heaven-or-to participate in the joys of heaven. Naambitán ko man ang maáyo níla nga kapaláran. I also participated in their good luck. Paambití sa íya iníng mga páhò. Let him have a share of these mangoes, (see áyap, ámò, báhin, lábut).



(B) To be-, get-, procure-, share in-, the same kind of a thing. Amóon ko iníng mga ságing, kay úyon ko. I will get the same bananas, for I like them. I will get a share of these bananas, for I like them. Amói akó siníng mga sáhà. Let me have some of these banana suckers. Ipaámò ko sa ímo ang isá ka pásong siníng bínhì. I'll let you have a bushel of this seed-grain. Paamói or paamóa akó sináng mga páhò. Get me some of those mangoes (through somebody else).



Premature, untimely; to do something prematurely, before the proper time, too soon. Ginapás níla ang paglígos sang bátà. They gave the baby a bath too soon. Dílì nínyo pagapasón ang pagtubâ sang ságing. Don't cut down the banana prematurely i.e. before its fruit is ripe. (see ahát).



To cut off near the root or close to the ground. Apasón mo ang paggúnting sang ákon bohôk. Cut my hair very short. Apasá ang pagtapás sang káhoy. Cut off the tree near the ground. Tuód nga inapasán. A stump cut close to the ground i.e. a short stump. (see sóop).



Satisfaction, sufficiency, enough; to satisfy, come up to the mark, fill up what is short, be sufficient or enough. Makaáyao balá ang isá ka pásong nga humáy sa ánum ka táo sa isá ka búlan?-Abáw, índì gid, hálus gánì nga makaáyao sa íla ang ápat ka pásong. Will one bushel of rice be sufficient for six men for one month?-Oh, no, by no means; four bushels will scarcely be sufficient for them. Kúlang pa ang pitó ka gántang sa isá ka pásong; ayáoa lang iníng pitó ka gántang. There are still seven gantas short of one bushel; just add seven gantas to make the measure complete. Magkúhà ka lang sing diótay nga humáy sa ákon tambóbo, ápang índì mo pagayáoon nga isá ka pásong. Take a little rice from my granary, but do not take a whole bushel. Kon magkádto ikáw sa malayô nga mga báryo maayáoan ka sa paglakát. If you go to far villages you will get quite enough of walking.



The scar of a cut; pock-marks, the pits of smallpox; to trim or dress by cutting off small pieces, to raze mounds. Bag-así ang káhoy sang dáldag. Dress the wood with the adze. Ibág-as ang wásay sa káhoy. Use the hatchet to trim the wood. Nagsaláma na ang plása, kay nabag-asán ang mga boklódbóklod kag natampokán ang mga limpásong. The public square is level now, for the mounds have been razed and the holes filled up. May bág-as ang íya nawóng. His face is marked (pitted) with small-pox. (see bás-bas).



Part, division, lot, share, portion; to divide, make parts of, share out, separate into pieces, lots or parcels. Pilá ang ímo báhin? How much is your share or part? Bahína iní. Divide this. Bahíni si Fuláno sing isá ka báhin. Let N. N. have one share. Apportion to N.N. one share. Ginbáhin níya ang íya mánggad sa ápat ka párte. He divided his property into four parts. Ibáhin akó ánay siníng duhá ka pásong nga humáy sa tagápat ka gántang kag isóhol sa mga mamumugón. Kindly divide these two bushels of rice into heaps of four gantas each, and pay it out as wages to the workmen.



Moisture, humidity, dankness, damp, dampness, wet, wetness; moist, damp, wet, soaked, dank, humid; to make or become wet, to drench, etc. Nabasâ ang ákon tiíl. My foot got wet. Ginbasâ níya ang ákon pányo. He made my handkerchief wet. Bás-a ang lampáso. Soak the mop in water. Bás-i ang ití sang manók sa salúg. Clean up with water the chicken-dung on the floor. Pahíran mo lang ang lamésa sing trápo nga mamalá, dílì mo pagbás-on. Just wipe the table with a dry cloth, don't use water. Binás-an níya ang íya kamút sing agás, agúd makúhà ang dágtà sang pínta. He wetted his hand with petroleum, in order to get out the paint-stains. Likawí ang ulán, agúd dílì ka mabasâ kag mapásmo. Avoid the rain, lest you should get wet and catch a cold. Ang hubág níya nga maáyo na gid nagbasâ na man. His ulcer that was quite healed before is now suppurating (wet) again. Nagbasâ na man ang mga matá sang ilóy sang pagkabatî níya nga may nagsámbit sang ngálan sang íya anák nga bág-o lang napatáy. The mother's eyes became wet (filled with tears), when she heard someone mentioning the name of her child that had recently died. Kánding nga binasâ (nabasâ) sang ulán. A goat that has been drenched by rain. (see malá-to be dry, etc.).



To pound or hull, especially rice, by means of a wooden mortar (lusóng) and a pestle (hál-o). Báywa or bayohá ang humáy. Pound the rice. Báywi or bayohí akó sing isá ka pásong nga humáy. Pound for me a bushel of rice. Ibayó akó ánay siníng isá ka gántang nga humáy. Kindly pound this gantang of rice for me. Humáy nga binayó. Rice that has been pounded. (see lúbak, totó, gúmà, dásdas, líg-as).



Price, cost, worth, charge; to be worth, cost, be the price of. Pilá ang bilí siní? How much is this? Nagabilí sing duhá ka písos. It costs two pesos. Pilá ang pagpabilí mo siní? How much do you charge for this? Pabilihí siá sing tátlo ka salapî sináng kálò. Charge him (Have him charged) one peso and fifty centavos for that hat. Pinabilihán akó níla sing támâ. They overcharged me. Bilihán mo kon pilá ang gústo mo nga ibáyad sinâ. Name the price you would be willing to pay for that. Ang humáy nga sádto nagabilí sing mamísos ang pásong nagabilí karón sing ápat ka písos. The rice that formerly cost one peso a bushel now costs four pesos. Nagabalígyà kamí sa kubús kag pát-ud nga bilí, ápang támbing ang báyad. We sell at a cheap and fixed price, but on a cash basis. (see kabilihánan).



(H) The rest, remainder, remains, remnant, what is left over or behind; to be left over etc. Pilá ang ginbáyad mo siníng bilín nga hénero? How much did you pay for this remnant of cloth? Ang ági kag bilín sang mga salâ. The traces and remains of sin. Pilá ka pásong ang nagakabilín pa dídto? How many bushels are left there still? Amó na lang iní ang nabilín? Is this all that is left? (see salín, turá).



A depression, shallow hole, lowest part of a rice-field, etc. (see nalupyakán, alimpásong, libaóng).



Hulled rice; pimple; to hull or be hulled (of rice). Nagbugás na ang humáy sa lusóng. The rice in the mortar has been hulled. Ang duhá ka pásong ginbugás ko sa pándut. I had two bushels of rice hulled for the feast. Bugasá iníng isá ka gántang. Pound or hull this ganta of rice. Bugasí akó sing napúlò ka gántang sa mga dumulúaw. Hull me ten gantas of rice for the visitors. Ginabugasán akó ni Fuláno. I am supplied with hulled rice by N.N. Binugás mo na ang pilít nga sulumanón kag ilibusón? Have you hulled glutinous rice for making súman (cooked rice mixed with sugar and the juice of coconut-meat) and íbus (rice mixed with the juice of coconut-meat, wrapped up in coconut-leaves and boiled)? May tátlo ka bugás siá sa guyá níya. He has three pimples on his face. (see humáy, pálay-unhulled rice: kán-on-cooked rice).



Diminution, reduction, deduction, subtraction, lessening; to lessen, diminish, reduce, deduct, subtract, take off. Nagaamát-amát sang búhin ang humáy. The rice is slowly getting less. Nakabúhin siá sang arína. He took off some flour. Ginbuhínan níya ang swéldo sang íya mutsátso, kay matámad, konó. He lowered, docked, the wage of his servant, for he is lazy, he says. Buhíni ang bilí siní, kay támà kamahál. Lower, cut, the price of this, for it is too dear. Ibúhin mo akó sing isá ka pásong nga humáy sa íya párte nga limá ka pásong, kay may útang siá sa ákon. Please, deduct one bushel of rice from his share of five bushels, for he is in debt to me. Iníng tambóbo nga may humáy walâ pa sing búhin. This rice-granary has not yet been touched (no rice has been taken from it). Nabayáran ko siá sa waláy búhin. I paid him in full (without haggling on my part or remission on his). (see pakulús, paisót, padítay, patikî, kúpus, íban).

dagnás, dágnas


To scour, rub, scrub. Dagnasí ang salóg. Scrub the floor. Idagnás akó siníng salúg. Kindly scrub this floor for me. Dinagnasán na níla sing maáyo ang salúg sang balatonán. They have scrubbed well the floor of the reception room. (see lampáso).



A receptacle, especially the bamboo receptacle used in the collection of toddy from the coconut palms. Ang sulúd sang salúd ginawaní sang mananggéte sa íya nga dawatán. The palm-wine collector empties the contents of the vessel attached to the fruit-stalk of the coconut palm into his collecting-receptacle. (see kawít, pasók).

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