Search result(s) - unúd



Flesh, meat, muscles (as distinct from bones); contents, filling; to contain, hold. Hingulíi kamí sa tiénda sing pulús unúd. Buy for us in the market meat alone (without bones). Malúyag ka magkáon sing unúd (kárne) sang báka? Do you like to eat some beef? Kaúyon ikáw sang unúd sang báka? Are you fond of beef? Iníng botílya walâ gid sing unúd. This bottle is empty (has nothing in it). Iníng tabungós nagaunúd sing duhá ka pásong. This basket holds (contains) two bushels. (see kárne, sulúd).



Flesh, meat, muscles (as distinct from bones); contents, filling; to contain, hold. Hingulíi kamí sa tiénda sing pulús unúd. Buy for us in the market meat alone (without bones). Malúyag ka magkáon sing unúd (kárne) sang báka? Do you like to eat some beef? Kaúyon ikáw sang unúd sang báka? Are you fond of beef? Iníng botílya walâ gid sing unúd. This bottle is empty (has nothing in it). Iníng tabungós nagaunúd sing duhá ka pásong. This basket holds (contains) two bushels. (see kárne, sulúd).

básia, basiá


(Sp. vaciar) To empty, pour out. Ibásia ang túbig, ságbot, etc. Pour out the water, empty out the sweepings, etc. Ginbásia níya sa bintánà ang sulúd sang palanggána. He poured the contents of the wash-basin out of the window. Basiahí sing maínit nga túbig ang idô. Pour hot water over the dog. Ibásia akó ánay sang sulúd (unúd) siníng bakág. Kindly empty this basket for me. (see úlà, bóbò, hohô).

basío, basíyo


(Sp. vacio) Empty, vacant, void, blank, hollow, unoccupied, containing nothing; a clean empty glass or plate. May basíyo kamó? Have you a clean, empty glass (plate)? (see waláy, unúd, waláy, sulúd, punô-full).



To hang, suspend, string up. Bitáya ang ságing, kahón, etc. Hang up the bananas, the box, etc. by means of a string. Ginbitáyan níla ang káhoy sang kánding nga inanítan na. They hung up to the tree the flayed goat. Ibítay akó ánay siníng bakág nga may unúd nga tinápay. Kindly hang up for me this basket filled with bread. Nasentensiahán siá sang hukóm nga bitáyon. He was sentenced by the judge to be hanged.



(B) To roast-, bake-, broil-, over live coals. Bóg-a (boóga) ang kamóti. Bake the sweet potato. Bóg-i (boógi) akó sing kárne, ísdà, ságing, maís, etc. Roast some meat, fish, bananas, corn, etc. for me. Ibóog akó ánay siníng maís. Kindly roast this corn for me. Maís nga binóog, unúd nga binóog, etc. Roast-corn,-meat, etc. (see íhaw, súgba).

Fleshy, meaty; tuberiferous, having-, producing-, developing-, tubers. (see unúd, pangunúd).



(Sp. carne) Flesh; meat. (see kusúg, unúd).



Flesh, meat, the fleshy parts of a slaughtered animal, etc., as distinct from the bones. (see unúd). Also: The prominent, wealthy, influential people.



Fresh, uncooked, unsalted, raw; to be fresh, etc. (of meat, fish, vegetables, etc.). Láb-as pa iníng ísdà? Is this fish fresh? Nalab-asán akó siníng hípon, kay daw nagapisíkpísik pa kon tan-awón. This hipon-fish looks fresh to me, for it looks as if it were still moving. Indì mo pagkán-on ang kárne nga láb-as (hiláw). Don't eat raw meat. Walâ mo paglagáa sing maáyo iníng unúd, kay daw láb-as pa (hiláw pa). You did not boil this meat well, for it tastes almost raw. (see hiláw).



Boiled meat; to boil meat. Lauyáha ang kárne. Boil the meat. Makaúyon ikáw sing laúya or linaúya? Do you like boiled meat? Lauyáhi akó sing unúd sang báka. Boil some beef for me. (see lágà).



To be or become dirty, soiled, etc. See musíngal. Nadágdag ang unúd sa dálan kag nagmurusíngal sang balás. The meat dropped on the road and was mingled (dirtied, stained, soiled) with sand.



Abrasion, excoriation, laceration, slight injury; to gall, abrade, chafe, fret, rub or scrape the skin off, tear off a small piece. Pak-itá ang papél. Tear off a small piece (bit, scrap) of paper. Pak-ití ang búnga, kay tan-awón ko kon mapulá ukón maputî ang íya sinâ nga unúd. Scrape the fruit a little that I may see whether-its pulp is red or white,-it is red or white inside. Ginpák-it níya ang pánit sang káhoy. He stripped a little bark off the tree. Napák-it (Nagkapák-it) ang pánit sang ákon kamót. The skin of my hand got a little chafed. (see pák-ad).



To chop, mince, make mince-meat, put through a sausage machine. Unúd nga pinalábtog. Mince-meat, minced meat. (see lábtog).



A slice, cut, cutlet, piece of meat, etc. Pabákli akó sing isá ka paláng nga unúd sang báka. See that a piece of meat (beef) is bought for me.



Growth, development (of flesh, meat, muscles, etc.); to form (grow, develop) flesh, etc., particularly applied to all kinds of tubers (see unúd).



Inside, contents, interior, what is within; included, together with; to come in, enter, go in; to enter, invade, overrun. Anó ang sulúd siníng bakág? What are the contents of this basket? Ang sulúd sang baláy. The inside (interior) of the house. Sa sulúd sang isá ka búlan. Within a month. Mabáton mo dirâ ang sóhol nga napúlò ka mángmang nga binúlan sulúd ang pagkáon. You will receive there a monthly salary of ten pesos with free board (board included). Usisáa kon anó ang sulúd sinâ. Examine what is within (its contents). Sulúd! Come in! Indì akó makasulúd, kay napintalán ang ganháan. I cannot come in, for the door is bolted. Pasúdla ang mga bátà sa simbáhan. Make the children enter the church. Sinulúd ang bánwa sang mga buyóng. The robbers invaded the town. Súdli ang kínke sing agás. Fill the lamp with kerosene. Nasúdlan na ang paligosán sing túbig. The bath-tub has been filled with water. Iníng tabungós walâ na sing sulúd. This basket is now empty. Yanáng káha may sulúd nga madámù nga pílak. That box contains much money. (see sulúdlan, kasúdlan, unúd).



To chop up, mince, hash, cut up small. Toktoká ang unúd. Cut the meat up small. Chop (hash, mince) the meat. Kárne nga tinóktok. Chopped meat. Mince-meat.

That is to be-chopped up,-minced,-cut up in small pieces,-hashed. Unúd nga toloktokón. Meat for a mince-pie. (tóktok).



To pour in, put in liquids, infuse, fill with. Tughungí ang sugâ sing agás. Fill the lamp with kerosene. Pour some oil in the lamp. Itúghung sa ákon báso yanáng bíno. Pour that wine into my glass. Tughungá ang linágà nga unúd sang túbig. Add water to the boiling (boiled) meat. Natughungán na ang paligosán sing túbig. Tha bath-tub is now full of water. (see bôbô, tígis, tayón, áhog, sulúd).

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