Search result(s) - dílì



(H) Ever. Dílì nga más-a-never. (see mugís).



(B) Clear, bright, said of light or sight. Dílì másna iníng kínki, kay may bíro ang túbo. This lamp is not bright, because the chimney is sooty. Dílì na másna ang panúluk ko, kay tigúlang na man akó. My sight is getting dim, for I am quite old. (see masánag).



(H) See más-a id. Dílì nga mugís. Never, on no account.



(B) To see, know of, understand, perceive. Indì akó makamurót sang sulát, sang sermón, etc. I cannot read the letter. I know nothing of the sermon, etc. Dílì mamurotán ang íla mga halambalánon. Their conversation cannot be understood (overheard). (see hibaló, sáyod, hántup, hangúp, áto, balintúnod).



In combination with a negative: Not any more, not any longer, not again, never again. Indì ka na magbúhat sinâ. You shall not do it any more. Dílì na siá matámbok. He is not fat any longer. Walâ na siá magbálik dídto. He did not go back there again. He never returned to that place. Walâ na silá sing humáy. They have no rice any more. (see the following na).



To loathe, recoil, be sickened, nauseated or revolted, abhor, feel like vomiting or have an aversion to, to detest, abominate, hate, feel repugnance to. Nagakangíl-ad akó sa pagtán-aw sang líntà. I hate to see (look upon) a leech. Dílì takús igkangíl-ad ang pagsagúd sa mga masakít. One should not show one's repugnance in attending on the sick. Ginangil-arán akó sang ípot sang kuríng. I feel like vomiting at the sight of a cat's dirt. (see taká, súm-od, lóod).



Affection for, attachment to; to cherish, wish to keep or retain, value the possession and regret the loss of, to miss, be unwilling to part with, be reluctant to give up, to grudge, begrudge. Dílì nínyo pagkangínlan (pagkangilínan) ang kwárta sa pagpatoón sa mga bátà. Don't grudge spending money for the education of children. Nangílin (Nagkangílin) siá sang relóh nga nadúlà. He highly valued the lost watch. He was quite upset by the loss of his watch. (see hílak).



To force air through the nose, as done by one who dislikes a smell, to snort. Nagaósngad siá, kay dílì níya maíro ang báhò sináng mga siápò. He is blowing through his nose, for he cannot stand the smell of those crushed sugarcane stalks. Ginosngarán nákon ang báhò sináng mga ísdà. The smell of that fish made me snort. (see úsngad, púsnga).



To force air through the nose, as done by one who dislikes a smell, to snort. Nagaósngad siá, kay dílì níya maíro ang báhò sináng mga siápò. He is blowing through his nose, for he cannot stand the smell of those crushed sugarcane stalks. Ginosngarán nákon ang báhò sináng mga ísdà. The smell of that fish made me snort. (see úsngad, púsnga).



With "kon diín", "kon sa diín", or the like, "pa" has the meaning of "anywhere", "anywhere else". Ambót kon sa diín siá nagkádto, kon sa umá ukón sa diín pa. I don't know where he has gone to, whether to his farm or somewhere (anywhere) else. Ang íla kasál pagahiwáton dílì kon sa diín pa, kóndì dirâ na gid lámang sa bánwa nga íla nataóhan. Their marriage will take place not anywhere else, but in their native town.



Way, manner, method, mode, procedure, process, contrivance, means, medium; to let pass, etc. Dílì maáyo ang íla paági sa pagpatíndog siníng táytay. Their way of building this bridge is no good. Paágyon (paagíhon) mo lang ang mga táo sa ímo dútà. Let the people pass through your land. Sa siní ukón sádto nga paági--. In one way or another, somehow or other, by some means or other, by hook or by crook; anyway, at all events, in any case. Ipaági inâ sa hokóm. Let it be brought before the judge. Let the judge decide it. (see pa, ági).



Caus. of bulág-to separate, etc. Pabulagá silá. Cause (order) them to separate. Dílì mo siá pagpabulagán sang íya asáwa. Don't allow him to divorce his wife.



Caus. of gábut-to root out, weed out, pull up by the roots. Ipagábut iníng mga tanúm sa mga hornál. Have these weeds rooted out by the workmen. Pagabúti akó sing sábud, kay ákon ipatánum. Get me some rice-seedlings pulled up, for I am going to have them planted. Pagabúta ang mga bátà sang baríri sa plása. Let the boys weed out the bariri-grass on the public square. Dílì mo pagpagabúton ang mga bátà siníng mga tanúm kay may pulús pa. Don't permit (allow) these plants to be uprooted by the boys, for they are still of some use.



Creed, belief, article of Faith, that which is to be believed. Bantayán nínyo ang bánwa, agúd nga dílì pagsalakáyon sang pagtoloóhan nga butíg. Watch over your town, lest false doctrine should find an entrance. (see tóo).



A prefix meaning:

a.) To pretend, feign, make a show or false appearance of, assume the airs of what the root implies, e.g. Indì ka magpakamanunúon, kon dílì ka manunúon nga matúod. Don't pretend to be a teacher, unless you really are a teacher. Nagpakapárì siá, ápang nasápwan sa madalî nga dílì siá párì galî. He pretended to be a priest, but it was soon found out that he was not a priest at all.

b.) To imagine, consider, think, hold something to be what the stem of the word indicates, e.g. Ginpakamaáyo níla ang amó nga pagbulút-an. They considered that to be a good law, they approved that law. Ang tanán nga nagapakasáyod (nagapakasayód) sinâ--. All those that think that they know the facts in that case--.

c.) To do or experience "really" what the root implies, e.g. Ang mga nagpakabatî sa íya--. Those that (actually) heard him--. Ang mga nagpakatiláw sang amó nga pagkáon nagasilíng nga--. Those that have (actually) tasted that food say that--. Ang mga nagpakatámbong, nagpakadáyaw, etc. Those that were present, applauded, etc. Ang Anák sang Diós nagpakatáo. The Son of God became (really, truly, verily) man.

N.B. It should be borne in mind that there are terms, as e.g. pakalisúd, etc., in which the "ka-" belongs to the stem and their meaning is consequently determined by the prefix pa-, not by paka-.



To esteem highly, hold dear, value, prize, set great store by, think much of, hold in high esteem, appreciate. Pakamahalá ang pagtóo. Esteem the Faith highly. Also: to affect high worth or dignity. Indì ka magpakamahál, kay dílì man ikáw halángdon. Don't affect great dignity, for you are not a dignitary (one of those that are to be looked up to). (paka-, mahál).



To sanctify, hallow, to make or become saintly or holy, keep holy, observe (as sacred); to affect sanctity, be sanctimonious. Pakasantosón mo ang mga Domíngo kag Piésta. Keep the Sundays and Feast-days holy. Ang grásya nga nagapakasántos. Sanctifying grace. Indì ka magpakasántos, kay dílì ikáw sántos. Don't affect sanctity, for you are not a saint. (paka-, sántos).



Caus. of káwat. Bantayí siá kag dílì mo siá pagpakawáton sináng mga páhò. Watch him well and don't let him steal those mangoes.



To guess, conjecture, divine, surmise, speculate, solve a riddle. Pákta (pakotá) kon saráng ka makapakót sinâ. Guess if you can. Dílì nímo mapáktan-or-dílì nímo mapakót iní. You cannot guess this. (see lágpat, mái-om).

Merely formal, not hearty, not sincere; to do coldly or perfunctorily. Pinadálhan níya kamí sing isá ka pangágda ngga pakuláhaw gid. He sent us a very cold (merely formal) invitation. Pagkádlaw nga pakuláhaw. A cold, forced, not a hearty or natural smile. (see alakápa, pasamústra, matúgnaw, hiláw, dílì, hutúhut).

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