Search result(s) - matúgnaw



Cold, fresh, raw, keen, chilly, cool, gelid, frigid, icy, bleak, frosty, freezing. (see túgnaw, mabúgnaw, malamíg).



(B) Shawl, covering for the shoulders and back; to use or wear a shawl. Tan-awá yanáng babáye nga nagaabláy. Look at that woman wearing a shawl. Pagaablayón ko gid iníng bunáng. I will certainly work this yarn up into a shawl. Iabláy lang iníng hábul, kay mátugnaw. Just use this blanket as a shawl, for it is cold. Ablayí ang bátà, agúd indì mapás-* mo sa matúgnaw nga hángin. Put a shawl around the child, lest it should catch a cold in the chilly air. Paablayí silá. Provide them with shawls. Put some shawls at their disposal, (see abrígo, kúnop).



To let simmer, cook slowly over a low fire; to simmer, boil or bubble gently; to warm something near or at the fire. Naarangán na ang tiníg-ang? Has the cooked rice been left simmering for some time over a low fire? Iaráng mo iní sa kaláyo or paarangí iní sa kaláyo. Warm this at the fire. Ginpaarangán níya ang tinápay. She warmed the bread. Magpaaráng ka, kay matúgnaw. Warm yourself, for it is cold. Nagapaaráng siá sang íya kamót sa kaláyo. He is warming his hands at the fire. Ipaaráng mo sa sologoón ang báhaw. Let the servant warm the cold rice. (see aríng-ing, bagáng, baáng-báang, alabáab, ínit).



(B) Shivering, quivering, shaky, trembling; to shiver, quiver, shake, tremble, etc. Banayón ang íya nga kamót. His hand is trembling. Kon mabúdlay ang ímo kamót kag dáyon mo itúsmug sa matúgnaw nga túbig, magabanayón. If your hand is tired and you plunge it at once into cold water, it will shake. (see píri).



To heat, make hot, warm (by putting near a stove or fire). Gaánga ang kamót mo, kay matúgnaw. Warm your hands, for it is cold. Gingáang níya ang íya mga tiíl nga nabasâ túbtub nga nagmalá. He warmed his wet feet till they became dry. Gaángi akó sing dáan nga tinápay, báhaw, etc. Warm up for me some stale bread, cold rice, etc. Igáang mo akó ánay sing súd-an. Heat for me, if you please, some side-dish. Ipagáang mo sa manuglútò iníng tápa. Get the cook to heat up this dried meat. Pagaánga siá sang íya mga kamót. Let him warm his hands. Indì mo akó paggaángan sing kán-on nga báhaw, kay buót akó ákon sang mabáhaw. Don't warm the cold rice for me, for I like to eat it cold. (see paínit, baángbáang, aráng, aríng-ing).



Fresh, cool, cold, chilly; indifferent. (see búgnaw, matúgnaw, mayamíg, maramíg).



Cool, cold, frigid, keen; raw, sharp, piercing, cold and stiff. Malamíg nga bángkay. A corpse cold and stiff. (see lamíg, matúgnaw, maramíg).



(B) Cold; stiff. (see ramíg, malamíg, matúgnaw).



(H) Cool, cold, chilly. (see yamíg, malamíg, mabúgnaw, matúgnaw).

Merely formal, not hearty, not sincere; to do coldly or perfunctorily. Pinadálhan níya kamí sing isá ka pangágda ngga pakuláhaw gid. He sent us a very cold (merely formal) invitation. Pagkádlaw nga pakuláhaw. A cold, forced, not a hearty or natural smile. (see alakápa, pasamústra, matúgnaw, hiláw, dílì, hutúhut).



(Sp. fresco) Fresh, cool; greenhorn, fool, inexperienced, unsophisticated. (see matúgnaw, mabúgnaw, payaón, bataón, bag-óhan, dílì, maálam, halasoón).