Search result(s) - kamí



To hinder, detain, keep back, hold up, impede, prevent, restrain. Ulangá siá sang sugilánon, agúd índì siá makalakát. Prevent him from going away by keeping-up a conversation with him,-him in conversation. Ginuláng kamí sang bahâ. We were held up by the flood. (see pugúng, sagáng, puút, tápnà, etc.).



Between, betwixt; the space between, lying between, intervening-, intermediate (intermediary, intermedial)-, space; what is or lies between, fill, filling, contents, interposition, insertion; to lie between, come between, to interpose, insert, put in, interpolate, intercalate, intersect. Sa ulút (Saginútlan) sang duhá ka baláy--. Between the two houses--. Dílì na náton makítà ang alipokpokán sang búkid, kay nagulút ang isá ka madámol nga gál-um. We cannot see the top of the mountain any longer, for a thick (dense) cloud has come in between. Ang itúm kag putî útlì sang pulá. Put some red colour between the black and white. Indì ka magulút sa íla nga duhá, kóndì magpúngkò ka dirí. Don't take your place between those two, but sit here. Kag lábut pa siní nga tanán nagaulút sa ámon kag sa ínyo ang (ginaútlan kamí kag kamó sang) isá ka dakû nga kadadálman. "And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos." (see bál-ot, sál-ot, tungâ, sulúd, lútlut).



Between, betwixt; the space between, lying between, intervening-, intermediate (intermediary, intermedial)-, space; what is or lies between, fill, filling, contents, interposition, insertion; to lie between, come between, to interpose, insert, put in, interpolate, intercalate, intersect. Sa ulút (Saginútlan) sang duhá ka baláy--. Between the two houses--. Dílì na náton makítà ang alipokpokán sang búkid, kay nagulút ang isá ka madámol nga gál-um. We cannot see the top of the mountain any longer, for a thick (dense) cloud has come in between. Ang itúm kag putî útlì sang pulá. Put some red colour between the black and white. Indì ka magulút sa íla nga duhá, kóndì magpúngkò ka dirí. Don't take your place between those two, but sit here. Kag lábut pa siní nga tanán nagaulút sa ámon kag sa ínyo ang (ginaútlan kamí kag kamó sang) isá ka dakû nga kadadálman. "And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos." (see bál-ot, sál-ot, tungâ, sulúd, lútlut).



Flesh, meat, muscles (as distinct from bones); contents, filling; to contain, hold. Hingulíi kamí sa tiénda sing pulús unúd. Buy for us in the market meat alone (without bones). Malúyag ka magkáon sing unúd (kárne) sang báka? Do you like to eat some beef? Kaúyon ikáw sang unúd sang báka? Are you fond of beef? Iníng botílya walâ gid sing unúd. This bottle is empty (has nothing in it). Iníng tabungós nagaunúd sing duhá ka pásong. This basket holds (contains) two bushels. (see kárne, sulúd).



Flesh, meat, muscles (as distinct from bones); contents, filling; to contain, hold. Hingulíi kamí sa tiénda sing pulús unúd. Buy for us in the market meat alone (without bones). Malúyag ka magkáon sing unúd (kárne) sang báka? Do you like to eat some beef? Kaúyon ikáw sang unúd sang báka? Are you fond of beef? Iníng botílya walâ gid sing unúd. This bottle is empty (has nothing in it). Iníng tabungós nagaunúd sing duhá ka pásong. This basket holds (contains) two bushels. (see kárne, sulúd).

upús nga sinulî


A piece of wood burned on one side and turned round so that the other side may burn. Metaphorically: Sang dídto na kamí sa uluúnhan may nagsúgid sa ámon nga nagubâ ang táytay, gánì daw sinulî lang kamí nga upús. When we had gone a little ahead we were told that the bridge was destroyed; so we turned back (did not continue our march).

upús nga sinulî


A piece of wood burned on one side and turned round so that the other side may burn. Metaphorically: Sang dídto na kamí sa uluúnhan may nagsúgid sa ámon nga nagubâ ang táytay, gánì daw sinulî lang kamí nga upús. When we had gone a little ahead we were told that the bridge was destroyed; so we turned back (did not continue our march).

upús nga sinulî


A piece of wood burned on one side and turned round so that the other side may burn. Metaphorically: Sang dídto na kamí sa uluúnhan may nagsúgid sa ámon nga nagubâ ang táytay, gánì daw sinulî lang kamí nga upús. When we had gone a little ahead we were told that the bridge was destroyed; so we turned back (did not continue our march).

upús nga sinulî


A piece of wood burned on one side and turned round so that the other side may burn. Metaphorically: Sang dídto na kamí sa uluúnhan may nagsúgid sa ámon nga nagubâ ang táytay, gánì daw sinulî lang kamí nga upús. When we had gone a little ahead we were told that the bridge was destroyed; so we turned back (did not continue our march).



(Sp. uso) use, fashion, vogue, type; the initials of a branding iron. Amó iní ang íla úso dirí. This is their custom (way) here. Markahán mo lang ang ákon karabáw sang úso. Brand my buffalo with the usual mark. Walâ kamí sing bíno nga ginabalígya, kóndì pára úso lámang. We have no wine to sell, but (what we have is) for our private use only. (see batásan, kinaugálì, kostúmbre).



(Sp. uso) use, fashion, vogue, type; the initials of a branding iron. Amó iní ang íla úso dirí. This is their custom (way) here. Markahán mo lang ang ákon karabáw sang úso. Brand my buffalo with the usual mark. Walâ kamí sing bíno nga ginabalígya, kóndì pára úso lámang. We have no wine to sell, but (what we have is) for our private use only. (see batásan, kinaugálì, kostúmbre).



Plentiful; to be plentiful, abound, be many. Kon magúya ang ámon kadiós (Kon uyáhon ang ámon kadiós, kon uyáhan kamí sang (sing) kadiós), hatágan ko gid si Fuláno sing isá ka tabungós. If there are (If we have) plenty of cadios-peas I shall certainly give N.N. a basketful. (see óya).



Plentiful; to be plentiful, abound, be many. Kon magúya ang ámon kadiós (Kon uyáhon ang ámon kadiós, kon uyáhan kamí sang (sing) kadiós), hatágan ko gid si Fuláno sing isá ka tabungós. If there are (If we have) plenty of cadios-peas I shall certainly give N.N. a basketful. (see óya).



No, not, none, no one, not any, nothing; there is not, does not exist, there has not been (existed); to be not, have not, be a nonentity, to lack, be deprived of, be not there, to disappear, be gone. Nagkádto ka dídto?-Walâ (akó magkádto). Did you go (Have you been) there?-No, I did not go (I have no been there). Walâ siá pagsugál. He does not gamble. He never gambles. Walâ siá magsugál kahápon. He has not been gambling yesterday. Walâ siá magasugál. He is not gambling (just at present. May kwárta ikáw?-Walâ. Have you (any) money?-No, I have not (none). Walâ kamí sing humáy. We have no rice. Walâ siá dirí. He is not here. Walâ akó gánì sinâ makasáyod. I really did not know it (that). Walâ níya pagtumána (pagatumána) ang sógò. Walâ siá magtúman (magatúman) sang sógò. He did not fulfil (is not fulfilling) the order or precept. He was (is) disobedient. Walâ siá magatoón sa karón nga túig. He is not studying (schooling) this year. Náno na lang ang ímo sinâ sa íla pagdakúp, kon walâ ka sing hinangíban? How can you catch (arrest) them unarmed (without arms, unless you have arms)? Sa walâ sing kon anó--. Without any apparent reason--. Suddenly--. Without much ado (fuss)--. Walâ sing anó man. Don't mention it. It is very little (nothing). Sa walâ gid madúgay umabút siá. It did not last long before he arrived. Sa walâ sing balíbad (lídan). Without excuse (fail). Ginakawalaán (Ginakawád-an, ginakawár-an) silá konkaisá sing pagkáon. At times they have nothing to eat (are lacking, are deprived of, food). (see waáy, waláy, wáy, warâ, warát, warâ, ti, , dílì, índì, bokón, kinawalâ).



Sermon, lecture; to preach, lecture, discourse on, declaim, hold forth. Iwáli mo sa íla inâ. Walíhan mo silá sinâ. Preach it (that) to them. Give them a lecture about it. Anó ang ginwáli sang párì kaína? What was the parish priest preaching about this morning? Maáyo siá magwáli. He is a good preacher (lecturer, orator). Buás sa ága may wáli (sa) nahanungúd sang (sa)--. Tomorrow morning there will be a sermon about--. Ginwalíhan níya kamí sang maáyo nga batásan. He gave us a lecture on right conduct. (see láygay).



Tap, light stroke, gentle slap; to tap, slap, strike with the finger-tips. Kamiasá ang íya ilóng. Tap his nose. Indì mo siá pagkamiasán sa íya guyá. Don't tap him on the face. (see káblit, kúhit, kámlot, kámlò, tándog, kámlas, tápdas).



Capsized, overturned; to turn turtle, overturn. (see túmba, sulî, balískad).



(Sp. camino-road) Road-mender, street-cleaner.



Loneliness, solitariness, dreariness, glumness, moodiness, dejection, sadness, gloom, sentimentality, melancholy, emotional feelings. (see míngaw).



See kamíngaw. Also: Things that make life lonely, sad, etc.

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