Search result(s) - ákon



To feel, touch, pass one's hand or finger over, fumble, finger, handle. Himíli siá sa úlo kon anó ang kaínit níya. Feel his head, how hot it is. Himíla ang hénero kon maáyo. Feel the cloth to see whether it is good. Indì ka maghímil sa ákon. Don't touch me. Ginhímil sang manugbúlung ang íya nga púlso. The doctor felt his pulse. Hinimílan siá sang manughílot sa ágtang. The masseur massaged his forehead. (see híkap, tándog).



To make, do, act, perform an act, deed or work, execute, accomplish. Indì mahímò inâ. That is impossible-or-that cannot be done. Ginhímò níya iní. He did (made) this. Walâ mo paghimóa ang ákon nga sinógò. You have not executed my order. Ginhimóan akó níya sing maláin. He injured me-or-did me some wrong-or-harmed me. Pagahimóon ko gid ang ímo nga túgon, bisán mabúdlay ang trabáho. I will surely carry out your order, even if the work is tiresome. Makahímò ikáw sinâ? Can you do that? (see búhat).



To get ready, prepare, see to, look after, make arrangements for, get in shape. Himósa ang panyága, ang kasangkápan, ang mga tulún-an, etc. Get dinner ready, see to the equipment or tools, look after the books, etc. Himósi akó sing panihápon. Prepare supper for me. Ihímos akó sang ákon hulút. Put my room in order. (see híko, híwat).



Perfect, complete, faultless, exact, precise; to perfect, bring to perfection, etc. Naghímpit ang íya pagginawî sa koléhyo. His manners have become perfect at college. Himpitón mo ang ímo pagsulát. Make your writing perfect-or-Try to write a very good hand. Ihimpit mo akó sang ákon sulát sa Sényor Obíspo. Please see that my letter to the Bishop is perfect. Nagapahímpit siá karón sang íya nga pagtoón. He is now adding the finishing stroke to his studies. Nahimpitán akó siní. This seems perfect to me. (see lántip, búg-os, sampáton).



To break, snap; to breathe one's last, break (of the thread of life). Tambongí akó sa ákon paghimúgtò. Assist me when I breathe my last. (see búgtò).



To feel pain, uneasiness or mortification at the sight of another's well-being or success, envy, spite, begrudge, be sore on account of, harbour a grudge or ill-will, be pained at. Nagahinakít siá sa ákon. He envies me. Ginahinakitán áko níya, kay maáyo ang ákon pinatubás kag makúl-aw ang íya. He harbours ill-will against me, because I had a good harvest and he a poor one. Indì ka maghinakít sang mga kaayóhan sang ibán. Don't envy the good things of others-or-Don't be vexed at the sight of the prosperity of others. (see sakít, hingabút).



(H) To reach the age of girlhood, be or become a maiden. Naghinalagá ang ákon bátà kag mapatáy. My daughter reached the age of maiden-hood and died. (see dalága).



Sudden, unexpected, instant, abrupt, hasty, all at once, thoughtless, unpremeditated, on the spur of the moment, without reflection, temerarious; to do something under a sudden impulse, act thoughtlessly, rashly. Sa hinálì gid lámang natúmba siá kag napatáy. All at once he dropped down dead. Indì ka maghinálì maghámbal. Don't talk under the impulse of the moment (without reflection). Patawára akó, kay nakahinálì akó maghámbal sang díli nagakaígò. Pardon me, for under the impulse of the moment I have spoken improperly. Sa hinálì ákon siá nakítà sa tungâ sang mga táo. Suddenly I saw him in the midst of the people. (see dalî).



The language of mountaineers or of people living in districts away from the coast-line; pertaining to that language; pertaining to the customs and manners of mountaineers; to speak that language. Nagakalaínláin ang hinaráya kag ang hiligáynon. The language of the mountains and that of Iloilo are different. Maálam ka balá maghinaráya? Do you know how to speak the dialect of the mountains? Naghinaráya siá sa ákon-or-ginhinarayáhan akó níya. He spoke to me in the mountain-dialect. Dirí siníng lugár hinaráya ang hámbal. Here in this place the mountain-dialect is spoken. (see hiniráya id.; layá, ilayá, binukídnon).



To stretch out, smooth, hold tightly to, open, (a book, cloth, paper, etc.), unfold, straighten out. Hináta ang hénero. Stretch out the cloth, smooth it out. Hináti akó sang ákon báyò nga yokô. Smooth out my creased jacket. Daláyon lang siá nagahínat sang baráha sa adláw-ádlaw nga tanán. He opens the cards every day, (i.e. he is always playing at cards). Palabása gid siá; dáyon lang níya ginahínat ang líbro. He is an omnivorous reader; he always keeps a book open before him. (see hítad).



To finish (weaving, etc.). Nakahingában ka na sang ákon delargóhon? Have you finished the cloth for my trousers? Pilá ka térno ang ímo ginhingában? How many suits of clothes have you finished weaving? Mahingabánan mo balá akó sang ákon térno sa sulúd siníng pituádlaw? Can you finish (weaving) my suit of clothes this week? Indì akó makahingában sang ímo háblon sa sulúd sa isá ka búlan. I cannot get your cloth off the loom within a month. (see ában).



To reach the goal, terminate, complete, finish, get ready, dispatch. Saráng ka makahingágaw dirí sa las dóse? Can you be here at twelve o'clock? Hingagáwon mo ang ákon talahíon sa buás. Finish (or dispatch) my sewing to-morrow. Ginhingágaw níya ang baláy sa walâ magulán. He reached home before it rained. Hingagáwa ang koríyo. Try to reach the mail (i.e. be there when the mail comes in). Makahingágaw ka balá siní túbtub karón sa hápon? Do you think you can finish it this evening? (see ágaw, tápus, hingápus).



Of some use, rather useful or important, satisfactory; to be of some use or importance, be rather well off. Walâ man hingán ang ákon pagkádto dídto, kay walâ ko siá maabúti. My going there was of no use, for I did not see him (find him at home). Walâ gid hingán ang pagdalî ko, kay naulanán man akó. My hurry was of no avail, for I was caught in the rain all the same. Sádto ánay ímol gid siá, ápang karón naghingán na ang íya pagkabutáng. He used to be very poor, but now he is rather well off, (has quite a little property). (see águd, pulús).

To end, finish, complete, terminate, conclude. Makahingápus ka sang kodál túbtub maghápon? Can you finish the fence by this evening? Hingapúsa ang ímo sulát, diskúrso, etc. Finish your letter, discourse, etc. Hingapúsi na akó sang ákon mga sapátos, kay dúgay na man ang paghulát ko. Please finish the boots for me, because I have been waiting for them a long time. Ihingápus akó ánay sang atóp sang baláy. Please finish first the roof of the house for me. (see tápus, hingágaw).



To cut off, finish, end, terminate, complete. Nagahingutás ang íya kabúhì. His life is coming to an end, (is ebbing away). Ginahingutás na níya ang ákon háblon. She is now finishing the weaving of my cloth. Hingutasí akó sa madalî nga saráng mahímò sing tátlo ka bára sang ákon delargóhon, kay may kinahánglan akó nga dakû. Finish for me quickly (as quickly as possible) the weaving of three yards of cloth for my trousers, for I am much in need of it. (see utás, hingágaw, hingápus, hingumán).



(H) Shine, lustre, brightness, polish, brilliancy; to shine, be bright, be brilliant, be polished. Nagahíning na ang salúg, kay halampasóhan. The floor is bright now, for it has been polished. Kon hínsan mo sing maáyo ang lamésa magahíning. If you rub the table well it will shine. Pahinínga sing maáyo ang ákon mga sapátos. Polish my boots well. Pahiníngi akó sang ákon mga sapátos. Polish my boots. Nagahíning na ang lamésa nga ímo ginpahídan (-íran). The table which you wiped looks as if it were polished. Ipahíning iníng séra sa salúg. Use this wax to polish the floor. (see sílì, silíng, hínis).



Mercy, compassion, sympathy, ruth (poetical); to be merciful, compassionate, have compassion, have mercy, be sympathetic, to sympathize with. Nagahinóklog siá sa ákon. He is compassionate towards me. Ginhinoklogán níya ang masakít nga bátà. He had pity on the sick child. Hinoklogí ang mga nalísdan. Take pity on those in distress. (see áwà, lóoy, hanóklog).



On the contrary, but, but rather, however. Buút siá magdaúg sa ákon sa dúmug, hinonóo gánì siá amó ang nabúntol. He wished to defeat me in wrestling, but after all it was he who was thrown. "Dî mo kamí ipapagdaúg sa panuláy, hinonóo pamawíon mo kamí sa kaláut". "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil", (see tapát, agád).

hínta, híntà


Now then! Come on! Let us see. Hínta, ísol ka dídto. Now then, get back there. Hínta, pasúlnga akó. Now then, show it to me, let me see it. Hínta, ipabása mo sa ákon ang sulát. Well, let me read the letter. Hínta, ábi, tan-awón ko kon matúod in-á. Well! Fancy that! I want to see whether that is true. Hínta, dína (diín na) ang tulún-an nga ginsilíng mo? Now then, where is the book you mentioned? (see hánti, hatî).



To melt, be digested, dissolved. Nagahinunáw pa ang ákon kináon; índì pa akó magpalígos. The meal I have taken is not digested yet; I will not go bathing so soon.

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