Search result(s) - ákon



Trial, hardship, difficulty; to be a trial, be hard, become difficult; pahiól-to beset, bother, molest, harass, cause trouble, hardship or difficulty. Naghiól na ang íya kahimtángan. His position has become difficult. Nagpahiól siá sa ákon. He caused me trouble. He molested me. Ginpahiolán (Ginpahíl-an) ni Fuláno si tátay sa lakás nga pangáyò. Father was greatly bothered by the insistent request of N.N. Pahiolí (Pahíl-i) siá túbtub nga magákig. Harass him till he gets angry. Mahiól ang íla pangabúhì. Their life is a hard or trying one. (see huól).



Glad, pleased, content on account of some accession of help. Hirihímo akó kay dirí na ikáw. I am glad that you are here (to help me). Hirihímo akó kay naghánggud ka na kag saráng ka makabúlig sa ákon. I am pleased that you are now grown up and able to help me.



(Sp. hierro, herrar) Mark, brand; to mark or brand with an iron. May híro ang kabáyo. The horse is branded. Magahíro akó sang ákon karakáw. I will brand my buffalo. Magapahíro akó sang ákon báka. I will have my cow branded. Sa taghiriró madámù nga mga háyup ang pagahiróhan. During the branding season many domestic animals will be marked. (see márka, doón, óso, úso).



To feel tight, clogged, or blocked up (of the chest and respiratory organs, etc.). Nagahoót ang ákon dúghan nga daw dílì akó makaginháwa. My chest feels blocked up, so that I can scarcely breathe.



(Sp. horma) Form, mould; to form, set in order, repair. Hormahá ang baláy, sapátos, etc. Repair the house, boots, etc. Hormahí akó sang ákon atóp, sinélas, etc. Repair my roof, my slippers, etc. for me.



To draw, unsheathe (a sword, etc.). Hós-a (hosoá) ang sáble sa tagúb. Draw the sword from its scabbard. Hós-i akó sang binángon. Unsheathe the bolo for me. Sa hinálì nagákig siá, hinós-an níya akó sang binángon kag buút siá maglabô sa ákon. Suddenly he got angry, drew his bolo at me and wanted to slash me. Ihosô akó ánay siníng binángon, kay akó índì makadaúg. Please unsheathe this bolo for me, for I am not able to do it. Hós-on mo ang tigíb sa ápal. Wrench the handle off the chisel. (see húnus, gúnut, hábnus).



An exclamation to draw one's attention. Hey! Hi! Hoy! hye! Hóy, sín-o ikáw dirâ? Hey, who are you over there? Hóy, maanó kamó dirâ? Hey, what are you up to there? Hóy, índì nínyo pagkawáton ang ákon mga serigwélas. Hoy, don't you steal my plums.



To open, untie, unfasten, solve-, loosen-, undo-, a knot, unbind, unlace. Hubáda (-ára) ang písì. Untie the string. Ginhúbad níya ang pinutús. He opened the parcel. Hubádi akó sang higót sang ákon sapín. Undo my shoe-strings or: unlace my boots. Ihúbad akó ánay sing isá ka binúgkos nga bungálon. Please loosen up a bundle of green fodder. Ihúbad iníng dágum sa hílo nga nagbalíghot. Use this needle to open the knotted thread with. Makahúbad ka siníng paktákon? Can you solve this riddle? (see huád, lubád).



To whisper, speak very softly, have a quiet conversation. Ihudínghúding mo lang inâ sa ákon, agúd índì mabatián sang ibán. Just whisper it to me, lest it should be overheard by others. (see haníháni, hurínghúring, hinudínghúding).



(Perhaps a corruption of the Sp. urgir). To bother, molest, disturb. Indì ka maghudír sa ákon-or-Indì mo akó paghudirón. Don't bother (molest) me.



Loose, slack, not tight, relaxed; not fervent, not very sincere. Hugakâ man lang ang pagtúman mo sang ákon mga sógò. You are slack in carrying out my orders. (see halungkakâ id.).



To rinse, wash, clean, cleanse with water. Hugási ang báso. Rinse the glass (with water). Mahúgas pa akó ánay sang ákon tiíl. First I am going to wash my feet. Ihúgas iníng túbig sa pínggan. Use this water to clean the plates with. Hinugásan níla ang mga kópa. They cleaned the wine-glasses (with water). Ihúgas akó siníng supéra. Kindly clean this soup-tureen for me. Ipahúgas iníng mga báso sa mutsátso. Have these glasses cleaned by the servant-or-Order the servant to clean these glasses.



To steep in, pervade, diffuse, saturate with (odours, etc.). Ang kahumút sang habón naghúgum sa mga panápton nga sa sulúd sang baúl. The scent of the soap suffused the clothes in the trunk. Nahugúman ang íya ulús sang bahô sang binódo. Her clothes are saturated with the smell of salt fish. Ihúgum (ipahúgum) iníng pahumút sa ákon mga panápton. Scent my clothes with this perfume. Nahúgum gid siá sang amó nga pagtoloóhan. He is steeped in that creed-or: He is a votary of that creed. (see lúgum, húpug).



To gather, pick, pluck (peas, beans, etc.). Hugúta ang kadyós, kay nagapalanggusáng na. Pluck the cadios-peas, for they are beginning to burst (i.e. are ripe). Hugúti akó sing balátong. Gather some beans for me. Ihúgut mo akó ánay sang ákon mónggo. Kindly gather my monggo for me.



To get loose and fall off, peel off, scale off (as plaster from a wall, labels pasted on boards, etc.). Nahúk-ab ang pínta sa baláy, ang ápog sa padér, etc. The paint on the house, the plaster on the wall loosened-or-came off in scales, etc. Huk-abá ang sílyo sa sóbre. Take the stamp off the envelope. Huk-abí ang puertáhan sináng papél. Take that paper off the door. Sín-o ang naghúk-ab sang abíso nga ákon ginpapilít sa tápì dirâ? Who tore off the notice I pasted on that board there? (see ukáb, lúk-ab, húl-ab).



(H) Borrowing; to borrow, get a loan, raise money. Nakahulám siá sang ákon kwárta. He borrowed money from me. Pahulamá akó sang ímo kwárta. Lend me some money. Hulamí akó sing pílak kay Fuláno. Get me an accommodation from N.N. Ipahulám sa ákon ang ímo karabáw karón sa hápon. Let me have (let me have a lend of) your buffalo for this afternoon. Sa karón índì nákon ikáw mapahulám sing kwárta, kay balasúbas akó gid. For the present I cannot advance you money, because I am completely out of cash. Indì ka maghulám kag índì ka magpahulám. Neither borrower nor lender be. Ang amó nga pílak saráng mapahulám sa íla. That money can be given them as a loan, (they can borrow that money). (see língit, útang, ángkat).

huláy, húlay


To divide, partition, share out, distribute, apportion. Hulayá ang humáy, kwárta, etc. Divide the rice, distribute the money, etc. Hulayí akó sang ákon báhin. Let me have my share-or-give me my portion. Ginhuláy níla ang mga háyup nga pinanúblì níla. They divided amongst themselves the animals they had inherited. Ari ang limá ka mángmang; ipahuláy lang sa mga músiko. Here are five pesos; let the musicians divide them amongst themselves. (see báhin, párte).



(H) To mend wickerwork, repair a mat, basket, thatched roof, etc. Hulípi ang amákan. Repair the bamboo mat. Ginhulípan níla ang atóp nga kógon. They repaired the cogon-roof. Ihúlip iníng mga sókdap sa tabungós. Use these bamboo strips to mend the tabungós-basket. Ihúlip akó ánay sang ákon bakág. Please mend my carrier's basket. (see húrip id.).



Thought, thinking, idea, reflection, cogitation, consideration, surmise, guess, opinion; to think, cogitate, reflect, ponder, consider, surmise, opine, guess. Hunàhunáa inâ sing maáyo. Think well over it-or-Consider that well. Naghunâhúnà akó nga--. I thought that--. Ginahunâhunáan na níla karón sing mabinalák-on kon anó ang maáyo nga isagáng sa maláut nga pamatásan sang mga bág-ong túbò. They are now considering with great solicitude what is the best way to check the bad habits of the rising generation. Sa ákon hunâhúnà--. In my opinion--. Walâ akó sing hunâhúnà nga--. I had no idea that--. Kon maghunâhúnà ka sing súbung nagasayúp ikáw. If you think that, you are mistaken. (see dúmdum, painóíno, sálig).



Closely woven or wrought, not transparent; to weave close, make compact. Hunapíta gid ang paghabúl. Weave very close. Hunápit nga hénero. Closely woven cloth. Ihunápit akó sang ákon háblon, bakág, amákan, etc. Please weave my cloth, basket, bamboo mat, etc. close. (see húpit).

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