Search result(s) - kalát



(B) Plump, large and stout, large in circumference, said of persons and things in general. Mabahúl nga táo, kalát, káhoy, baláy, etc. A stout man, a thick rope, a big tree or large piece of wood, a large house, etc. (bahúl) Also: rough, coarse, ill-mannered. (see dakû, madámol, bástos, manól, )



(Sp. mantener) To maintain, keep up, hold out, support, keep alive, manage to go on. Nagamantenér gid lang silá sang íla pangabúhì. They are just managing to keep alive, they are supporting themselves rather poorly or with difficulty. Mantenehón mo ánay ang kalát, kay kuháon ko pa ang tigíb. Hold the rope in position, for I am going to fetch the chisel. Komústa kamó?-Nagamantenér kamí. How are you?-We are getting along pretty well. Nagaduhádúha akó kon makamantenér siá dídto sing maláwig nga tión. I wonder (doubt), whether he will be able to support himself there (remain there) for any length of time. Mantenér lang. It will do-for the present,-to go on with. It is only-a make-shift,-a temporary substitute, or the like.



(H) To lengthen, elongate, draw out, make long, extend, add to the length of, produce (a line). Palabáa ang kalát. Lengthen the rope. Ginpalábà níla ang, halígi. They lengthened the post, (pa, lábà).



Freq. of tóhog-to perforate, pierce, etc. Panuhúga silá sa ilóng kag hígtan sing kalát. Put rings in their noses and tie them with ropes (hitched to the rings).



(B) Strong, tough, lasting well (long), resisting stress, wear and tear. Pátol nga kalát, hénero, káhoy, etc. A strong rope, cloth, wood, etc. Napatolán akó siníng delárgo. This pair of trousers looks strong to me. (see húnit, húnlit, tíngting, bákud, báskug, mapátol).



Double, twofold, duplicate, folded; to double, duplicate, fold. Piloá ang kalát, kápay, etc. Double the rope, fold the blanket, etc. Piloón (Piloán) mo lang ang bilí siní. Simply double the price of this. Charge double the price. Ginpilô níya ang íya paningúha. He redoubled his efforts. Pilô nga kadunggánan ang íya naágum. He obtained a double (twofold) honour.



The thin part of a cable or rope. Ang kalát mabúgtò sa pilwákpílwak. The rope will snap where it is thinnest.



Cord, string, rope. (see kalát, higót, káble).



A kink; to kink. Nagpotók ang kalát, ang hílo, etc. The rope kinked, the thread twisted into kinks, etc. (putók id.).



A twist, coil or kink in a rope, yarn, cable, or the like; to kink, etc. Nagputók ang kalát. The rope has knotted, kinked (potók id.).



(Sp. rollo) To roll, coil; a roll, coil. Rolyohá ang kalát. Roll up the rope. Isá ka rólyo nga alámbre. A roll or coil of wire. (see balólon, lolón, lolós, lókot, bulús).



(B) To break, snap, part asunder, as a rope or the like. Narúgtas (Nagkarúgtas) ang kalát. The rope snapped. Sín-o ang nagrúgtas kang písì? (Sín-o ang nagútud (nagbúgtò) sang písì?). Who has broken the string? (see útud, búgtò, búgras, lígtas, lúgtas).



A large and thick rope, a cable. (see kalát, káble).



To twist or throw around, pass round, give a turn round, encircle. Isabúd ang kalát sa káhoy. Pass the rope around the tree. Give the rope a turn or two round the tree. Nasábdan ang bagát sang písì. The string was given a few turns round the pole. Sinábdan sang mán-og ang sangá sang káhoy. The snake coiled itself round the branch of the tree.



To put round an arm, a rope, etc. Sakbayí ang sáko sing kalát kag yayóngan. Put a rope around the sack and carry it by means of a pole. Sinakbayán níya ang masakít sang íya bútkon, agúd índì matúmba. He put his arm round the sick man, lest he should fall.



To entwine, twist round. Salbirá (-idá) ang duhá ka nahót nga kalát. Twist two pieces of rope together. Salbirí sang tiíl mo ang íya nga tiíl. Twist your foot round his.



To plant one's foot against something for support, take a firm stand as when pulling a rope or the like. Síkad ka sing maáyo sa pagbútong sang kalát. Take a firm stand for pulling the rope. Sikádi (-ári) ang tuód, bató, etc. Plant your foot firmly against the tree-stump, the stone, etc. Isíkad ang tiíl mo sa padér. Put your foot (firmly) against the wall.



To splice, add to in length, prolong, join, continue. Sugponá ang duhá ka písì. Join the two strings together. Sugponí ang kalát, kay malíp-ot. Join another piece to the rope, for it is too short. Isúgpon iníng lúbid. Add this string or cord. Indì ka magsúgpon sa mga dinúpak nga halambalánon. Don't join in-, take part in-, indecent conversations.



To cut through, sever, part, divide, a rope, belt, etc. Tabtabá ang tabáng. Cut through the neck-rope. Gintábtab níya ang sinturón. He cut the belt in two. Itábtab iníng binángon sa kalát. Cut the rope with this bolo.



Measure, standard, measurement, degree, dimension; coming up to the mark or standard, entitled to, deserving of, meriting, meet, worthy; to measure, take the measure of, survey. Gintakús níya ang ákon umá. He measured or surveyed my field. Nangintakús na siá sang amó nga palangakoán. He has become worthy of that position of power or office. Walâ siá sing ikatakús sa pagkapangúlo-bánwa. He has no capacity for-, does not measure up to-, the office of Municipal President. Táksa (takusá) ang kalabaón siníng kalát. Measure the length of this rope. Táksi akó sing limá ka dupá sináng alámbre. Measure out for me ten yards of that wire. Ipatakús mo ang ímo palangúmhan sa agrimensór. Have your farm surveyed by a land-surveyor. Takús siá sang tanán nga pagdáyaw. He is worthy of all praise. (see sókol, sokób, sángkol, ángay).

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