Search result(s) - ákon



(B) Hidden, secret, difficult to find, out of the way, concealed, not open to view or inspection. Marírong nga lugár ang tinagóan níya sang ákon líbro. He has hidden my book in a secret place or hidden nook. (see maríit).



The rice-flower; to flower (of rice). Ang humáy nagamarô na. The rice is now flowering or in bloom. Sa duhá ka simána magamarô ang humáy sa ákon talámnan. Within two weeks the rice on my field will be in flower. Namaroán na akó sang ákon humáy. My rice has flowered, blossomed.



Your, yours, thy, thine, of you, of yours (singular); by or through you (thee). (see ímo, nímo and see ákon).



(Sp. moler) To grind, pound, crush, mill, pulverize, vex, molest, annoy, harass, bother, overwork. Nagmolér gid siá sa ákon. He annoyed me very much. (see galíng, galít, pasáklaw, huól, hiól, paugút).



To get angry, exasperated, provoked, riled, indignant, cross, wax hot with anger. Nagamúgut na ang ginháwa ni Fuláno. N.N. is waxing hot, is getting angry or exasperated. Nagamúgut siá sa ákon. Ginamugútan (Ginamúgtan) níya akó. He is angry with me. (see ugút, ákig, sáklaw).



To criticize maliciously, run down, carp, cavil, disparage, decry, belittle, traduce, underrate, speak ill of, find fault with, slight, depreciate, speak depreciatingly of the doings of others. Nagmúlay siá sa ákon-or-ginmúlay níya akó. He disparaged me. He spoke ill of me. Indì mo pagmuláyon ang íya mga binuhátan. Don't criticize his doings in a malicious way. (see híkay, támay).



To stir again, start to work, move about again (after an illness, etc.) Nagmulikáw na ang masakít. The sick person is up and about again. Sa isá ka simána, sa ákon bántà, magamulikáw liwán ang masakít. Within a week, in my opinion, the sick person will be moving about again, will be on his feet again. (see mukháyaw, murikáw).



A prefix denoting the past tense active (transitive and intransitive), e.g. Nagsilíng siá sa ákon--. He told me--. Nagsulát siá sing binaláybay. He wrote a poem. Sín-o ang nagbúhat sinâ? Who did it? Who has done it (that)? Nagdálum ang búhò. The hole has become deep. Nagláin ang íya ginháwa. She (has) swooned. She did not feel well. Naghalín na siá. He has gone away. (see nanag-).



(H) See ákon, ko.



Genitive of kamí-we (the person addressed is excluded); ours; by through, etc. us. Ang tubó námon. Ang ámon tubó. Our sugar cane. Pagahimóon námon inâ. Amon inâ pagahimóon. We will (shall) do that (it). Sa baláy námon. Sa ámon baláy. At our home. (see ámon, ákon).



To fray, ravel, fret, become frayed, ravelled, fretted, to get loose or separate (of threads or fibres in cloth, etc.). Ang ákon báyò nagakanátnat na sa kagabukón. My jacket is getting frayed on account of rottenness. Sa kadaanón nagakanátnat ang íya hábul. On account of being old his blanket is beginning to fray (ravel) out. (see nútnut, tâtâ, sarabusáb, tingkarág).



Genitive of kitá-we (the person addressed being included). Of us, ours; by, through, etc. us. Ang talámnan náton. Ang áton talámnan. Our field. Ginbúhat náton inâ. Aton ginbúhat inâ. That was done by us. We did that (it). (see ákon).



Proximity or nearness to, direction towards, side, party; in the direction of, towards, near, in the neighbourhood, neighbouring, at the side of, on the way to. Diín náyon ang ímo baláy? In what direction, where about is your home? Sa búkid náyon. Towards the mountains, in the direction of or near the mountains. Ang íya baláy dirí náyon sang simbáhan, ang ákon dídto náyon. His home is on this side of the church, mine is on the other side. Anó nga náyon ang íya nga ginahilayán? What side or party is he inclined to (does he favour)? Diín dapít náyon ang ímong palangúmhan? Whereabout (Whereabouts) is your farm? N.B. Dapít náyon is often used, but is really a pleonasm, as both terms mean the same thing. (see dapít).



A conjunctive particle used in various ways:

a.) to connect adjectives and nouns, nouns and nouns, etc., e.g. mabúg-at nga lúlan. A heavy load. Sa manábaw nga subâ. In the shallow river. Baláy nga bató. A stone building. Isá ka kúlon nga kán-on. A kettle full of rice. Mga ságing nga tinanók. Boiled bananas. Ang mga nagahuníhúni nga sirúmsirúm. The chirping crickets. Isá ka lubí nga binukâ. A split coconut.

b.) to connect ideas or sentences, equivalent to: that, in order that, if. Nakadumdúm akó nga--. I thought that--. Ang labíng maáyo nga magkádto ka dídto sa súbung siní. It would be best, if you went there at once. Indì mo pagkalímtan nga buás masúgud kitá magarádo. Don't forget that tomorrow we begin ploughing.

c.) as relative pronoun. Ang táo nga naglubás kaína amó ang ákon tíyò. The man who passed a while ago is my uncle. Amó iní ang bátà nga mahúmok gid sing úlo. This is the boy who has a very bright under-standing. Diín na ang tigíb nga gingámit ko kahápon? Where is the chisel I used yesterday?

d.) as an introduction to an exclamation. Nga pagkalisúd sang pangabúhì karón! Oh, how difficult living conditions are! Nga pagkabungúl siníng bátà! Oh, the stubbornness (obstinacy) of this boy! How stubborn this boy is!



(H) To be set on edge, have one's teeth set on edge. Nagngílo ang ákon ngípon siníng maáslum nga búnga sang sámbag. My teeth were set on edge by this sour tamarind. This sour tamarind has set my teeth on edge. Nangilóhan akó sináng línghud nga páhò. My teeth were set on edge by that green (unripe) mango. Ang búnga nga maáslum nagapangílo sang ngípon. Sour fruit sets the teeth on edge. (see nílo).



(H) Their, theirs; by or through them; silá níla, silá íla, or silá sing íla--. They on their part--. (see íla and see ákon).



(H) Your, yours (singular), thy, thine; by or through you, by thee. (see ímo, mo and see ákon).



Genitive of kamó-you (plural); yours; of, by, through, etc. you (ye). (see ákon).



(Perhaps from the Sp. naipe) The payment of a certain portion of the winnings at cards for the use of the cards, light, rooms, etc.; to pay for the use of rooms, cards, light, etc. with a certain percentage of the winnings. Naganípi silá sang baráha sa baláy ni Fuláno. They are paying for the use of the cards at N.N.'s house. Kon malúyag kamó magsugál dirí sa ákon baláy, nipíhan nínyo ang ákon baráha. If you wish to play at cards here in my house, you must pay me for the use of my cards.



(Sp. noticia) Notice, news, tidings, information, bill, placard, hearsay. May notísya nga nabáton gíkan sa--. News has been received from--. Notísya lang ang ákon (ímo, íya, ámon, áton, ínyo, íla). I (you, he, we, you, they)-just heard of it,-didn't pay attention to it,-have nothing to do with it,-have no interest or concern in it,-have nothing to gain or lose by it, or the like. (see balítà, pahibaló, pasáyod).

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