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To publish, make public, make known, tell everybody. Ginpabágtì níya ang tinágò níla nga kasugtánan. He made known their secret agreement. Indì mo pagipabágtì ang nahanabû dirí. Don't tell everybody of what has happened here. (see bágtì, pabantálà, pabútyag, pabalahúbà, buyágyag).



To attribute to, inculpate, impute, lay the guilt, etc. upon someone else, accuse, denounce, make responsible; blame. Indì ka magpabángdan sa ákon sang ímo sayúp. Don't blame me for your mistake. Ginpabángdan níla sa manugbúlung ang kamatáyon sang íla anák, kay, konó, gindapátan níya sing maláin nga bulúng. They attributed the death of their child to the doctor, for, they said, he applied a harmful prescription. (see bangúd, pabangúd).



To have, or get, something blessed. Nagpabendíta siá sang íya bág-o nga medálya. She had her new medal blessed. Ginpabendíta níya sa Párì ang íya nga koréa. She had her cord (belt, girdle, cincture) blessed by the priest. Ipabendíta mo sa Párì ang ímo bág-o nga baláy. Have your new house blessed by the priest. (pa, bendíta (Sp.).

pabulá, pábula


(Sp. fábula) Fable, story, yarn, fabrication, invention, falsehood, lie, legend; to tell stories, lies, falsehoods, to make up things. Ginapábula man lang níya ináng mga butáng. Those things he is talking about are mere inventions (lies, falsehoods). (see sugígsúgid, butíg, pasúni, patúga).



Dim. and Freq. of pabungúl. Indì ka magpabungúlbúngul sa maáyo nga mga láygay. Don't be deaf to good advice. Ginapabungúlbungúlan lang níya ang íya katarúngan. He is deaf to his reasoning, pays no attention to his argument, does not want to listen to his remonstrance or the like.



To disclose, make public, publish, divulge, reveal, tell, let out, let into, break (a secret), betray. Indì mo pagipabútyag iníng kasugtánan náton. Carefully guard the secret of this agreement of ours. Don't make public this our agreement. Ginpabútyag níya ang salâ nga tinágò ni Fuláno. He made known (revealed, divulged) N.N.'s secret fault. Magpabútyag ka siní sa bánwa. Make this known in the town. Napabutyagán na silá sang amó nga hitabû. The news of that event has already reached them (has been spread amongst them). (see pa, bútyag, pabágtì, pabantálà, pahibaló, pasáyod, pabalahúbà).



To throw-, strike-, knock-, down, to floor, lay level with the floor. Pinabúyò níya siá sa kalóg. He threw him into the ditch. (see banál, túmba, pilák, lámba, tíklod, tulúd).



To gratify another's wish, indulge another, let another have his will, wink at, accommodate oneself to, spoil (a child). Nagságsag ang íla anák, kay sang diótay pa siá íla ginpadagayán sang tanán níya nga luyáglúyag. Their son turned out bad, because when he was young they granted him everything he wished for,-they let him have everything he wanted. (see pasugút, pagústo, patúyang, pagusá, pasamíyang, pakaiyáníyan).



Caus. of dámol-thick, etc. To thicken, make thick. Ginapadámol níya ang padér. He ordered the wall to be made thick. He had the wall made thicker. Padamóla ang bibínka. Make the bibinca-cake thick. Cook thick bibinca-cakes.



To remonstrate, argue, try to overcome, quarrel, bicker and bite, to urge, incite against, overwhelm with. Nagapadausáy silá. They are arguing (remonstrating) with each other. Indì kamó magpadáus. Don't quarrel. Pinadaúsan akó níya sang idô. He set his dog on me. Ipadáus mo ang idô sa báboy. Send the dog after the pig. Ginapadaúsan lang akó níya sing hámbal, bisán walâ sing katarúngan. He abused me in strong language, though he had no reason for it. (see padag-ánay, sabtánay, país-is).



To slip out of, escape from a grasp, free oneself from a grip and the like. Ginpúgus níya akó nga walâ na akó makapádlus sa hugút níya nga mga bútkon. He hugged me so tight that I could not escape from his clinch. (see palús, pádios).



To honour, give honour to, revere, venerate, esteem, appreciate, reverence, bestow honour upon, respect, exalt, extol. Ginapadúnggan náton ang mga Sántos. We venerate the Saints. Pinadúnggan níya si Fuláno sing dakû. He treated N.N. with great honour. He honoured N.N. greatly. Walâ gid silá magpadungúg sa íya. They showed no respect for him at all. (see dungúg).



A prefix used to form:

a.) The infinitive. Mahapús ang pagpatíndog sing bág-o nga baláy, kon may kwárta lang ikáw. It is easy to erect a new house, if only you have the money. Ginapílit akó sa pagkádto dídto. I must go there. Laín ang pagsógò kag laín ang pagtúman. To order and to obey are different things.

b.) The negative. Indì mo pagbuháton inâ. Don't do that. Walâ níya pagbuháta inâ. He did not do that. Walâ níya pagtón-i ang leksyón. He did not learn the lesson. Indì mo pag-ihátag sa íya iníng páhò nga línghod. Don't give him this unripe mango. Walâ silá pagsúay. They never quarrel, etc.

c.) Verbal nouns. Ang pagsálig sa Diós. Trust or confidence in God. Ang pagtóo, pagláum kag paghigúgma. Faith, hope and charity. Ang pagkádto kag pagkarí. The journey to and fro, the round or return trip, etc.

d.) The imperative. Pagtíndog na kag paglakát. Arise (Stand up) and walk. (see mag-).



To importune, ask insistently, press, urge, keep asking, pester, beg hard. Indì ka magpagâgâ kay tátay sing bág-o nga báyò. Don't keep asking Father for a new jacket. Ginpagàgaán níya si nánay sing arítos nga buláwan. She insistently asked mother for golden earrings. (see patúsà).



To make or cause trouble or a disturbance, to raise a-turmoil,-riot,-mutiny, to incite, instigate (trouble, etc.). Indì ka magpagamó. Don't make trouble. Ginpagamohán níya ang kalípay sa baláy ni Fuláno. He caused a disturbance during the entertainment at N.N.'s house. (pa, gamó).



Caus. of gíhit-to move, etc. Ginpagíhit níya akó sang síya. He ordered me to move the chair. Pagihíti akó sang lamésa dirí. Get somebody to shift the table here for my convenience.



A prefix used like pag-, but with the difference that pagka-is more used with intransitive verbs, e.g. sang pagkadúlà sang íya pányo--. When her handkerchief was lost--. But: sang pagdúlà níya sang íya pányo--. When she lost her handkerchief--. pagka-is also frequently employed in the formation of abstract nouns, e.g. pagkalisúd, pagkasádya, pagkagayón, pagkataohánon, etc.-distress, cheerfulnes, beauty, human nature, etc.



Dishevelled, disarranged, ruffled, rumpled, in disorder; to be dishevelled, etc. Págpag ang bohók níya-or-nagapágpag ang bohók níya. Her hair is dishevelled. Indì ka magpapágpag sang bohók nímo. Don't rumple your hair. (see búkag, bukágkag, burungáyngay, parágpag).



Great anger, rage, frenzy, fury, wrath, towering passion; to rave, be angry, furious, wild. Nagamátamát na siá sang págut. He gradually-waxed very hot,-became furious. Nagapágut siá. He is furious. He is in a tearing rage. Ginpagútan níya akó. He was furiously angry with me. Indì ka magpágut. Don't get wild or angry. Don't bluster. (see múgut, síngkal, ákig).



(Sp. faja) Girdle, belt, sash, band, bandage; to wear or use a belt, etc. Nagapáha siá. He wears a belt. Ginpáha níya ang ákon páha. He wore my belt. Pahái (paháhi) ang bátà. Put a belt on the boy. Ipáha lang iníng lúbid. Just use this string for a belt. (see wágkos, wáklos).

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