To hear, get to know, receive information. Walâ mamutikí túbtub karón kon sín-o ang nagbúhat sinâ. Up till now it is not known who did it. Kon mamutikán níya iní--. If he hears of it--. In case he should receive news of it--. Suppose he should get to know of it (this)--. (see matík).
Now, at last, already, at present, so soon. Manyága na kitá. Let us now have dinner. Adlaw na, bángon kamó. It is already broad day-light, get up. Tápus na? Finished so soon (already)? Tápus na. This is the end of it. Finished. Ari na siá. He is now here. N.B. The na in the Visayan language is much more used than the "now, already" of English and may often be left out in translation without impairing the sense. (see karón, don, ron, kár-on).
(B) Entrusted with, in charge of, burdened with the responsibility for. Malisúd karón ang pagkabuhî sináng babáe nga bálo, kay nanurúgnan pa siá sa íyang kabatáan. The life of that widow is full of difficulties and she is burdened yet with the care of her children. (see panúgon).
A conjunctive particle used in various ways:
a.) to connect adjectives and nouns, nouns and nouns, etc., e.g. mabúg-at nga lúlan. A heavy load. Sa manábaw nga subâ. In the shallow river. Baláy nga bató. A stone building. Isá ka kúlon nga kán-on. A kettle full of rice. Mga ságing nga tinanók. Boiled bananas. Ang mga nagahuníhúni nga sirúmsirúm. The chirping crickets. Isá ka lubí nga binukâ. A split coconut.
b.) to connect ideas or sentences, equivalent to: that, in order that, if. Nakadumdúm akó nga--. I thought that--. Ang labíng maáyo nga magkádto ka dídto sa súbung siní. It would be best, if you went there at once. Indì mo pagkalímtan nga buás masúgud kitá magarádo. Don't forget that tomorrow we begin ploughing.
c.) as relative pronoun. Ang táo nga naglubás kaína amó ang ákon tíyò. The man who passed a while ago is my uncle. Amó iní ang bátà nga mahúmok gid sing úlo. This is the boy who has a very bright under-standing. Diín na ang tigíb nga gingámit ko kahápon? Where is the chisel I used yesterday?
d.) as an introduction to an exclamation. Nga pagkalisúd sang pangabúhì karón! Oh, how difficult living conditions are! Nga pagkabungúl siníng bátà! Oh, the stubbornness (obstinacy) of this boy! How stubborn this boy is!
Sting, prick, throbbing, compunction; to throb, beat, trouble, sting, prick, perplex, gnaw at. Nagangótngot ang íya hubág, ang íya tagiposóon, etc. His ulcer, his heart, etc. is throbbing. Ginangotngotán siá sang íya konsyénsya. His conscience is gnawing him, troubles or perplexes him. Ang íya nga ginhímò nagapangótngot karón sang íya kalág. What he did fills his soul now with remorse. (see ngítngit).
Now, at present, the present moment, actual, instant, current, for the time being, nonce. (see karón).
(H) But, now, after a moment's time or reflection, anon, before long, in a minute, afterwards, not just now, but--, not in this way, but--. Karón ogáling magadúaw akó sa ínyo. After a short time I will visit you, but not just now. Silhigán mo ánay ang salúg kag ogáling lampasóhan mo. First sweep the floor and then scrub it. Sán-o nímo tahión ang ákon báyò?-Buás ogáling, kay masákò pa akó súbung siní. When will you make my dress?-To-morrow, for at present I am very busy. (see gáring, ugáling).
(H) But, now, after a moment's time or reflection, anon, before long, in a minute, afterwards, not just now, but--, not in this way, but--. Karón ogáling magadúaw akó sa ínyo. After a short time I will visit you, but not just now. Silhigán mo ánay ang salúg kag ogáling lampasóhan mo. First sweep the floor and then scrub it. Sán-o nímo tahión ang ákon báyò?-Buás ogáling, kay masákò pa akó súbung siní. When will you make my dress?-To-morrow, for at present I am very busy. (see gáring, ugáling).
A post, stake, upright, vertical spar, especially a bamboo-stake in the fish-trap called "punót"; to drive in, plant, set up, ram in. Nagaósok karón ang mga manugpúnot. The men at the fish-corral are setting up the stakes or posts. Osóki ang punót. Put posts to the fish-trap.
A post, stake, upright, vertical spar, especially a bamboo-stake in the fish-trap called "punót"; to drive in, plant, set up, ram in. Nagaósok karón ang mga manugpúnot. The men at the fish-corral are setting up the stakes or posts. Osóki ang punót. Put posts to the fish-trap.
Yet, still, besides, more, furthermore, also. Walâ pa (índì pa) siá magabút. He has not (will not) arrived (arrive) yet. Sa súbung siní índì pa akó makahalín. I cannot leave just at present. Sa ákon bántà magaulán pa karón sa hápon. In my opinion it will still be raining (it will rain again) this afternoon. May isá pa ka katarúngan--. There is still another (one more) reason or argument. Isá pa. One thing more. Maáyo pa (labíng maáyo pa) kon--. It were better (It would be better still), if--. Kag índì pa kay amó inâ lámang, kóndì--. And not only this, but--. This does not tell the whole story, but--. Matáas pa ang búkid nga Napulák. The Napulák mountain is higher (still). Malayô pa. It is far yet. (see angód, gihápon).
Caus. of áloy-to pretend to be sick, etc. Also: A strike; to strike work, quit work, go on strike. May paáloy karón sang mga mamumugón. There is at present a labour strike on. Indì kamó magpaáloy. Don't go on strike. Don't quit work. Don't down tools. (see wélga, Sp. huélga).
To receive or go to receive the blessing after child-birth. Nagapabendisyón karón ang asáwa ni Fuláno. N.N.'s wife is now going to receive the blessing after childbirth. (pa, bendisyón).
Sharp, cutting, sarcastic, satirical, cynical, ironic, acrimonious, sardonic, withering, trenchant, incisive (of speech), rough-spoken, having a sharp tongue; to be or become rough-spoken, etc. Padás siá sing hámbal. He is rough-spoken. Nagpapadás siá sang íya panabát. His answer was cutting (sharp). He answered roughly. He retorted sarcastically. Mahínay siá sing hámbal sádto, ápang karón nagpadás na. Formerly he was gentle of speech, but now he has become quite churlish. (see parás).
To put off till tomorrow; to postpone, procrastinate. Indì mo pagpabuasán ang ímo mabúhat karón. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do to-day. (pa, buás).
To deliberate, think over, ponder, consider, meditate upon, weigh, reflect, cogitate, reason out, ratiocinate; ratiocination, consideration, thought, mind. Painóinóha sing maáyo ang ímo mga buluhatón. Ponder well what you have to do. Amó inâ ang hunâhúnà nga nagalabáy sa ákon painóíno. That was the thought that crossed my mind, that came into my head. Painóinóhon ko pa inâ karón sa gáb-i kag buás ugáling sábton ko ikáw. I will think over that to-night and to-morrow I will let you have my answer. Ang íya painóíno walâ mahámtang sing nagakaígò. He is out of his mind. He is not quite normal, not quite right in his senses. (see panúmdum, pamalándong, basóbáso, panghunâhúnà).
To cut in two, split open, slit, kipper, slit up, lay open, rip open, divide lengthwise (as fish for drying, etc.). Isdà nga pinákas. Kippered fish. Fish slit up (and dried with or without salt). Pakása ang ísdà. Cut the fish in two. Cut the fish open lengthwise. Also used metaphorically: Karón pakáson ta ikáw. Now I will give you a good thrashing. Ang maáyo sa íya pakáson. It would be best to punish him severely. (see píhak, pihák).
To confuse, distract, disconcert, fluster, put out, upset, bewilder, cudgel one's brains, worry, be at a loss. Amó inâ ang nagpalibúg sang íya ólo. That was what-worried him,-confused his mind,-bewildered him. Nagapalibúg siá sang íya ólo sa pagpangítà sing kaluásan sa íya mga kalisúd. He is cudgelling his brains to find a way out of his difficulties. Amó inâ ang ginapalíbgan (ginapalígban) karón sang íla mga ólo. That disconcerts (worries) them for the present. Palíbga (Palibugá) ang íya ólo. Perplex or embarras him. Involve him in difficulties. Ang amó nga hitabû walâ gid magpalibúg sang íya panumdúman. Walâ gid pagpalíbga ang íya panumdúman sang amó nga hitabû. That event did not upset him in the least. (see libúg, palíngin).