Search result(s) - kamí



(Sp. función) Feast, banquet, dinner, convivial or social party, an entertainment with eating and drinking. May punsyón sa baláy ni Fuláno. There is a social party at N.N.'s house. Mamunsyón kamí sa buás. Tomorrow we are going to have a dinner-party or banquet.



(B) Dim. of rírò. Dúro námon nga riró-rírò-or-dúro ang ámon nga pagrirôrírò túbtub nga nakadángat kamí sa ámon umá. We had to make many a detour before we reached our farm. Ginrirôrírò námon ang paglakát, kay madámul ang lúnang sa dálan. We walked a roundabout way, for there was deep mud on the road. Irirôrírò mo lang siá sa pagtokád, kay matáas ang búkid. Lead him up the ascent by a zigzag path, for the mountain is high. Riróa lang ang ímo paglakát-or-rirôriróa lang ang ímo paglakát, kon índì ka makaági sa dálan nga matádlong. Simply march by a circuitous route, if you cannot go by the straight road. (see tikôtíkò, likôlíkò).



As well, equally, for the same reason, mostly used with pa. Nanáy, gintugútan mo ang maguláng nga manábad dídto, búsà tugúti man kamí, sáhì pa nga may lúyag man. (Nanáy, gintúgtan mo si mánong nga manábad rúgto, tî túgti man támon, sáhì pa nga may lúyag man). Mother, you gave permission to our eldest brother to go to the banquet, therefore allow us also to go, for we want just as much to be present. Pabákli man akó sing (ti) bág-o nga delárgo, sáhì pa nga mamiésta man akó (tákon). Have a new pair of trousers bought for me too, for the same reason that I too am going to assist at the feast. (see síhà id.).



Light, brightness; to shine, give light. Nagasíga ang sugâ. The lamp gives light. The lamp shines brightly. Nasigáhan kamí sang úgsad nga búlan. The full moon gave us light (shone upon us, shed its light upon us).



(H) Saying, speech, utterance; to say, speak, tell, give mouth or utterance to. Anó ang silíng níya? What does he say? What are-or-were his words? Nagsilíng siá sa ákon nga--. He told me that--. Singganón or singganán mo siá or isilíng mo sa íya nga--. Tell him that--. May masilíng áyhan nga--. Perhaps some may say that--. Amó iní ang ginsilíng níya sa ákon. This is what he said to me. Ginsilingán (ginsingganán) níya kamí sinâ. He has told us that. May nagsilíng sa ákon nga--. Somebody told me that--. Madámù ang nagasilíng "húo, húo", ápang tumalágsa ang nagatúman. Many say "yes, yes", but only a few actually live up to their word. Indì ka makasilíng sinâ. You must not (should not, cannot) say that. Indì ka magsilíng "ámay", kay dápat mo isilíng "amáy". Don't say "ámay", for you should say "amáy". (see hámbal, púlong, súgid, dágil, koón).



(B) Light, lamp; to light, give light, shine. May solô (sugâ) kamó? Have you a light or lamp? Sól-i (soloí) sánda. (Súg-i silá). Give them a light. Sinól-an na kamí ti kínke kang pagpanáug námon. (Sinúg-an níya kamí sing kínke sang ámon pagpanáug). He lighted us down the stair with a lamp. (see sugâ).



As, like, similar to, resembling. Damák ikáw nga súbung sang báboy. You are as dirty as a pig. Súbung siní. At once, at this very instant, right away, immediately, without delay. Maáyo man kamí sing láwas nga súbung sang sa gihápon. We are in good health as ever. Taktaká siá nga súbung nga sinákup sang ínyo katilíngban. Dismiss him from membership in (as a member of) your society. Indì ka magsúbung sinâ. Don't act like that. Don't do such a thing. (see daw, tulád, parého, kaángay, katúlad).



A side-dish to eat with rice, especially fish or meat. Also used as a verb. Sud-aní ang kán-on sing ísdà. Eat (Take) some fish with the rice (you are eating). Ginpasud-anán níya kamí sing kárne. He gave us a side-dish of meat. Pasud-aní silá sing ísdà. Give them some fish to eat with the rice. Prepare or provide some fish as a side-dish to eat with their rice. (see ikáon, dáplì, daráplì).

(B) To meet, encounter, come upon, fall in with, especially said of persons coming from different directions. Kang pagsug-alawáy (Sang pagsugataáy) námon nagdungán (nagdúngan) kamí padúlung sa Ilóngílong. When we met we went on together in the direction of Iloilo. Sug-aláwa sa dálan. (Sagataá siá sa dálan). Try to fall in with him on the road. (see súgat, sugatâ, sumálang, samálang).



(H) Lamp, lantern, light; to light (a lamp). Sugaí (súg-i) ang balatonán. Light up the reception room. Súg-i kamí dirí. Light a lamp for us here. Bring us a light. Ari na si Fuláno, kay nagasíga ang sugâ sa íya nga hulút. N.N. is here now, for the lamp in his room is lit. (see sánag, íwag, solô, kínke, tínghoy, kapáwà, lampará).



(H) Conversation, talk, chat; to chat, have a conversation, talk to each other. Nakakitaáy kamí ni Fuláno, ápang walâ kamí magsugilanonáy. N.N. and myself saw each other, but we did not talk to each other. Anó na man ang íla ginasugilánon dirâ? What are they talking about there again? Ang buút náton pagasugilanónan karón amó ang bág-o nga pagbulút-an--. What we wish to talk over amongst ourselves is the new law--. (see hambárò, hambalánon, odóyódoy).



To be very busy, occupied, etc; having much to do. Nagasulubakô kamí karón sang (pag) áni. At present we are very busy gathering in the rice. (see sákò, dúlup, dánghos).



(B) It is up to, the responsibility lies with, it rests with; not as, not like, contrary to, not following the example of. Sumálà dián kanímo (sa ímo). (Dirâ lang inâ sa ímo). As you wish or like. Do as you please. The responsibility lies with you. Kon magágto kamó sa marayô nga umá magbálon gid kamó, sumálà kang natabû kanámon kóndì nagútum kamí. (Kon magkádto kamó sa malayô nga umá magbálon gid kamó, tan-awá ang natabû sa ámon kóndì nagútum kamí). If (When) you go to a distant country district take provisions along and learn from what happened to us, for we got hungry (having neglected to carry provisions with us). Kon gabíi nga hóras ukón táknà nga inugturúg ron, mamíntal gid kamó kang mga gawáng kag ganháan, sumálà kay Fuláno kóndì ginsakáan ang baláy na kang matákaw. (Kon gáb-i nga óras ukón táknà nga inugtulúg na, mamíntal gid kamó sang mga bintánà kag puertáhan, tan-awá si Fuláno kóndì ginsakáan ang íya baláy sang makáwat). At night when it is time to go to bed, bar your windows and doors and do not follow N.N.'s example, for (as he had neglected to do so) thieves entered his house.



Fire, combustion, blaze, conflagration; to burn, burn down, commit-, consign-, to the flames, to fire, set on fire, set fire to, destroy by fire. Tulúka, may súnug dirâ. Look, there is a fire (over there). Nasúnug ang ámon baláy. Nasunúgan kamí sang ámon baláy. Our house was burned down. Ginsúnug sang mga buyúng ang minurô. The brigands-burned down the village,-set fire to the village.



To visit, come for a visit or for inspection. Walâ mo gid kamí pagsur-awá. You have never paid us a visit. Isúr-aw mo akó kay nánay. Please pay mother a visit. (see dúaw, súy-aw).



See sulubakô. Surubakô (Nagasurubakô) kamí tulád kadyá kang áni (pagáni). (Nagasákò (nagasinákò) kami karón sang áni (pagáni)). At present we are kept very busy with the rice harvest.



To meet, come together, fall in with, encounter, arrive. Buás matábò kitá sa íya baláy. To-morrow we shall meet at his house. Kon magkarí ikáw liwát dirí, tabóon mo nga madámù ang búnga sang páhò. If you come here again, try to arrive at a time when there are many mangoes. Kahápon nagtábò (nagtaboáy, nagtabóay) kamí ni Hosé sa minurô nga N.N. Joseph and myself chanced to meet yesterday in the village of N.N. Tabóon mo lang akó dirí sa ádlaw nga Huébes, kay magaupúd akó sa ímo. Meet me here on Thursday and I shall go along with you. (see tabô).



(B) We (the person addresed being excluded). (see kamí).



Growing rice-plant, rice-planting; to plant rice, take the rice-seedlings from the seedling plot and transplant them to the field. Nagatánum na silá. They are planting rice. Walâ pa kamí makatánum, kay kúlang pa ang ulán. We have not been able to plant rice yet, for there is too little rain. Itánum na lang iníng sábud, kay matáas na. Just transplant these rice-seedlings, for they are quite high now. Húo, ipatánum ko iní sa madalî nga saráng mahímò. Yes, I shall see to it that they be planted as soon as possible. (see tanúm).



To disperse, scatter, fly off in a cloud of dust. Kon báyhon (bayohón, báywon) ang humáy nga háp-og magatáp-ok ang íya upá. When brittle rice is pounded the husks fly off in a cloud of dust. Natap-okán kamí sang yáb-ok. We were surrounded by (enveloped in) a cloud of dust. (see alintabó, ápok, ásik, etc.).

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