Search result(s) - walá



(Perhaps from the Sp. deparar) To attend to, see to, look after, pay attention to, take notice of; make arrangements or preparations for. Walâ siá magdipára sinâ or walâ níya pagdiparáha inâ. He has not attended to it, has made no arrangements or preparations for it. Diparáha sing maáyo ang íya guyá kon kilála mo ukón índì. Look well at his face to see whether you know him or not. (see ripára, tátap, túluk, hímos, híwat).



(Sp. disgusto) Disgust, repugnance, dislike, aversion, displeasure; to disgust, offend, dislike, displease, annoy, vex, bother, fret, irritate, tire, try the patience of, have a grudge against. Nagadisgústo akó sa íya. I am disgusted at him. Ginpadisgústo níya akó. He annoyed me, caused me displeasure. Indì mo siá paghatágan sing disgústo. Don't cause him annoyance or displeasure. Walâ akó mangákig kag walâ man akó magbátyag sing disgústo sa íya tungúd sang íya nga ginhímò. What he did neither made me angry nor did it cause me annoyance. (see lás-ay, kalás-ay).



(Sp. despuntar) To sew well, sew with fine, machine-like stitches. Dispuntihá lang ang hénero, kay walâ kitá sing mákina sa tahî. Stitch the cloth well, because we have no sewing machine. (see tahî).



To come into physical contact with, feel, touch, handle, finger, fumble. Walâ siá makadoót sa ákon. He did not touch me. Padót-i (padootí) ang ímo túdlò sang íya túdlò. Bring your finger in contact with his. Nagadot-ánay ang duhá ka pilewpilewán sang kawáyan. The tops of the two bamboos are touching each other. Padót-a iníng tápì sa isá. Join this board to the other, (so that they may be closely connected). Indì ka magdoót or magpadoót sa íya. Don't touch him. Don't approach so near as to touch him. (see dóol).



To visit, pay a visit to, call-at,-upon, drop in, look in, look up someone, pay one's respects to. Duáwa ang ímo ábyan. Pay a visit to your friend. Walâ pa gid siá magdúaw sa ámon. He has not yet visited us, has not yet called on us. Gindúaw níya akó sa Manílà. He called upon me in Manila. Idúaw mo akó sa íya. Do me favour and visit him. (see hápit, súr-aw, súy-aw, dálaw, dáraw).



Doubt, indecision, wavering, vacillation, hesitation; to doubt, hesitate, waver, be undecided, be in a dilemma,-a quandary,-suspense, to vacillate, to question. Sa walâ sing duhádúha --. Doubtless, without doubt --. Indì ka magduhádúha siní. Have no doubt about this, be sure of this. Anó pa ang ginaduhádúha mo? What are you still hesitating, vacillating, doubting about? Why are you still wavering? Anó ang ginaduháduháan mo? What is it you are doubtful of or undecided about? Seguróha gid ang ímo hunâhúnà, índì mo pagduháduháon. Be firmly convinced, don't permit any doubts to enter your mind. Walâ na nákon pagaduháduhái ang íya sinâ nga kamatuóran, ápang nagaduhádúha pa akó kon mabúut balá ukón índì ang pagpasilabút sa amó nga mga butáng. I do not any longer doubt the truth of it, but I am still undecided as to whether it is prudent or not to interfere in such things. Duhádúha na gid kon maabút pa siá karón, kay gáb-i na. It is very doubtful whether he will come now that it is dark.



(H) To lose, miss, mislay, suffer the loss of, incur-, meet with-, experience-, a loss, to deprive, get rid off, divest-, dispossess-, oneself of. Indì ka magdúlà sang lyábi or índì mo pagduláon ang lyábi. Don't lose the key. Nadúlà ang lyábi. The key got lost,-is lost. Naduláan akó sang lyábi sang ákon hulút. I lost,-mislaid, the key of my room. Duláa ang mga batásan nga maláut. Rid yourself of your bad manners. Nakítà ko na ang lápis nga ímo nga gindúlà. I have found the pencil you lost. Kon magkadúlà ang ímo mánggad maduláan ka man sang pagkaábyan sang madámù nga kilála mo. If you should suffer the loss of your wealth you will also be deprived of the friendship of many of your acquaintances. Ang ádlaw nagaamátamát na sang dúlà sa katúndan. The sun is now slowly disappearing in the West. Ang nawád-an sing pagláum maduláan sang tanán nga kalípay sa pangabúhì. One deprived of hope loses all joy in life. (see walâ, alimúnaw).



(H) To manage, lead, conduct, direct, govern, supervise, be in charge of, regulate, administer, overlook, superintend, have control of. Ikáw ang magadumála, kamí ang magatrabáho. You will give directions, and we will do the work. Dumaláhi silá sing maáyo. Govern or direct them well. Idumála akó ánay siníng mga mamumugón, kay akó sing ákon may kadtoán pa. Please supervise these workmen for me, because I have to go elsewhere. Ipadumála ko sa ímo ang ákon mga sinákup. I will hand over to your management my dependents. Mapúto gid lang silá sa íla palatikángan, kay walâ níla pagadumaláhi sing maáyo. They will surely go bankrupt in their business, because they do not-conduct-,-manage-, it well. Ang mga manugdumála kag ang mga ginadumaláhan. Rulers and ruled.



To think, remember, recollect, bear in mind, recall, cogitate, reflect, consider, reason, ponder, muse, take into consideration, bethink oneself, bring or call to mind, collect one's thoughts, revolve in the mind. Dumdumá inâ. Remember that. Indì ka kadúmdum sinâ? Can you not recollect that? Don't you remember that? Idúmdum akó sang ákon mga manók karón sa hápon, kay akó walâ dirí. Kindly think of my chickens this evening, for I shall not be here. Ipadúmdum mo sa íya ang íya ginsilíng. Remind him of what he said. Nadumdumán ko karón --. I recollect now --. Padumdumá siá sang íya nga tinúg-an. Put him in mind of his promise. Recall to him his promise. Walâ akó kadúmdum siní. I did not think of it. Nagdúmdum akó, nga índì ka na gid magabút. I thought you would never come again. (see hunâhúnà).



Thought, memory, recollection, concern, solicitude. Walâ na gid siá dumdúman sa ámon. He does not think of us any longer. He does not even remember us, has no concern for us. (see panumdúman).



To be punctual, be in time, be there at the proper moment, in the nick of time, just in time. Nakadunâ siá sa íla pagsúgud sang rosáryo. He was there when they started saying the rosary. Walâ ikáw makadunâ sang pagbukás námon sang kláse. You were not there when we opened the class. Tungúd sa anó nga, walâ ka makadunâ sa prosesyón sang ámon pándut? Why didn't you come in time for the procession of our Feast?



To turn up one's nose, to sniff; to look for, seek, search out, try to find. Kon walâ siá sing tabákò magadúngas gid siá. If he has no tobacco he is sure to look for some. (see sághap, ságap, lághap, úngas).



(B) Distracted, preoccupied, busy. Walâ ko mabalúsi ang ímo sulát kay dupág akó kaáyo. I could not answer your letter, because I was so busy. (see lupág).



(B) To detain, interfere with, balk, meddle with, preoccupy, prevent, foil, baffle, hamper, trammel, obstruct, handicap. Indì ka magdúpag sa ákon sang lakás nga sugilánon. Don't detain me with excessive talk. Walâ pa gánì makapanyága kamí, kay nadúpag kamí sang ámon hambálay. We have not even had dinner yet, because we were preoccupied with our conversation. Indì mo akó pagdupágon, kay masákò ang ákon mga buluhatón. Don't hamper me, don't interfere with me, for I have much work to do. Buót akó magkádto dídto kahápon, ápang gindúpag akó ni Fuláno. I wanted to go there yesterday, but N.N. prevented me. (see awát, lúpag, pamalábag).



Stain, slur, blemish. See dágtà, músing. Gúgma nga walâ sing dusíng. Pure, unsullied love.



(Sp. educación) Education, instruction, training, good breeding, politeness, polished manners. Walâ siá sing edukasyón. He is lacking in good breeding. (see tinón-an, kinaálam).



(Sp. educación) Education, instruction, training, good breeding, politeness, polished manners. Walâ siá sing edukasyón. He is lacking in good breeding. (see tinón-an, kinaálam).



(Sp. examen) Examination, disquisition, inquisition, inquiry, search, investigation; to examine, search, inquire into, investigate, question. Pagaeksaménon pa ikáw ukón naeksámen ka na? Have you still to undergo an examination or have you been examined? Exaména siá sa ininglés. Examine him in English. Examénon mo sing maáyo ang ímo mga salâ sa walâ pa ang pagkonpesár mo. Make a good examination of conscience before going to confession. (see sanghíran, pangusísà).



(Sp. examen) Examination, disquisition, inquisition, inquiry, search, investigation; to examine, search, inquire into, investigate, question. Pagaeksaménon pa ikáw ukón naeksámen ka na? Have you still to undergo an examination or have you been examined? Exaména siá sa ininglés. Examine him in English. Examénon mo sing maáyo ang ímo mga salâ sa walâ pa ang pagkonpesár mo. Make a good examination of conscience before going to confession. (see sanghíran, pangusísà).



(Sp. empezar) To begin, commence, start, initiate, enter upon. Empesahí na ang ímo trabáho. Start your work. Nagempesár na kamó sang pagtánum? Have you started planting rice yet? Dúgay na nga íya ginempesahán sing trabáho ang íya bág-o nga baláy, ápang túbtub karón walâ níya matápus. He commenced work on his new house a long time ago, but up till now he has not been able to finish it. (see umpisá, súgud, pamúnò).

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