Search result(s) - hábul



Clothes-moth, carpet-moth; silver-moth, fish-moth, silver-fish. Also verb. Ginasipitán iníng hábul. This blanket is moth-eaten.



To cover, envelop, clothe, cloak, overspread the surface of one thing with another, make use of any kind of covering in order to shelter, protect or conceal (hide). Tabóni sing dáhon ang tabungós. Cover the tabungós-basket with leaves. Tinabónan níla sing dútà ang mga bató. They covered (overspread) the stones with earth. Itábon iníng hábul sa masakít nga bátà. Cover the sick child with this blanket. Tabóni ang dápat nga tabónan. Conceal what should be concealed. Hide what should not be seen. Amó ang gintábon níla sa íla sakayán. With that (In that way) they hid (concealed, camouflaged) their boat. Indì na matabónan ang íla ginamús. Their pickled fish (Their bad or secret doings) cannot be hid any longer. (see táplak, tágò, tinagô, hinabón).



To cover, put or lay upon. Taklapán ta ikáw sing hábul? Shall we put a blanket over you? Shall we cover you with a blanket? (see tábon, táklub).



To make taut, to tighten, straighten (a rope, etc.). Tanínga ang kalát. Tighten the rope. Pull the rope straight. Mahámpang kitá sang "habúl-*hábul sa táytay"; kon magsilíng gánì ang manugdumála "taníngon" laboyán, kon "laboyán" taníngon. Let us play the game of "weaving on the bridge"; when the leader says; "Tighten", let loose, when he says; "Let loose", tighten. (see úntay, hugút, tádlong, taníng).



To abate, diminish, slacken, languish, flag, dwindle, decrease, have the edge taken off, to blunt, dull. Walâ pa pagúdal ang pamaligyáon sa tínda (tiénda). Selling at the market is quite brisk still (has not slackened, grown dull, fallen off). Walâ pagúdal ang íya pamatásan. His habits are firmly rooted, difficult to reform or to eradicate. Indì mo pagudálon ang binángon. Don't blunt the bolo. (see búhin, hábul, hídal, hádal).



To abate, diminish, slacken, languish, flag, dwindle, decrease, have the edge taken off, to blunt, dull. Walâ pa pagúdal ang pamaligyáon sa tínda (tiénda). Selling at the market is quite brisk still (has not slackened, grown dull, fallen off). Walâ pagúdal ang íya pamatásan. His habits are firmly rooted, difficult to reform or to eradicate. Indì mo pagudálon ang binángon. Don't blunt the bolo. (see búhin, hábul, hídal, hádal).



To weave cloth (particularly for skirts called patádyong); to spin cotton or wool in a primitive way by hand without a spindle. Ulalongá ang búrak kang búrak (búlak sang búlak). Spin the cotton wool by hand. (see habúl, pamúlung, pamúrung).



To weave cloth (particularly for skirts called patádyong); to spin cotton or wool in a primitive way by hand without a spindle. Ulalongá ang búrak kang búrak (búlak sang búlak). Spin the cotton wool by hand. (see habúl, pamúlung, pamúrung).



(B) A neck-cloth, shawl, covering for the neck and shoulders; to put around one's neck and shoulders (a cloth, towel, blanket, etc.). Iulíbhay (Ulibhayá) ang kápay. (Ikúnop ang hábul). Just put the blanket round your neck. (see kúnop, panimúlon, panimúron, ulímpay).



(B) A neck-cloth, shawl, covering for the neck and shoulders; to put around one's neck and shoulders (a cloth, towel, blanket, etc.). Iulíbhay (Ulibhayá) ang kápay. (Ikúnop ang hábul). Just put the blanket round your neck. (see kúnop, panimúlon, panimúron, ulímpay).



To stretch out, extend, straighten a limb, a rope, etc. Untayá ang ímo bútkon. Stretch out your arm. Hold your arm out straight. Iúntay ang ímo tiíl. Stretch forth your foot. Untayí siá siníng kalát, kay íya aláson (pagaaláson). Straighten this rope for him, for he is going to wind it up. Iúntay mo akó siníng hábul, kay madámù sing yokót. Please smooth this blanket for me, because it is full of wrinkles. (see tádlong, táning).



To stretch out, extend, straighten a limb, a rope, etc. Untayá ang ímo bútkon. Stretch out your arm. Hold your arm out straight. Iúntay ang ímo tiíl. Stretch forth your foot. Untayí siá siníng kalát, kay íya aláson (pagaaláson). Straighten this rope for him, for he is going to wind it up. Iúntay mo akó siníng hábul, kay madámù sing yokót. Please smooth this blanket for me, because it is full of wrinkles. (see tádlong, táning).



Likeness, similarity, resemblance, similitude; like, similar, resembling; to be like or similar to, to compare with. Walâ sing ánggid sa íla nga duhá. There is no resemblance between the two. Anggid silá nga duhá-or-nagaánggid silá nga duhá. The two of them resemble each other-or-are like each other. Ang kápid nagaánggid gid. The twins are very much like each other-or-very much alike. Iánggid (but better "ipaánggid") iníng estampíta sa isá, kay tan-awón ko kon parého silá. Compare this picture with the one there, for I want to see, whether they are alike or resemble each other. Paanggidí ang patádyong ko, kon maghabúl ka sang ímò. Imitate or copy my skirt, when you weave one for yourself. (see agid-ágid).



An insertion; a stripe or streak, something put in between; to stripe or streak, to put in between. Ang pugáwa nga maitúm bal-otí sing madalág. Put some yellow stripes into the black woof. Bal-otón mo ang pulá, putî, kag dalág sa ímo paghabúl. Weave into the cloth at regular intervals red, white and yellow stripes. Ibál-ot ang itúm sa putî. Put black streaks into the white cloth or put in alternate stripes of black and white. (see gúray sámay).



A mat for a bed, carpet for a floor, etc.; to carpet, use, place, or put down a mat or carpet. Magbaníg ka kon magtúlug ikáw. If you go to sleep, lie on a mat. Banigí ang salúg. Put a mat on the floor. Ibaníg lang iníng hábulsa kátre. Just use this blanket as a mat for the bed. Pagabanigón ko gid iníng mga dáhon sang burí. I am going to make a mat of these buri-palm leaves. Ibaníg akó ánay siníng kátre. Kindly put a mat for me on this bed. Ang isá ka dakû nga báhin sang dálan nabanigán. A great part of the road was covered with mats.



Coarse, rough, not fine, not well made or done. Barághal nga pagrára, paghabúl, pagsapíyo, pagtahî, etc. Rough or coarse wickerwork, weaving, planing, sewing, etc. Also used as a verb. Ginbarághal mo ang pagbúhat siníng lamésa. You made a rough job of this table. (see barúbal, bástos, bá-ul, patarásak, burághal, etc.).



Dull, blunt, not sharp, not cutting well. (see mahábul).



To weave plain cloth without cross-stripes and consequently without the necessity of changing the colour of thread in the shuttle; the method of weaving without cross-stripes. Ang paghabúl níya sang patádyong dándan gid lámang. Her weaving of the skirt is (was) done without cross-stripes i.e. just straight on, quickly. Dandaná lang ang paghabúl, agúd madásig. Simply weave the cloth straight on without cross-stripes, so that it may soon be finished. (see dalándan-to fly down-stairs).



Close, tight, pressed together, closely woven; to push, shove, impel, put close to, make tight, bring near together. Dósdos nga panápton. A closely woven garment. Dosdosá ang paghabúl. Weave closely or tightly. Idósdos siá sa díngding. Push him against the wall. Put him close to the wall. Gindósdos níya akó sa kodál. He shoved me close against the fence. (see tulúd, dás-og, dís-og).



To cut lengthwise, diminish the width or breadth of, to narrow, separate a part from. Ang pagbúhin sang kalaparón sang hénero, papél, tápì, etc. ginatawág nga paggíkas. To lessen the width of cloth, paper, planks, etc. is called "paggíkas". Gikási ang papél sing duhá ka pulgáda. Cut two inches off the width of the paper. Ginikásan ko iníng papél, kay támà kalápad sa ákon makinílya. I cut this paper for it was too wide for my typewriter. Sa mahábul nga sinsél índì ka makagíkas sing maáyo sang sin. With a blunt cold chisel you cannot cut the galvanized iron well. Gikása iníng báhin sang papél. Tear off this part of the paper.

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