Search result(s) - puérta



(Sp. puerta) Door, gate, portal, postern, entrance; gate-money, entrance-fee. (see ganháan, gangháan, gawáng, entráda).



(Sp. abrir) To unlock, unfasten, open; to begin, commence, said of schools, classes, sessions, meetings, etc. Abrihi ang puérta, ang bintánà, etc. Open the door, the window, etc. Naabrihán na ang mga kláse. Classes have commenced. Ang makáwat walâ makaábri sang káha. The thief could not unlock-, open-, the safe. Kon walâ ka sing yábi nga ikaábri sa ganháan, bingkalá na lang. If you have no key that can unlock the door, simply burst the door in. (see bukás).



(H) To emit or send off sparks, to spark, sparkle. Ang kaláyo nagaalipalók. The fire is giving off sparks. Dî mo pagalipalokón (pagpaalipalokón) ang kaláyo. Do not cause the fire to send up sparks. Indì mo pagabrihán ang puérta nga malapít sa dapóg, kay nagaalipalók ang kaláyo. Do not open the door near the fire-place, for the fire is throwing off sparks. Ang mga atóp nga kógon madalî masúnug kon alipalokán sang kaláyo. Thatches of kogon-grass will soon burn, if a spark of fire alights on them.



To break in a door, etc., to force an entrance. Bingkalá ang ganháan. Break in the door. Bingkalí silá sing isá ka puérta. Force open one door for them. Ibíngkal akó ánay siníng puérta, kay nawád-an akó sang lyábi. Kindly burst open this door for me as I have lost the key. (see búngkal).



(B) To open, unfold, unclose, make open, remove any fastening or obstruction from, as to open a door, a box, a case, etc.; to begin, commence, open (a school, a bridge, parliament, etc.). Bukasí ang panteón. Open the mortuary niche. Binukasán (binúksan) akó sang ganháan sang batâbátà. The servant boy opened the door for me. Ibukás akó siníng puérta, baúl, bintánà, etc. Please, open this door, box, window, etc. for me. Sa buás nga ádlaw pagabúksan ang buluthóan. To-morrow the school will be opened. Classes will commence (begin) to-morrow. Nabúksan na ang bág-o nga táytay. The new bridge is now open (to traffic, etc.). (see ábri).



Door, gate, gateway, entrance, exit, portal, postern, wicket. (see gawáng, puérta, puertáhan, ganháan).



Door, gate, gateway, portal, exit, entrance; window, look-out. (see ganháan, gangháan, puérta, puertáhan, gawahán, talámbwan, talamwáan, bintánà).

patóhok, patohók


To make a hole in, perforate, let make a hole in, etc. Ipatohók sa íya iníng láta. Let him make a hole in this tin. Patohokí ang puérta sang ímo kwárto, agúd makaági dirâ sa tanán nga óras ang kuríng. Have a hole made in the door of your room, so that the cat may pass there at all hours. (see pa, tóhok, tohók).

pintál, píntal


Bolt, bar; to bolt, bar. Pintalí ang ganháan. Bolt the door. Ipintál sa puérta iníng kawáyan. Bar the door with this bamboo.



See puérta.



To stick, adhere to (as mud, plaster, glue or the like). Nagdákot sa tángon ko ang kalamayháti. The kalamayháti stuck to the roof of my mouth. Padakóta ang sílyo sa sóbre. Stick the stamp on the envelope. Ginpadakótan ni Fuláno ang ákon delárgo sing lalaó. N. N. daubed my trousers with mud. Ipadákot iníng papél sa puertáhan. Paste this paper on the door. (see pilít, dokót).



Fit, meet, due, right, proper, becoming, that should or ought to be done as a moral obligation, frequently to be translated simply with: should, ought; to fit, adapt, use, apply, befit, beseem, become, behoove, be right, be one's due, be expected, be the proper thing to do. Dápat ka magbúhat sinî. You should do it. You ought to do it. Inâ ígò kag dápat. That was (is) fit and proper or as it should be. Dílì gid dápat iní. This certainly is not-becoming,-proper,-the right thing to do. This is wrong entirely. Idápat nímo iní sa ímo kinahánglan. Apply this to your need. Dapáti sing salúg ang ímo kosína. Have a floor laid down in your kitchen. Gindápat níya ang ganháan sing maáyo. He closed the door altogether. Gindápat sang pánday ang ganháan sing maáyo. The carpenter fitted the door well. Dapáta ang puertáhan. Shut the door close. (In this last sense see ángkop, háop, háom) Gindápat níya ang ísa ka plántsa nga sin sa atóp. He put a sheet of galvanized iron on the roof. (see ígò, ángay).



To get loose and fall off, peel off, scale off (as plaster from a wall, labels pasted on boards, etc.). Nahúk-ab ang pínta sa baláy, ang ápog sa padér, etc. The paint on the house, the plaster on the wall loosened-or-came off in scales, etc. Huk-abá ang sílyo sa sóbre. Take the stamp off the envelope. Huk-abí ang puertáhan sináng papél. Take that paper off the door. Sín-o ang naghúk-ab sang abíso nga ákon ginpapilít sa tápì dirâ? Who tore off the notice I pasted on that board there? (see ukáb, lúk-ab, húl-ab).



(B) Door, door-step, entrance or outlet. (see gawáng, ganháan, gangháan, puertáhan).



(B) It is up to, the responsibility lies with, it rests with; not as, not like, contrary to, not following the example of. Sumálà dián kanímo (sa ímo). (Dirâ lang inâ sa ímo). As you wish or like. Do as you please. The responsibility lies with you. Kon magágto kamó sa marayô nga umá magbálon gid kamó, sumálà kang natabû kanámon kóndì nagútum kamí. (Kon magkádto kamó sa malayô nga umá magbálon gid kamó, tan-awá ang natabû sa ámon kóndì nagútum kamí). If (When) you go to a distant country district take provisions along and learn from what happened to us, for we got hungry (having neglected to carry provisions with us). Kon gabíi nga hóras ukón táknà nga inugturúg ron, mamíntal gid kamó kang mga gawáng kag ganháan, sumálà kay Fuláno kóndì ginsakáan ang baláy na kang matákaw. (Kon gáb-i nga óras ukón táknà nga inugtulúg na, mamíntal gid kamó sang mga bintánà kag puertáhan, tan-awá si Fuláno kóndì ginsakáan ang íya baláy sang makáwat). At night when it is time to go to bed, bar your windows and doors and do not follow N.N.'s example, for (as he had neglected to do so) thieves entered his house.