To worry, be anxious about, have apprehensions, wait anxiously for, to expect, desire. Nagalángkag akó sinâ. I am worrying about it. Indì ka maglángkag. Don't worry. Ginalángkag ko ang íya pagbáyad sang íya nga útang, kay may kinahánglan akó sang kwárta kag lumígad na ang terminó. I am anxious about his paying his debt, because I need the money and the date fixed for payment is passed. Indì mo paglangkagón ang íya pagabút, kay may búhat pa siá dídto. Don't worry about his arrival (or his coming home), for he is still occupied over there (and will come a little later). Nagakalángkag ang ákon painóíno tungúd siníng balítà nga nabáton ko. My mind is troubled on account of this news I have received. Indì mo igkalángkag ang ímo anák dídto, kay maáyo man siá sing láwas. Have no fear for your boy there, for he is in good health. Dílì igkalángkag sang ímo buút ang amó nga hitabû. You should not worry about such an event. Ginalángkag níla ang pagabút sang pangúlo-bánwa. They are anxiously waiting for the arrival of the Municipal President. (see bakág, hídlaw).
To borrow, get on credit, raise money, run into debt. Maglíngit ka lang ánay sing tátlo ka gántang nga bugás sa kay Fuláno. Just borrow for the present three gantas of hulled rice from N.N. Língta (lingíta) ang íya kwárta. Borrow his money. Palingíta (palíngta) akó sing isá ka sáko nga maís. Lend me a sack of corn. Walâ akó makalíngit sang íya salákyan, kay ginhinakáyan ni Fuláno. I could not borrow his car or vehicle, for it had been hired by N.N. Pinalíngit man níya akó kuntánì sing kwárta, ápang sa karón balasúbas siá. He would have granted me a loan of money, but at present he is out of cash. (see hulám, útang).
To be confused, worried, perplexed. Nagalíntong ang íya úlo karón tungúd sang íya útang. He is worried now about his debt. Nagapalíntong siá sang íya úlo. He is cudgelling his brains. (see libúg).
Drowned, suffocated (in water or other liquid); to drown, choke, immerse, suffocate; to overpower, overwhelm, overcome. Nasápwan siá níla nga lumús na. They found him drowned. Nalumús (nagkalumús) siá sa túbig. He drowned in the water. Nalumús siá sa kasubô. He is immersed in grief. Sín-o ang naglumús sa íya? Who drowned him? Ginlumús siá sang íya nga útang. He was overwhelmed (snowed under) by his debts. (see lúgdang, lúnud, kalumsánan).
A prefix used in the following ways:
1) To form the potential future tense of the active voice (see ma- for the passive voice), e.g. Makabúhat ikáw sinâ? Are you, or shall you, be able to do that? Makadángat siá sang íya nga ginatúyò, kon mapísan siá. He will be able to obtain his desire, if he is earnest about it. Makabáyad na siá sang íya útang, kay dakû ang sináplid níya sa pangomérsyo. He can now pay his debt, for he has made a large profit in business. Walâ siá makaabút, kay madámol ang ulán. He could not come, for there was a heavy rain. Indì siá makahalín. He cannot leave or get away. N.B. Quite frequently this "maka-", particularly in verbs expressive of any mental or sensitive operation, has the meaning of the present, e.g. Makahibaló ka siní? Do you understand this? Makabatî ikáw sang túnug sang linggánay? Do you hear the sound of the bell? Makakítà na akó sa íya dirâ. Now I see him over there. (see naka-).
2) to form adjectives meaning "able to, capable of, giving rise to or causing" what the root implies. "Maka-" is either simply prefixed to the root, e.g. "makaákò-powerful, mighty (ákò) or, as is more frequently the case, the first syllable of the root is reduplicated and then "maka-" prefixed, e.g. "makalilípay-causing joy or pleasure, joyful, pleasing (lípay); makalilísang-inspiring terror, causing great fear, terrible, shocking (lísang); makangingíl-ad-exciting nausea, loathsome (ngíl-ad), etc.
3) to form multiples corresponding to the English -times, e.g. makalíbo-a thousand times; makaduhákapúlò-twenty times; makaisá-once, etc.
Debtor, one who owes a debt or borrows money. (see útang).
To send one away or out on the road, i.e. to put off by excuse, refuse, neglect, take no notice of. Nagpadalán siá sa ákon. He put me off by excuses or pretexts. Indì ka magpadalán sang ámon tábad. Don't neglect coming to our banquet. Kon magabút siá dirâ sa pagsokót sang ákon útang sa íya (ipadalán) padalanán mo siá sa pagsilíng nga--. When he comes here to demand payment of my debt to him, send him away with the pretext that--. (see dálan, balíbad).
To increase, augment, add to. Padugánga lang siá sing písos. Just make him pay one peso more. Nagapadúgang siá sang íya útang. He is increasing his debt. Ginpadúgang pa gid ang íya nga kalisúd sang kamatáyon sang íya hinigúgma nga anák. His troubles were added to by the death of his beloved child. (pa, dúgang).
To economize, curtail-, check-, curb-, cut down-, one's expenditures, to refrain from spending as much as usual; to avoid, turn away from, keep aloof from. Nagapangiyáw siá karón sa paghinguyáng, kay maíwat kaáyo ang kwárta. He spends little at present, for money is very scarce. Ginapangiyawán lang námon karón ang pagtíg-ang, kay nakulángan kamí sing humáy, kag ang tigaláni malayô pa. We are cooking only a little rice at present, for we have run short and the harvest is still far off. Magpangiyáw (mangiyáw) ka sa pagpatúyang mo sing pílak, kay kon dílì mapúto ka sa dílì madúgay. Refrain from spending money so freely, for otherwise you will be bankrupt before long. Pangiyawí siá. Keep aloof from him. Nagapangiyáw siá, kay may útang siá sa ákon. He avoids me, because he is in debt to me. (see paúmud, likáw).
To avoid, shun, keep out of another's way, be afraid to come near. Iníng bátà nagapátlas sa íya manunúon, kay may salâ. This boy is afraid to come near his teacher, for he has a fault to atone for (he has done wrong). Ginapatlasán níya akó, kay may útang siá sa ákon. He avoids me, for he owes me money. (see likáw, tál-as, lágyo).
To lend, make a loan, advance money, grant a favour, etc. Pautánga siá sing duhá ka mángmang. Lend him two pesos. May kabaláslan nga dakû akó sa íya, kay ginpaútang níya akó sing madámù nga kaayóhan. I am deeply grateful to him, for I am indebted to him for many favours. (pa, útang; see hulám, pahulám).
To gather, collect into one, do all together, in one go. Pinsanón ko lang ang pagbáyad sang tanán ko nga mga útang. I am going to pay all my debts in one go. Ginpínsan níya ang tanán nga mga mángga. He gathered all the mangoes in one heap. Pinsaní ang dispénsa sang tanán nga mga inámot sa tábad. Put in the larder all the provisions contributed for the banquet. (see tingúb).
To be occupied, keep busy, to be busy; have much to do, give much work, be hard at work, hard at it. Nagasákò silá karón sang íla pagtánum. They are at present very busy planting rice. Masákò ang ákon trabáho. I have much work to do. Ginsákò níla ang pagpatíndog sang bág-o nga baláy, kay madalî na lang pagakáslon ang nóbyo kag nóbya. They have been working hard building the new house, for the bride and the bridegroom are soon to be married. Sakóa siá sang íya nga útang. Keep him busy with his debt i.e. remind him often of his debt, so that he may make an effort to pay it.
Ability, capability, power, capacity, means; to be able, capable, can. Walâ siá sing saráng sa pagbáyad sang íya útang. He hasn't the means of paying his debt. Makasaráng ka sinâ-or-masarangán mo inâ? Can you do that? Kon mga saráng, bulígi akó. If at all possible, help me. Saráng ka na makasulúd sa íya kwárto. Now you may enter his room. Walâ siá sing ígò nga ikasaráng kag ikasángkol sa amó nga palangakóan. He hasn't the proper capacity and fitness for such an office. Sang duhá ka táknà nasarangán pa nínyo ang pagtabók sa subâ, ápang karón índì na mahímò. Two hours ago you could have crossed the river, but now it is impossible.
To demand payment, collect debts, to dun. Sókta siá sang íya útang. Collect his debt. Demand payment of his debt. Isokót akó sang útang níya sa ákon. (Sókti akó sang íya útang sa ákon). Collect from him his debt to me. Panokót (Sokót) ka dídto. Collect the debts there.
To impel, drive, push forward, instigate, induce, put forward; to make use of the services of another for obtaining a favour, etc. from a third person; to guide, direct, point out, show. Sonô sang maáyo ukón maláin nga paghimánwa ang isá ka púngsud ginatagál (matagál) sa kaayohán ukón sa kalaínan. According to a good or bad management of public affairs a nation is led (driven, directed) towards prosperity or misery. Si Fuláno gid ang dáyon níla ginatagál sa pagpanáysay sa ákon sang íla mga kinahánglan. They always make use of N.N.'s services to let me know what they want. Itagál si Fuláno. Instigate, induce, put forward N.N. Make use of (Use) N.N. for your purpose. Kon sókton gánì siá sang íya útang sa gihápon ginatagál níya ang íya kabáyo. Whenever payment of his debt is demanded of him he always points to his horse, i.e. as much as to say: "Will you take my horse in payment of my debt"? or "Please wait until I shall have been able to sell that horse of mine". (see dáldal, tulúd, tányag, tóytoy, túltul).