Failure, setback, drawback, fiasco, disappointment, want of success. (see páslaw).
See kasáklaw. Also: things that are irksome, unpleasant, irritating.
(B) Affability, friendliness; sociability; to be or become affable; friendly, sociable. Nagáblaw siá karón. He has become affable or sociable now. Naablawán akó sa íya. He seems to me to be very friendly. Ipakilála ko sa ímo si Fuláno, kay sa waláy duhádúha paga-*ablawán ka gid sa íya. I will introduce N.N. to you, for without doubt you will find him very sociable, agreeable, affable. (see búgno, mabinugnóhon, kaáblaw, kaabláwan, mainabláwon, etc.).
Sun; day; daylight; to be or become daylight; to pass or spend a day. Nagabútlak na ang ádlaw. The sun is rising. Adlaw na; lakát kitá. It's daylight now; let us go. Kon magádlaw (umádlaw) na, pagadayúnon ta ang áton paglakát. When daylight appears, we will continue our march. Sa sulúd sang duhá ukón tátlo ka ádlaw mapamanílà akó. Within two or three days I'll depart for Manila. Naadlawán kitá dídto. We passed a full day there. Naduhaán kitá ka ádlaw dídto. We spent two days there. Sa ádlaw nga Miérkoles. On Wednesday. Sang naglígad nga ádlaw nga Miérkoles. Last Wednesday. Maáyo nga ádlaw. Good day. Good morning. Adlaw nga inugpuása kag inugpaúmud sa kárne. A day of fasting and abstinence. Sang isá sinâ nga mga ádlaw nga naglilí-gad---. One of these last days----. Sa tanán nga ádlaw. Every day.
Also: a coward, poltroon, etc. See matálaw, talawán.
Decay, rottenness, decomposition, caries of the teeth. Ang kalawág bulúng sa agutíng. The kalawág-plant is a remedy for decaying teeth.
(B) To keep vigil, watch, keep or remain awake, to watch over or by. Nagamoláw silá sa masakít or ginamolawán níla ang masakít. They watched by the sick person during the night. Iamoláw akó ánay siníng masakít nga bátà. Please watch over this sick child for me. Ipaamoláw ko ikáw sa íya. I'll let you watch by him during the night (see puláw, alígmat).
Fragrance, etc. See amión.
-an, A suffix which goes to form nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and conveys the fundamental meaning of "the place where". Note: This meaning is very clear in place-names, e.g. Batoán-the place where there are stones, from bató-stone; Balásan-the place where there is sand, from balás-sand; Tigbáwan-the place where there is tígbaw-reed, from tígbaw-reed, etc.
NOUNS: I) Likóan-a turning, a lane, from likô-to turn aside; Tuburán-a spring, source, from tubúd-to trickle; Lapakán-a treadle, from lápak-to tread, etc.
2) The suffix-an in conjunction with the prefix ka-goes to form abstract and collective nouns, e.g. Kasugtánan-agreement, from sugút-to agree; Kakahóyan-forest, trees, from káhoy-tree, wood; Kabatáan-children, from bátà-child, baby; Kataóhan-men, mankind, from táo-man; Kabulúyhan-habit, custom, from buyó-to accustom, etc.
ADJECTIVES: Isganán-brave, powerful, from ísug-to be or become brave; Manggáran-rich, wealthy, from mánggad-wealth, property; Gamhánan-mighty, powerful, from gahúm-might, power; Pahóan-one who possesses many mango-trees, from páhò-a mango-tree, etc.
VERBS:-an goes to form what is called "the passive in-an", and denotes:
1) the place where an action (expressed by the root) is performed, e.g. Ang alipokpokán siníng bakólod pagapatindogán ko sang bág-o ko nga baláy. I will build my new house on the top of this hill. (patíndog-to erect, build). Amó iní ang lugár nga linúbngan níla sa kay Fuláno. This is the place where they buried (the body of) N.N. (lubúng-to bury).
2) the person for whose benefit, or to whose detriment, an action (expressed by the root) is performed, e.g. Ginbuhátan níya akó sing asálan. He made a roasting spit for me. (búhat-to make). Indì mo siá paghimóan sing maláin. Don't harm him. (hímò-to do, with maláin-to do harm).
3) an impression, affection, sensation, mental state, or the like, e.g. Natahumán akó sinâ. That impressed me with its beauty. That appeared to me quite nice, (tahúm-to be or become nice, beautiful). Nalas-ayán akó sa íya. I am disgusted with him. He is abominable to me. (lás-ay-to be or become insipid). Nagin-otán akó. I feel it sultry. (gínot-to be or become sultry). Ginaitumán akó siníng báyò. This dress (jacket)-looks black to me,-is too black for me. (itúm-to be or become black), etc.
N.B. It should be borne in mind that the context alone can determine the exact meaning of-an. "Naadlawán akó"-to quote only one example-means: "Full daylight was (came) upon me". But in connection with what may precede or follow this phrase can be translated in various ways, e.g. "I stayed till (late in the) morning". "I continued to do something without interruption till the sun stood high in the heavens". "I arrived in bright daylight (and came-too late,-too soon,-in time)". "I passed part of the day, or a full day", etc. Hence the translations given in this dictionary are not exclusive of other versions.
(H) What; of what kind, condition or quality; What? Of what kind? What is the definition, explanation or meaning of-? Anáno ang pagkaláwat? What is Communion? What does Communion mean? Makahibaló ikáw kon anáno ang pagkaláwat? Do you know what Communion is? Can you give a definition or explanation of the meaning of Communion? (see náno, anó; "anó" and "anáno" are often used promiscuously, though they are not quite identical in meaning; "anó" refers simply to the thing itself or asks its name, whilst "anáno" inquires into the real aim, purpose, explanation or definition of a thing together with its qualities, use, utility, etc. Anó, iní? What is this? What is the name of this? What do you call this? Anáno, iní? What kind of thing is this? What are the qualities, use, purpose, utility, etc. of this?
The definite article: The. Ang baláy. The house. Ang káhoy. The tree or wood. In many instances the Visayan language uses the definite article where it is left out in English, e.g. Ang Diós, ang lángit, ang pagkaláwat, ang bádlis, ang Manílà, ang Ameriká, ang pagkalipát, etc. God, heaven, Communion, Extreme Unction, Manila, America, forgetfulness, etc. (see si).
To move, to transfer one's residence, go to live somewhere else, to carry or transport to some other place. Nagántay kamí sa umá sang tigtalánum. During the planting-season we lived at the farm. Iántay ang mga kasangkápan sa bánwa. Transfer your outfit to the town. Kon matápus ang áni maántay kamí liwán sa bánwa. After the rice-harvest we shall move to town again. Antayi ang umá mo sa bakólod, kay maáyo sa ímo láwas ang pagpuyô mo didto. Go to live at your farm on the hill, for staying there is good for your health. (see líton).
Amulet, charm, any object worn in the belief that it possesses mysterious powers. Indì ka magpáti kag índì ka magdalá sa láwas mo sináng ginatawág nga antíng-ánting. Don't believe in, and don't wear on your body, those things called amulets. (see pinangálap).
(áwhang), To lean or hang out of a window or the like, so as to be in danger of falling in a moment of forgetfulness. Indì ka magáohang sa talamwáan. Don't lean out of the window. Indì mo pag-iáohang ang ímo láwas, kay básì mahúlug ka. Don't lean out too far, for you might tumble down. Sang paglubás sang kátay gináohang níya ang íya láwas sa bintánà kag nagtingká-ub kag nahúlug. When the parade passed by he leant out of the window, lost his balance and fell. Kon walâ níya pagaohangí ang kátay, walâ man siá mahúlug. If he had not stretched himself too far out to see the parade, he would not have tumbled down.
Opium. Indì ka magyúpyup sang apián, kay maláin inâ sa láwas páti kalág. Don't smoke (literally "suck in") opium, for it is bad for body and soul. Manugsiò sang apián. An opium-smoker, opium-eater. (see apyán id.).
Dark; tarnished; to darken, blacken, lose lustre, tarnish. See alóm id. Ang buláwan walâ pagarúm, ápang ang tumbága nagaarúm. Gold does not lose its lustre, but pinchbeck does. (see itúm).
An overflow; to overflow, escape or spill over the rim, said chiefly of liquids. Nagaáwas ang túbig sa láta or ang láta ginaawásan sang túbig. The water is overflowing the can. Awas may also mean: a pollution. Paáwas sang láwas-Masturbation; to cause pollution. (see káwas).
Contortion, twisting of the limbs; to writhe, to twist the limbs, as when suffering from cramp, cold, great fear and the like. Nagabalikótot siá. He is contorting his limbs. Ginabalikótot níla ang íla mga láwas sa dakû nga katúgnaw. They are writhing on account of the great cold. Pasilónga ang báka, dì mo siá pagpabalikototón sa ulán. Put the cow under shelter, don't let her shiver with cold out in the rain.
(B) To take physical exercise, to set one's limbs in motion. Ibanátbánat ang láwas mo. Exercise your body. Banátbanáta ang láwas kag kaugatán mo. Give exercise to your body and muscles. Ang táo nga walâ pagbanátbánat magabalatián sa madalî. A man that does not take any physical exercise will soon fall sick. (see bayátbáyat id.).