Novelty, newness, freshness, something new or strange noticed or experienced for the first time. Kamág-o iní sa ákon. This is new to me. (I have never seen or experienced it before). Nagmasakít siá sang íya pagabút sa Mindanáw tungúd sang kamág-o. He became sick when he arrived in Mindanao, because he was not accustomed to conditions there. (see bág-o).
To perish, disappear. Nagakapáas na ang mga talonón sa talónan. The wild pigs are disappearing from the forests. Tungúd sang madámù nga mga mangangáyam nagkapáas na ang talonón sa sinâ nga búkid. On account of the great number of hunters the wild pigs have now ceased to exist on that mountain. (see pápas, púas, pánas).
Relation, connection with, reference to; duty, obligation. (see tungúd).
Bow-legged, bandy-legged; to be or become bow-legged. Koíng siá. He is bandy-legged. Ang kapitán nagkoíng tungúd sang lakás níya nga pagpangabayó. The captain became bow-legged through too much riding on horseback.
(H) Murmuring, grumbling, complaining, complaint; to murmur, complain. Anó na man ang íya kulumúron? What complaint has he to make now? Nagkulumúron siá sinâ or tungúd sinâ. He grumbled or murmured at that. (see kúmud).
To worry, be anxious about, have apprehensions, wait anxiously for, to expect, desire. Nagalángkag akó sinâ. I am worrying about it. Indì ka maglángkag. Don't worry. Ginalángkag ko ang íya pagbáyad sang íya nga útang, kay may kinahánglan akó sang kwárta kag lumígad na ang terminó. I am anxious about his paying his debt, because I need the money and the date fixed for payment is passed. Indì mo paglangkagón ang íya pagabút, kay may búhat pa siá dídto. Don't worry about his arrival (or his coming home), for he is still occupied over there (and will come a little later). Nagakalángkag ang ákon painóíno tungúd siníng balítà nga nabáton ko. My mind is troubled on account of this news I have received. Indì mo igkalángkag ang ímo anák dídto, kay maáyo man siá sing láwas. Have no fear for your boy there, for he is in good health. Dílì igkalángkag sang ímo buút ang amó nga hitabû. You should not worry about such an event. Ginalángkag níla ang pagabút sang pangúlo-bánwa. They are anxiously waiting for the arrival of the Municipal President. (see bakág, hídlaw).
To be or become dry, exsiccated, to fade, wither, dry up, shrivel. Ang búlak nga naípò kahápon naláyà (nagkaláyà) na. The flower that was plucked yesterday is dry and shrivelled already. Naláyà na iníng gatóng. This firewood is dry now. Palayáa ang kawáyan ánay kag ugáling guyúron mo. Let the bamboo get dry first and then haul it. Nalayáan kamí sing madámù nga tanúm tungúd sang lakás nga ínit. Many of our plants withered away on account of the excessive heat. (see malá, ugá, layóng, layâ).
To be confused, worried, perplexed. Nagalíntong ang íya úlo karón tungúd sang íya útang. He is worried now about his debt. Nagapalíntong siá sang íya úlo. He is cudgelling his brains. (see libúg).
Dim. and Freq. of lisáng and lísang. Nagalisánglisáng silá tungúd sang bágyo. They are very much afraid of the hurricane.
Trouble, difficulty, distress, moral, spiritual or physical hardship; to be or to get in trouble, distress, etc. Nagalisúd na ang íya pagbátì. His disease is getting serious. Nalísdan kamí sang ámon pangabúhì sa karón nga túig. This year we have found it difficult to get a living. Dî mo igkalisúd yanáng mga butáng-or-dî mo pagkalísdan yanáng mga butáng. Don't take those things too much to heart. Don't allow yourself to be troubled by such things. Indì ka magpangalisúd sing lakás tungúd sang kamatáyon sang ímo útud. Don't grieve overmuch over the death of your brother. Nagakalisúd siá karón, kay--. He is troubled-or-in distress at present, because--. (see kalisdánan, kalilísdan, malisúd).
Cracked, split, flawed, rifted, fissured; to crack, split, flaw, rift, become fissured; to be worried, perplexed, upset. Naglitík ang bangâ. The water-cooler has cracked. Indì mo pagbutangán ang báso sing túbig nga inínit, kay básì magalitík. Don't put hot water in the glass, for it might crack. Litík nga gorgoríta. A cracked water-jar. Palítkon (Palitikón) ko karón ang úlo mo. I'll split your head. Palítki (Palitikí) siá sang íya ólo. Split his head. Nagalitík ang ákon úlo tungúd siní. I am very much worried about it. Amó inâ nga butáng ang nagapalitík karón sang íya úlo. That is the thing that upsets him,-worries him, at present. (see balanâ, bukâ, balángkà, píhak, bíal).
To fray, be torn to shreds, be torn to ribbons. Nagkalúsò tungúd sang bágyo ang mga dáhon sang ságing. The banana-leaves were torn to shreds by the hurricane. (see lúsì).
(B) Advantage, benefit, profit; good, well; maybe, perhaps. Warâ ti málhas kon ikáw ang silótan tungúd kang salâ ni Fuláno. It's bad enough, if you should be punished for the fault of N.N. (Literally: There is no advantage in it, if-). Warâ ti málhas kon índì tána magabút. Perhaps he is not coming. It would be too bad, if he were not coming. Indì ikáw magpanúgid nga nagasugál kamí adláwdlaw; bokón ti (warâ ti) málhas kon idakúp (dákpon) támon kang polís. Don't tell (anybody) that we are gambling every day; it would be hard lines for us, if we were caught by the police. (see águd, agúdagúd, pulús, áyhan, torán, básì, dámlag).
(B) See pamulúng-to stare or gape at with open mouth (in disappointment, failure, or the like). Namalóng akó, kay walâ akó makadayón pakádto sa Ilóngílong. I am (was) greatly disappointed, because, after all, I could not go to Iloilo (as intended). Namalóng akó, kay walâ akó makatámbong dídto tungúd sang madámol nga ulán. I was sorely disappointed (I could go and whistle for it), because the heavy shower of rain prevented me from being present there. (see gamón).
To crush, pulverize, grind, pound or bray (in a mortar), crumble, powder; reduce to powder, comminute, triturate, break into fine particles by pressure; to become crushed or broken into small pieces. Modmorá ang karamélo, ang píghol, etc. Crush the caramel, the lump of rice, etc. Namódmod ang biskótso tungúd sang lumpálúmpa sang trak. The biscuits got crumbled owing to the jolting of the truck. Minódmod nga tinápay, kalámay, bugás, etc. Crumbled bread, powdered sugar, ground rice, etc. (see múdmud, bókbok, pódpod).