Search result(s) - ákon



To dig out together with the roots, root up, eradicate. Lukáta ang sibúkaw, ághò, etc. Dig out, roots and all, the sibúkaw, ághò-plant, etc. Lukáti akó siníng mga kahóykahóy sa maglíbut sa ákon baláy, kay tútdan ko. Dig out these shrubs around my house together with their roots, for I am going to burn them.



To open (with another key) locks, etc.; to do on the sly, do-stealthily,-secretly. Ginlumángan níya ang ákon ba-úl sang íya lyábe. He opened my box with his key. Ilúmang akó ánay sang ímo lyábe sa ákon kandádo, kay nadúlà ang ákon lyábe. Kindly try to open my lock with your key, as my key is lost. Lumángi ang íya ba-úl sang ákon lyábe. Open his box with my key.



A hen; brood (of chickens); to hatch, incubate, brood, sit. Ang ákon mungâ nagalúmlum karón sa (sing) napúlò kag duhá ka bílog nga ítlog sa íya pugarán. My hen is at present hatching twelve eggs in her nest. Palumlumá na lang iníng kilawát. Get this young hen to hatch (some chickens). (see hilúmhum).



(H) To destroy, demolish, break down, smash up, pull down. Lumpagá ang síya, baláy, etc. Smash up the chair, pull down the house, etc. Ginpalúmpag ko sa íla ang ákon bálay, kay gabúk na. I let them pull down my house for it was rotten. Nalumpagán akó sang ákon baláy sang mga buyóng. The robbers demolished my house. (see gubâ, láglag).



To wither, fade; faded, withered; state of being withered. Naglúmpaw ang búlak, dáhon, káhoy, etc. The flower, leaf, tree, etc. withered. Nalumpawán akó sing limá ka púnò nga kakáw nga ákon tinanúm. Five cacao plants I put into the soil withered. Ayáw pagbunyagí iníng mga tanúm, palumpawá lang. Don't take the trouble to water these plants, simply let them wither. (see láyà, layâ, layóng).



A kind of plant with edible leaves, but mostly only fed to pigs. Metaphorically: to humble, treat ignominiously, put down, abase, look down upon, depreciate, despise, snub; outdo, overcome. Indì ka maglupô sa ákon, índì mo akó paglupoón. Don't treat me so ignominiously. Ginlupô lang akó níya. He simply treated me as if were a lupô, as if I were of no consideration.



Screen, cover, shade, curtain, blind, veil; to screen, eclipse, cover, veil, curtain off, hide behind, obstruct the view. Lúpni akó sing amákan. Screen me with a bamboo-mat. Ginlúpnan níla ang búslot sa díngding. They covered the hole in the partition-wall. Ilupón iníng pányò sa sugâ. Shade the light with this handkerchief. Lúpni ang ákon mga matá, kay támà kasílaw ang sugâ. Put a shade before my eyes, for the light is too dazzling. (see lipód, lipón).



To boil in water in such a way, that all the water evaporates before the cooking is properly done. The quantity of water required has to be accurately calculated beforehand. Hípon nga linusgusán. Hípon-fish boiled in the lúsgus-way. Maglúsgus ka siníng mga hípon sa ákon panyága. Cook this hípon-fish for my dinner according to the lúsgus-method.



To break, bend, blunt, said of pointed tools and other things not made of metal. Nalúsì ang ákon báhì. My wooden dibble has got blunted. Nalusían akó sing kokó. One of my fingernails has got jagged. Ginlúsì ni Fuláno ang púnta siníng búgsok. N.N. broke the point of this wooden stake.



To straighten out, replace, reduce, put back or set (muscles, etc.). Lutáya ang bútkon ko, ang kaugatán ko, etc. Straighten my arm, my muscles, etc. by massaging. Lutáyi akó sang ákon tiíl nga nalutá. Set or replace the bones of my dislocated foot.



Liking, desire, relish, enjoyment, wish; to like, relish, desire, care for, delight in, derive pleasure from, take to, take a fancy to, fancy, hanker after, covet. Anó ang lúyag mo? What do you like (want, wish)? Ang ákon lúyag amó--. What I like is--. Malúyag ikáw sinâ? Do you like it? Ang mga páhò amó gid ang ginaluyágan níya sa pagkáon. Mangoes are just the thing he likes to eat very much. (see buút, wíli, lípay, hándum).



Difficult to swallow; rough, sore (of throat). Maápgas nga búnga. A fruit that can be swallowed only with difficulty (on account of being sour and coarse or the like). Maápgas ang ákon tutúnlan. My throat is rough, sore. (ápgas).



To lighten, be or become light of weight, to alleviate, relieve, ease, mitigate, assuage, levitate. Buhíni ang ímo lúlan túbtub nga magmág-an. Lessen your burden till it becomes light. Nagmág-an na ang ákon kalisúd-or-namag-anán na akó sang ákon kalisúd. My trouble has now become easy to bear. Mag-aná sing diótay ang ímo dalá, kay támà kabúg-at. Lighten your load a little, for it is too heavy.



A verbal prefix used to denote:

1) the active future, e.g. Buás magalakát akó sa Ilóngílong. To-morrow I will walk to Iloilo. Karón sa hápon magaabút gíkan sa Manílà ang akon amáy. This afternoon my father will arrive from Manila. Kon bayáan mo dirâ sa ínit ang bíno tínto magaáslum. If you leave the red wine there in the heat of the sun, it will go sour. (see ma-).

2) a present negation with "walâ", e.g. Si Hosé walâ magtánum kahápon, walâ man siá magatánum karón kag índì man siá magtánum buás. José did not plant rice yesterday, neither is he planting rice to-day nor will he do so to-morrow. This "maga-" under 2) is never shortened into "ma-".



To guess, conjecture, surmise, suppose, think, imagine, judge, opine. Sa ákon pagmái-om--. According to my opinion or guess--. Anó, ang namai-omán mo sa íya nahanungúd sang pagkasúnug sang íya baláy? What is your conjecture about him as to the burning down of his house? Mai-omá sing maáyo, básì malagpatán mo ang matúod. Make a good guess, perhaps you may hit on the truth. (see bánà, bántà, hunâhúnà, pakót, lágpat).



To like or appreciate the taste of something new, not having tasted the like before; to be selfish, haughty, stuck-up, to despise, look down upon one's former friends with indifference or even contempt, as sometimes happens in the case of those that have risen from a humble position to one of power and wealth. Tilawí iníng mga kalan-ónon, kay mamakómakó (magakamakómakó) ka gid sinâ sa ákon bántà. Taste this pastry, for you will like it very much, I think. Namakómakó siá sang lansónes, kay walâ siá pagpanghátag. He likes (He is very partial to) lansónes, for he does not give any (of them) away. Namakómakó siá sang pílak, kay walâ na siá pagpanámyaw. On account of his newly obtained wealth he has become so stuck-up (haughty) that he does not salute any more (his old friends). (see hígmaw).



Dry, exsiccated, drained, seasoned; to be or become dry, arid, desiccated, parched, drained, sear; seasoned (of timber). Malá nga káhoy, tápì, etc. Dry wood, seasoned boards, etc. Nagmalá na ang ákon panápton nga ginbulád ko. My clothes which I spread in the sun are dry now. Ang pawíkan nga namálhan. The turtle deprived of water. The stranded turtle. Pamalahá (pamálha, pamál-a, pamád-a) sa ínit ang linábhan. Put the wash out in the sun to dry. Namád-an sing túbig iníng mga ísdà kag dinakúp ko. These fishes were stranded (ran aground) and I caught them. Namalahán-namálhan-namál-an-namád-an. (see ugá, láyà, layóng).



Also, too, as well as; well! now! Look here! Nagupúd man ikáw sa íya? Did you also accompany him? Siá malúyag magkádto man. He would like to go too. Man, nagsilíng akó sa ímo nga--. Now, look here, I told you that--.

Quite frequently "man" seems to be employed as a mere decorative particle, e.g. Daw alóla man lang inâ sa ímo. That is only a trifling matter for you. Kon amó man lang ang ákon pangabúhì dirí, maáyo pa nga mapaúlì akó sa ákon bánwa. If my life here is to be only this, it would be better for me to return to my home-town. Kon sa isá man ka bágay matúod inâ--. If on the one hand-or-in one respect that is true--. Amó man gihápon. The same as ever, no change or variation, matters stand as before.



(Sp. mapa) A map, plan, drawing, topographic outline; to map, map out, make a map. Mapáha iníng papél. Use this paper to draw a plan on. Mapáhi ang ákon dútà. Make a map of my lands. Mapáhi akó sang ákon talámnan. Make me a map of my fields. Buás ugáling pagasóklon kag pagamapáhan ko ang ímo nga dútà. Not just now, but to-morrow I will measure your grounds and draw a map of them.



To be wide (fully) awake, be awake to, to grasp, comprehend, understand, take in, take. Walâ siá makamarásmas sang ákon nga gin silíng. He could not understand what I said. Namarasmasán níya ang tanán nga ginpaháyag ni Fuláno. He comprehended all that N.N. expounded. Namarasmasán akó sang dídto na akó sa baláy. I recovered my senses when I got to the house. (see marámad, mádmad, hangúp, hántup, balintúnod, áto, sáyod, másngà).

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