Search result(s) - lakás



Lean, skinny, thin, spare, emaciated. Lamanít nga báka. A skinny cow. Naglamanít siá sa lakás nga pangabúdlay. He has become lean through overwork. (see pánit, kalamanít, maníwang, hágpis).



Lean, thin, gaunt, lank, slender, spare, emaciated; to be or become thin, etc. Lapíllápil siá nga táo. He is a thin man. He is lean and lank. Naglapíllápil siá sa lakás nga pangabúdlay. He has become thin through overwork. (see hágpis, níwang, nipís, hapíl-hápil).



To be or become dry, exsiccated, to fade, wither, dry up, shrivel. Ang búlak nga naípò kahápon naláyà (nagkaláyà) na. The flower that was plucked yesterday is dry and shrivelled already. Naláyà na iníng gatóng. This firewood is dry now. Palayáa ang kawáyan ánay kag ugáling guyúron mo. Let the bamboo get dry first and then haul it. Nalayáan kamí sing madámù nga tanúm tungúd sang lakás nga ínit. Many of our plants withered away on account of the excessive heat. (see malá, ugá, layóng, layâ).



Confused, bewildered, stupefied, dazed, troubled, bothered, flustered, disconcerted, fuddled; to be or become confused, etc. Naglibúg ang íya úlo. His mind is confused. He is in a quandary. Palígba (palibugá) siá. Perplex him. Indì mo siá pagpaímnon sing lakás nga bíno, agúd índì maglibúg ang íya úlo. Don't give him too much wine to drink, lest he should become fuddled. Yanáng makahanúsbò nga hitabû amó ang ginapalígban sang íya panumdúman. That sad event troubles his mind. (see língin, lingín).



(H) Shortness, curtness, brevity, abbreviation, abridgement; short, brief, curt, curtailed; to shorten, abridge, abbreviate, curtail, cut short. Lip-otón mo ang kawáyan. Shorten the bamboo. Lip-otí akó sang ákon delárgo. Shorten my pants. Make short trousers for me. Ilíp-ot akó siníng káhoy. Kindly shorten this piece of wood for me. Nalip-otán akó sinâ. That was too short for me. Nagági kamí sa líp-ot (laktúran). We took the short-cut. Nagaamátamát na sang líp-ot ang ádlaw. The days are slowly shortening (getting shorter). Lakás kaláwig iníng sinulát mo nga láygay; lip-otá. The written sermon of yours is too long; cut it short, make it shorter. (see kabús-too short; bugô).



Trouble, difficulty, distress, moral, spiritual or physical hardship; to be or to get in trouble, distress, etc. Nagalisúd na ang íya pagbátì. His disease is getting serious. Nalísdan kamí sang ámon pangabúhì sa karón nga túig. This year we have found it difficult to get a living. Dî mo igkalisúd yanáng mga butáng-or-dî mo pagkalísdan yanáng mga butáng. Don't take those things too much to heart. Don't allow yourself to be troubled by such things. Indì ka magpangalisúd sing lakás tungúd sang kamatáyon sang ímo útud. Don't grieve overmuch over the death of your brother. Nagakalisúd siá karón, kay--. He is troubled-or-in distress at present, because--. (see kalisdánan, kalilísdan, malisúd).



Pure, undefiled, unalloyed, unmixed, unsullied, mere, uncontaminated, virgin, unadulterated; very, very much, truly, really, thoroughly, excellently. Ang íla pagginawî lúnsay kaáyo. Their manners (habits, behaviour) are (is)-very good indeed,-excellent,-admirable. (see lúnlun, lubús, lúgus, túnay, hímpit, pulús, pasáy, támà, lakás, túman, dúro).



(H) Overbearing, excessive, extreme, abusive, one who over-steps the bounds or does something to excess; radical. (see lakás).



Overmuch, excessive, too much, more than enough, immoderate, exorbitant, preposterous. (támà). (see lám-ag, lakás, masiádo, demasiádo).



(B) Thick, stout, strong; much, too much, excessive, very. (see madámol, támà, lakás, lám-ag, dúro, masyádo).



A passive form (perhaps a contraction of manúng-an from panungâ, tungâ) often used in the meaning: to be hit-well,-full,-fairly,-right,-straight,-in the middle,-in the centre,-with full force; to be affected-, feel-, very much. Namúng-an gid ang bóla. The ball was hit fairly in the centre. Kamí gid ang namúng-an siníng kalisúd. We were especially hard hit by this calamity. Walâ siá mamúng-i. He was not affected very much. He did not receive (feel) the full force of the blow (but was only grazed, or the like). (see ígò, tungâ, támà, lakás).



(B) To perish, expire, die, depart this life, meet one's death or end, pass away, succumb. Nagkáon siá sing lakás kag namúy-od. He ate too much and met his death. Mamúy-od ka kon padayónon mo ang ímo pagpagútum. You will die, if you continue going hungry (said of one who pays no attention to meal-time, but works on till exhausted with hunger and fatigue). (see húy-od, patáy).



To be or become thin, lean, emaciated, meagre, gaunt, lank, lanky, skinny, scrawny, scraggy, light, bony. Nagníwang siá dídto sa lakás nga pagpangabúdlay. He got lean there on account of too much work. Maganíwang ikáw, kon índì ka magkáon sing maáyo. You will get thin, unless you eat well. (see hágpis, nipís, kanít).



To rub, mop, swab, scour, scrub a floor, etc. Nusnusí ang panápton sing habón. Rub the clothes with soap. Ginnusnusán níla ang salúg sing espérma. They rubbed the floor with tallow. Inúsnus sa salúg iníng séra. Use this candle-wax for rubbing the floor with. Indì ka magnúsnus (magkúsù) sang lalábhan sing (lám-ag) lakás, kay básì magísì. Don't rub the wash too much, for it might be torn.



Bitterness; pain, grief; to be or become bitter; harsh, acrid, biting, pungent, sharp, unpalatable; be hard to bear, cruel, poignant, painful, trying, severe, grievous, distressing. Nagpa-ít iníng ísdà sa lakás nga asín. This fish has been made to taste like brine on account of using too much salt. Napa-itán akó siníng serbésa. This beer tastes bitter to me, is too bitter for me. Mapa-itán ka gid sang ímo kahimtángan kon--. You will have a hard time of it, if--. Your condition will be a trying one, if--.



To tire, jade, exhaust, wear out, knock up, make tired, fatigue. Pabudlayá siá. Make him tired. Tire him out. Ipabúdlay mo sa íya iníng trabáho. Tire him with this task. Indì ka magpabúdlay sang ímo karabáw sing lakás. Don't tire your buffalo overmuch. (pa, búdlay).



To attribute, refer to, put down to, ascribe to, assign as a cause or motive. Ipahanungúd mo lang sa tubâ ang íya nga agrót, kay nakainúm siá sing lakás. Simply attribute his nonsensical talk to the tubâ, for he has drunk too much. (tungúd). (see pabangúd).



To disperse, scatter, cause to run or scamper off, stampede, to speed, cause to run swiftly, drive with great velocity. Pahuyába ang mga bátà. Drive the boys away. Ginpahúyab níya ang mga kabáyo. He stampeded the horses. Pahuyába ang butí sa ímo bátà sa pagpakáon sa íya sing linágà nga mónggo nga walâ sing asín. Try to cure your child's smallpox by feeding it on boiled monggo with salt. Kumulúb ang trak, kay ginpahúyab sing lakás sang tsóper. The truck turned turtle, because the chauffeur drove it too fast. (pa, húyab).



To cause sorrow or distress, give trouble to, to grieve, afflict; to hurt, wound the feelings of. Indì ka magpakalisúd sa íya sing lakás. Don't distress him too much. Indì mo pagpakalísdon ang ímo mga ginikánan. Don't cause sorrow to your parents. Don't grieve your parents. (pa, kalisúd).



(H) To become red, to redden, flush, blush, crimson, to turn red, turn scarlet or crimson, to colour, colour up. Nagapalamulá ang íya guyá sa lakás nga ínit, sa kaákig, sa kahuyâ, etc. His face is-flushed on account of the excessive heat,-turning red with anger, with shame, etc. (see pulá).

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