Search result(s) - soón



(B) To cover, enclose, surround, fit well or closely. Diá nga kálò makasoón gid sa ólo ko. (Iníng kálò makasíbò gid sa ákon ólo). This hat fits my head well. Són-i ti loón ang dulséra. (Butangí sing takúp (tákpi) ang dulséra). Put the lid on the preserve dish. Isoón ang takúp kang botílya kang kalámay. (Ibutáng ang takúp sa botílya sang kalámay). Put a (the) lid on the sugar-jar. (see takúp, loón).



(B) Boss, stud, cover, lid; to cover, emboss, stud, wrap up, enwrap, put a lid or cover on. Ang bastón na may ságpò (níya may tabón) nga buláwan. (The handle of) his walking stick is covered with gold. (see tábon, táklub, soón, loón).



From soón for soonán. (soón-to cover, surround, fence in).



Cover, lid, spread, screen, cloak, disguise, anything used to close an opening or to hide something out of sight. (see tábon, bísò, loón, táklub, takúp, soón).



A cover, lid; to cover, overspread, close (as with a lid). (see tapón, tabón, tábon, loón, soón, takúp).

takóp, takúp


Cover, cap, top, lid, shutter; to cover, put a lid on, to close, shut. Tákpi (takupí) ang gawáng. Shut the window. Natákpan ang ganháan. The door is (was) closed. Ang mga buluthúan pagatákpan sa búlan sa Márso. The schools will be closed in March. Itakóp ang táklub sa kólon. Put the lid on the rice-kettle. Patákpa si Hosé sang ganháan sang kosína. Let José (Order José to) close the door of the kitchen. (see táklub, háon, soón).



(Sp. tapón) Cork, stopple, plug, bung, cover, lid; to cover as with a lid, etc. Butangí sing tapón ang botílya, pínggan, kólon, etc. Cork the bottle, cover the plate, rice-kettle, etc. (see tabón, tábon, súngsung, loón, soón).



(H) Soft, pliant, one amenable to flattery, easily-cheated,-tricked,-cajoled,-wheedled,-imposed upon. (see hásò).



To stand in the relationship of Godchild to the Godparent's own child. Igsóon silá-or-nagaigsóon silá. One is son, the other godson.



To stand in the relationship of Godchild to the Godparent's own child. Igsóon silá-or-nagaigsóon silá. One is son, the other godson.



Hearts; kind, sympathetic people, tender-hearted folks. (see tagiposóon).



One who is amenable to flattery, easily duped or cheated; tricky, sharp, cunning. (see hásò).



Condition or quality of one's heart, aspiration, intention, desire, etc. Matínlò siá sing panagiposóon. He is clean of heart. Dirí siní makítà ang katín-aw sing panagiposóon ni Fuláno. From this may be inferred the honesty (openness, frankness) of N.N.'s intention (purpose). (see tagiposóon).



To cover the head against rain or sun, especially said of women loosening their skirt and putting it over their head. Magsosoón ka lang, kay magaulán. Cover your head (with your skirt), for it is coming on to rain. (see tákdung, kódong, takuróng).



Heart; affection, sympathy, consideration, kindness, benevolence, charity. (see kasíngkásing).



Hearty, affectionate, generous, heartfelt, earnest. (see tagiposóon).



To finish, take away or off (a loom or the like). Abána ang ákon háblon sa madalî nga saráng mahímò. Get my cloth off the loom as soon as possible. Ginában sang subâ ang ámon dútà. The river has washed away our land. Abánon mo na ang íya nga balayoón, kay nagtú-gon siá nga, kon maában na, ipadalá sa íya sa waláy lídan. Finish the cloth for making dresses, for she ordered it to be sent to her at once, when it was ready. Abáni akó sing duhá ka patádyong. Get me off the loom two native skirts, i. e. cloth sufficient for two such skirts called patádyong. Dílì makaában ang subâ siníng umá, kay may pángpang nga dínglì. The river cannot carry (wash) away this farm-land, for its bank is of hard sandstone. Naában na ang tátlo ka búlan sa napúlò nga inogbulúthù níya sa koléhyo. Three months have gone by already of the ten he has to study at college. Ginában níya ang dakû níya nga mánggad sa mga kalingáwlingáwan kag waláy pulús nga mga kahinguyángan. He spent his great wealth on diversions and useless extravagance. (see hingápus, hingapús, kúhà, búhin, áb-ab, etc.).



To reach, come up with, overtake, catch up with. Abúton ko ikáw karón. I shall soon overtake you. Dalágan ka, agúd dílì ka maábut kag sungáyon sang karabáw nga simarón. Run, lest the wild buffalo should catch and toss you. Básì maábut mo pa siá sa dálan. Possibly you may overtake him yet on the road. Nagabút gid siá, ápang walâ makaábut sang misa. He arrived, indeed, but too late for hearing Mass. (Literally: "----, but he could not reach Mass).



Also: Early, premature, too soon, untimely. Agáp nga kamatáyon. Premature (untimely) death. (see láb-as, hiláw, hinálì, kuyús).



(H) Old, yellow leaves, attached still to the plant, but about to fall off; old, withered, dry, sear, sere, said of leaves. Ang alagílang nga dáhon madalî madágdag. The dry leaves will soon fall to the ground.

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