Search result(s) - ámon



To stick to, adhere to, be attached to; to take or get hold of, to attack (of a disease, etc.); clinging to, attached to; married into a family. Tapikán mo ang sulát sing sílyo. Stick a stamp on the letter. Ang mga malúya sing láwas matapikán sa madalî sang mga balatían. Those that have weak bodies soon catch a disease. Walâ siá lábut sa ámon panublión, kay tapík lang siá (sa ámon). He has no share in our inheritance, for he belongs to us only by marriage (for he (only) married into the family). Ang papél nagatapík na sa díngding. The paper now sticks (adheres) to the wall. (see dokót, pilít).



Finished, complete, ended, closed, terminated, concluded, all over; to finish, complete, end, close, conclude, terminate, get through with. Tapúsa ang ímo sulát. Conclude (Finish) your letter. Madúgay pa balá túbtub nga matápus inâ? Will it last a long time yet till it is finished (concluded)? Walâ kamí makatápus sang ámon pagarádo, kay nagab-ihán kamí. We could not finish our ploughing, for night overtook us. Tápus na. Finished. That's the end of it. It's all over. (see ápus).



(B) To stay, remain permanently (or for a long time), to settle, be settled, be stationed, reside, live, dwell, have one's abode. Nagatinganód ron lang tána kanámon, hay mál-am ron. (Nagalúntad na lang siá sa ámon, kay tigúlang na). He is now staying with us, for he is old. Sa diín dapít kang mga pinunâ nga lúpà nínyo ang ginatinganodán nínyo? (Sa diín dapít sang ínyo mga pinunâ nga dútà ang ínyo nga ginaluntarán)? On which of your farm-lands-do you live?-have you got your living quarters? (see puyô, lúntad, amuyóng, buhî).



To join in a group, go over in a mass. Magtípiok kamó dídto sa íla. Go over to them in a group (mass). All of you, join them over there. Nagtípiok silá sa ámon. Gintipiokán níla kamí. They all of them together came over to our side (party). (see sáylo, típyok id.).



To deal (sell, buy) at market, take to market, put up for sale in a market, to market, go marketing. Itúgbong mo lang sa Ogtóng ang ímo dágmay. Take your dágmay to the market at Oton. Market your dágmay at Oton. Ang ámon tiénda ginatugbongán sa gihápon sing madámù nga balalígyà. A large variety of merchandise is sent to our market. Many goods are disposed of (sold, bought) at our market. Matúgbong man ikáw? Are you too going to market? (túbung id.).



Dim. and Freq. of túhay. Ang ámon pamulákan madámù gid sing mga búlak nga nagakatuháytúhay ang íla sinâ nga duág. In our garden are very many flowers of all sorts of colours. (see laínláin, sarîsárì).



To erect, establish, set up, found, promote, build, make, create, form. Sín-o ang nagtúkud sináng kumbuyahán? Who promoted (formed) that company? Ang Sánta Iglésya tinúkud ni Hesukrísto. The Church was founded by Jesus Christ. Ang ámon bánwa natúkdan (natukúran) na man sing sangá sang amó nga palatikángan. A branch of that business firm has been established also in our town. (see pátok, pásad, hímò, búhat, túga, palatúkdan, palatukurán).



Side, nearness, closeness, proximity, propinquity, vicinity, juxtaposition, immediate neighbourhood. Sa tupád sang ámon baláy. Close by-, near-, at the side of-, adjoining-, our house. Near us. In our immediate neighbourhood. (see luyó, kílid, lapít, tamparán, atubángan-front).



(seldom tupád) To be at the side of, close by, near at hand, at one's elbow, in the immediate neighbourhood, be next neighbour to, to adjoin, be adjacent; to sit or stand side by side. Túpad ka sa íya. Tupári (-ádi) siá. Go (stand, sit) near him, close by him, at his side (elbow). Take your place close by him. Nagatuparáy (-páray) ang íla mga baláy. Their houses are next to (adjoining) each other. Ang tiénda kag ang ámon baláy nagatúpad. Ang tiénda (ámon baláy) nagatúpad sa ámon baláy (sa tiénda). Our house is near (adjoining, at the side of) the market place. Patúpad-to put or place side by side, etc.; to compare. Kon ipatúpad mo ang íya katarúngan sa íya ni Fuláno--. If you compare his argument (reasoning) with the argument put forth by N.N.--. (see íping, kílid, luyó, lapít, támbi, atúbang, támpad-to confront).



Dim. and Freq. of ubús. Sa ubúsubús sang ámon baláy may línaw nga lalangúyan. A little below our house there is a swimming pool.



Dim. and Freq. of ubús. Sa ubúsubús sang ámon baláy may línaw nga lalangúyan. A little below our house there is a swimming pool.



(H) Charcoal, charred wood; to char, burn to charcoal. Ulínga yanáng káhoy, kay nagakinahánglan akó sing úling sa ákon prénsa. Burn that wood to charcoal, for I need some charcoal for my flatiron. Sang amó nga súnug naúling man ang ámon baláy. When that fire broke out, our house also was burned to the ground. (see uríng, abó-ashes).



(H) Charcoal, charred wood; to char, burn to charcoal. Ulínga yanáng káhoy, kay nagakinahánglan akó sing úling sa ákon prénsa. Burn that wood to charcoal, for I need some charcoal for my flatiron. Sang amó nga súnug naúling man ang ámon baláy. When that fire broke out, our house also was burned to the ground. (see uríng, abó-ashes).



Between, betwixt; the space between, lying between, intervening-, intermediate (intermediary, intermedial)-, space; what is or lies between, fill, filling, contents, interposition, insertion; to lie between, come between, to interpose, insert, put in, interpolate, intercalate, intersect. Sa ulút (Saginútlan) sang duhá ka baláy--. Between the two houses--. Dílì na náton makítà ang alipokpokán sang búkid, kay nagulút ang isá ka madámol nga gál-um. We cannot see the top of the mountain any longer, for a thick (dense) cloud has come in between. Ang itúm kag putî útlì sang pulá. Put some red colour between the black and white. Indì ka magulút sa íla nga duhá, kóndì magpúngkò ka dirí. Don't take your place between those two, but sit here. Kag lábut pa siní nga tanán nagaulút sa ámon kag sa ínyo ang (ginaútlan kamí kag kamó sang) isá ka dakû nga kadadálman. "And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos." (see bál-ot, sál-ot, tungâ, sulúd, lútlut).



Between, betwixt; the space between, lying between, intervening-, intermediate (intermediary, intermedial)-, space; what is or lies between, fill, filling, contents, interposition, insertion; to lie between, come between, to interpose, insert, put in, interpolate, intercalate, intersect. Sa ulút (Saginútlan) sang duhá ka baláy--. Between the two houses--. Dílì na náton makítà ang alipokpokán sang búkid, kay nagulút ang isá ka madámol nga gál-um. We cannot see the top of the mountain any longer, for a thick (dense) cloud has come in between. Ang itúm kag putî útlì sang pulá. Put some red colour between the black and white. Indì ka magulút sa íla nga duhá, kóndì magpúngkò ka dirí. Don't take your place between those two, but sit here. Kag lábut pa siní nga tanán nagaulút sa ámon kag sa ínyo ang (ginaútlan kamí kag kamó sang) isá ka dakû nga kadadálman. "And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos." (see bál-ot, sál-ot, tungâ, sulúd, lútlut).



Charred wood, remnants of wood left after a fire, a piece of wood partly burned; the remnant or stump of a smoked cigar; to burn, destroy by fire. Ginupús sang kaláyo ang ámon baláy. The fire burned our house to ashes. (see abó, súnug).



Charred wood, remnants of wood left after a fire, a piece of wood partly burned; the remnant or stump of a smoked cigar; to burn, destroy by fire. Ginupús sang kaláyo ang ámon baláy. The fire burned our house to ashes. (see abó, súnug).

upús nga sinulî


A piece of wood burned on one side and turned round so that the other side may burn. Metaphorically: Sang dídto na kamí sa uluúnhan may nagsúgid sa ámon nga nagubâ ang táytay, gánì daw sinulî lang kamí nga upús. When we had gone a little ahead we were told that the bridge was destroyed; so we turned back (did not continue our march).

upús nga sinulî


A piece of wood burned on one side and turned round so that the other side may burn. Metaphorically: Sang dídto na kamí sa uluúnhan may nagsúgid sa ámon nga nagubâ ang táytay, gánì daw sinulî lang kamí nga upús. When we had gone a little ahead we were told that the bridge was destroyed; so we turned back (did not continue our march).

upús nga sinulî


A piece of wood burned on one side and turned round so that the other side may burn. Metaphorically: Sang dídto na kamí sa uluúnhan may nagsúgid sa ámon nga nagubâ ang táytay, gánì daw sinulî lang kamí nga upús. When we had gone a little ahead we were told that the bridge was destroyed; so we turned back (did not continue our march).

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