Search result(s) - ápas



(Sp. capaz) Capable, ingenious, clever, learned, fit, suitable. (see makaákò, batíd, sagád, sámpaton, may-igkasángkol, -ikasárang, -ikatakús).

Failure, setback, drawback, fiasco, disappointment, want of success. (see páslaw).



To disobey an order, contravene, neglect, leave undone, ignore, take no notice of, blink, disregard, omit to do. Nakalápas siá sa pagsímba. Tátlo ka Domíngo ang íya ginlápas. He neglected to go to Church. Three Sundays he failed to go to Church. Indì mo paglapáson ang mga sógò sang ímo ginikánan-or-índì mo paglapásan ang ímo ginikánan sang íla mga sógò. Do not disobey the commands of your parents. Indì ka gid maglápas siníng ákon mga túgon. Don't by any means neglect (fail) to carry out this order of mine. (see lális).



Past, after, gone by; to pass, go by (of time). Sa lapás ang piésta magadúaw akó sa ínyo. After the Feast-day I shall visit you. Tátlo na ka túig ang naglapás kútub sádto. Since that time three years have passed. (see lígad, talíwan, lubás, ági).



A transgressor, prevaricator, sinner, law-breaker. (see lápas).



Trespassing, unobservant, unobserving, non-observant, lawless, unduteous, undutiful, neglecting, neglectful, heedless, failing to comply with, omitting the fulfilment of a duty or precept. (see lápas, malinapáson, malalíson).



See malapáson id.



Thankful, grateful, indebted to, obliged, under obligation. (see salámat, pasalámat).



Partial, one-sided, inequitable, giving preference to, prejudiced, narrow-minded. (see labí).



Thoughtful, regardful, considerate, kind. (see pasunáid).



Freq. of pápas-to destroy, exterminate, etc.



(Sp. habano) A cigar, especially one made by machinery, and sold by tobacconists (in contradistinction to the piokós-a home-made cigar, rolled by hand for private use). Bákli akó sing duhá ka abáno nga taglimá ka sentimós. Buy me two cigars of five centavos each. Indì akó makaúyon sang abáno kay matáb-ang; ginapasolabí ko gid ang piokós, kay labíng maísug. I do not like cigars sold by tobacconists, for they are too mild; I much prefer home-made cigars, because they are very strong, (see tabákò, tabakô, piokós).



(B) Shawl, covering for the shoulders and back; to use or wear a shawl. Tan-awá yanáng babáye nga nagaabláy. Look at that woman wearing a shawl. Pagaablayón ko gid iníng bunáng. I will certainly work this yarn up into a shawl. Iabláy lang iníng hábul, kay mátugnaw. Just use this blanket as a shawl, for it is cold. Ablayí ang bátà, agúd indì mapás-* mo sa matúgnaw nga hángin. Put a shawl around the child, lest it should catch a cold in the chilly air. Paablayí silá. Provide them with shawls. Put some shawls at their disposal, (see abrígo, kúnop).



On the windward side, not under the lee, open or exposed to the wind; to be or become exposed to the wind, etc. Ang ákon hulút ábong sa amíhan. My room is open to the north wind. Ginaabóngan sang habágat ang ámon kalán-an. Our refectory or dining-room is exposed to the south wind. Sádto ánay nalípdan sang kawáyan ang ákon kwárto, ápang karón, kay natapás na ang kawáyan, nagábong sa hángin. Formerly my room was sheltered behind bamboos, but now that the bamboos are cut down, it has become exposed to the wind, (see ámbi-open to the rain; abansáda).



(Sp. alza, alzar) A rise in price; the raising of merchandise, money, etc. on credit; to raise, lift, hoist; to get on credit. Ang tanán nga mga balalígyà sa almasín siníng komersyánte álsa gid lámang sa Ilóng-ílong or ginálsa gid lámang níya sa Ilóng-ílong. All the goods on sale in the store of this merchant are (were) obtained by him on credit from Iloilo. Alsahá pa gid ang káhoy sing diótay. Raise the wood yet a little. Alsahí iníng lugár sang mga bató. Remove the stones from this place. Alsahá ang tíngug mo. Raise your voice to a higher pitch. Iálsa akó ánay siníng láta nga túbig. Please lift this can of water for me. Alsahán mo gid ánay ang baráha kag ugáling ipanhátag (ipanghátag). First cut the cards and then deal them out. (For an increase in wages and the like "pasákà" is to be used. Napasakáan ang íya sóhol. His wages have been raised).



Lazy, indolent, slothful; to be or become lazy, indolent, slothful, slack. Ang amád nga táo amó ang isá ka táo nga may katámad. A lazy man is one who has the vice of sloth. Indì ka magamád. Dont get lazy. Walâ siá makapasár sa íya grádo, kay nagamád siá sa pagtoón. He could not pass his grade, because he was too lazy to study. Naamadán siá sa pagsímba. He is (was) too lazy to go to church. (see támad, ágol, agohós, ligóy, pasalipótpot).



(B) Buying on credit,-on account,-on tick; to obtain on credit, to buy on account. Angkatí akó sing duhá ka metros nga kóko. Get me on credit two meters of white cloth. Angkatá lang inâ. Just buy it on credit. Ipaángkat sa ákon iníng bunáng. Let me have this yarn on credit. Angkatí man akó siníng sapátos, kay hulatón ko man ikáw sa pagbáyad túbtub sa lapás ang piésta. Take also these boots from me on credit, for I am willing to wait for your payment till after the feast. Paangkatá lang akó sinâ. Simply give me that on credit. (see the foregoing "ángkat"; the connection between the two is obvious. They are really the same term, whose first meaning is "to get loose seams, etc." and whose secondary meaning is "to get loose merchandise, etc." i.e. "to get or obtain on credit").



To strike in, add a hand to, to do something together with another in quick turns as one helping another to pound rice, workmen felling a tree or trimming wood by alternate blows, etc. Asod without any other qualification mostly means: to help another pound rice by alternate blows of the pestles. Asdi (asódi) si mánang mo. Help your elder sister to pound rice. Asdi si mánong mo sa pagtapás sang káhoy. Help your elder brother to fell the tree (by giving alternate strokes of the axe, now on this side, now on the other side of the tree). Ang pagásod sa pagkánta maláin, sa pagbásbas kag pagbayó maáyo. To strike in after another in singing (out of unison) is bad, but for dressing timber or pounding rice it is the proper or right thing to do. Ginásdan níla nga duhá sang ákig si Fuláno. They, both of them together, vented their anger on N.N.

bágay sa


Concerning, referring to, with regard or reference to, with respect to. Ibálik ko na ang ákon hámbal bágay sa--. I'll now come back (return) to say a few things more concerning--. Ang íya pagkáhas bágay sa paglápas sang kasogoán--. His audacity with regard to violating (breaking) the law--. (see nahanungúd, nahatungúd).

bágay sa


Concerning, referring to, with regard or reference to, with respect to. Ibálik ko na ang ákon hámbal bágay sa--. I'll now come back (return) to say a few things more concerning--. Ang íya pagkáhas bágay sa paglápas sang kasogoán--. His audacity with regard to violating (breaking) the law--. (see nahanungúd, nahatungúd).

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