(Sp. alistar) Ready, prepared, fit for, equipped; to prepare, get ready. Alisto na kamí sa paglakát. We are now ready to march. Kon alísto na kamó nga tanán, malakát na kitá. If you are all ready, we will go now. Alistohá ang mga dalál-on (dalálhon). Get ready the things to be taken along or to be brought along. Alistohí kamí sing balónon. Make ready for us some provisions for the journey. Ialísto ko pa ang ákon maléta, kay dálhon ko sa buás. I am going to get my hand-bag ready, for I'll take it along tomorrow. (see hímos, híkot, híwat, áman).
A heat-bath; to give or administer a heat-bath, to cause to perspire by means of live coals placed in a pan underneath a person sitting or standing and closely wrapped up to the chin. Ginaalobo-óban námon siá. We are giving him a heat-bath. Nagahímos akó sing bagahán nga inugpaalobó-ob sa íya. I am getting ready a brasier for administering a heat-bath to him.
To prepare, get-, make-, ready, make preparations for. Magáman ka sa paglakát. Get ready for the march. Nagáman ka na sa pagkonpesár? Have you prepared for confession? Mangáman ka! Be prepared! Be careful! Beware! Amána ang ákon higdáan. Make my bed. Amáni akó sing pagkáon. Prepare me some food. Naáman na ang tanán. Everything is ready. Iáman ko iníng hábul sa bisíta. I am going to prepare this blanket for the visitor. (see hímos, híkot, híwat).
To bear, suffer, undergo. Magántus ka siní sing mapailúbon. Bear this patiently. Hántì kay ginhímò mo iní, antusá na man ang sílot. Well, as you did it, suffer the punishment now as well. Dì masáysay ang mga kasakít nga ginántus sang Aton Ginóo. The sufferings borne by Our Lord cannot be described. (see batás, agwánta).
A prohibitive particle: You must not--. You shall not--. Don't by any means--. Ayáo, paghimóa inâ. Oh, don't do that. Beware of doing that. Ayáo, pagbayái ang ímong mga ginikánan. Ah, you must never forsake your parents. (see índì (gid), dílì nga más-a).
Manner, method, kind, class, way; fit, proper, suitable, adapted; to fit, adapt, tune, harmonize. Bagáya ang mga kwérdas. Tune the strings. Ibágay akó sang ákon gitára. Kindly tune my guitar. Dílì bágay sa ímo iníng kálò. This hat does not fit you. This hat does not suit you. Duhá ka bágay ang pagpangurús, hímpit kag láktud. There are two ways of making the sign of the cross, the complete and the short one. Ang salâ may duhá ka bágay, mortál kag beniál. There are two kinds of sins, mortal and venial. Himósi siá sing pagkáon nga bágay sa isá ka dumulúaw nga dunggánon. Prepare some food for him fit to be placed before an honoured visitor. Bagáyi ang ímo mánggad kag kaálam sing maáyo nga batásan. Cultivate a demeanour in keeping with your wealth and knowledge or learning. (see ángay, ányò, ígò, síbò).
Widow, widower. Also used as a verb. Bálo siá. She (he) is a widow (a widower). Nabálo siá or nahímò siá nga bálo. She (he)-became a widow (widower),-was bereaved of her husband (of his wife). Ang pagkabálo. Widowhood.
To bear, suffer; sustain, tolerate, put up with; stand. Makabatás ka sinâ? Can you stand that? Hántì, kay ginhímò mo inâ, batasá na man ang ígò nga sílot. Very well then, as you have done that, suffer now the fitting punishment. Ginbatás-or-binatás ko ang tanán nga kahuól. I bore all hardships. Indì na akó magbatás sang ínyo paggináhud dirí. I will not put up any longer with the noise you make. (see ántus, íro, agwánta).
Experienced, proficient, skilled, well versed, good at; to be or become expert, etc. Batíd nga táo. An expert or skilful man. Batíd siá sa trabáho. He is skilled in work. Nagbatíd siá or nahímò siá nga batíd. He became an expert. Batidá siá sa pagkapánday. Make him proficient at carpentry. (see sagád, anád, hanás, lísto, sampáton).
(Sp. velo) Veil; the veiling of the bride and bridegroom during the nuptial Mass; to veil. Himósa ang mga bélo nga ibélo sa buás sa tátlo ka kalasálon. Get the veils ready for the three couples that are going to be married tomorrow. Ang mga bálo nga nabelóhan na sang úna níla nga pagpakasál índì na mabelóhan. Widows that received the nuptial blessing at their first marriage cannot receive it again. (see tabón, kúnop, takuróng).
To demolish, destroy, dismantle, pull down, take down. Bungkagá ang baláy. Pull down the house. Dílì mo pagbungkagón ang káro nga napunihán, kay may kinahánglan pa akó sinâ. Don't dismantle the decorated car, for I need it again. Bungkagí akó sing isá ka síya nga dáan, kay himóon ko nga balayán sang isá ka kwádro. Take to pieces an old chair for me, because I am going to make a picture-frame of it. Ibúngkag mo akó ánay sang entabládo. Please take down the stage. (see gubâ, láglag).
A lie, falsehood, untruth, deception, invention, fabrication, perversion of the truth, prevarication, fib; to lie, tell lies, misstate, misrepresent, belie, pervert, distort, prevaricate, palter, shuffle, fence, mince the truth, invent, fabricate, trump up, concoct. Indì ka magbutíg. Don't tell lies. Indì mo akó pagbutigán. Don't lie to me. Indì mo pagibutíg sa íya ang imo nga ginhímò. Don't tell him lies about what you did. Ginbutíg lang níya inâ. He simply told a lie about that. Butíg gid iní; índì akó magpáti. This is certainly a lie: I don't believe it. (see bákak).
Thickness; to thicken, become thick, said of flat substances like boards, sheets, clothes, etc. Dakmolá ang paghímò sing bibínka. Make the bibinca-cakes thick. Indì mo pagdakmolón ang pagtápa sang kárne, kóndì nipisón mo lang. Don't cut thick slices of meat, but carve thin ones. Utdon mo ang tápì sa nadakmolán. Cut the board at its thick part. (see dámol).
A negative prefix similar to the English in-and un-, e.g. dîhímpit- not perfect, imperfect; dî mahinulsúlon-not contrite, impenitent; dîmadampígon-not helping or supporting, impartial; dîtúgut-not allowed, not permissible, illicit, forbidden; dîsonô-not according to, irrelevant; dîmapahaylóhon-not easily won over, unshaken, unyielding; dîmahímò-impossible; dîmabása-illegible; dîmamalátyon-not mortal, immortal; dîmadinulúnton-not subject to decay, imperishable, indestructible; dîmapinadaláhon-not easily carried along or swayed, unswayed, unswerving; dîmainandámon-not careful, unconcerned; dîmaúgdang-immodest; dîmatínlò-unclean; dîmabatás-intolerable, etc. etc.
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