Search result(s) - lúsò



Cut off, interrupted, intermittent; to cut off, prune, trim, lop off. Hápò nga salúsò. Intermittent (difficult) breathing. (see útud, utúd, utúdutúd).

Cloth, stuff, fabrics, textiles (for dresses, etc.). (see ulús).



To fly off, to fly out in all directions from a hole or receptacle, as rice grains from the mortar, if pounded unskilfully. Magaálias ang humáy sa lusóng kon tótwon sing bikwálon. Rice-grains will fly off in all directions from the mortar, if pounded awkwardly. Dî mo pagpaaliasón ang humáy. Don't let the rice-grains scatter. Don't send the rice-grains scattering or flying off in all directions. Sang pagbayó ni Fuláno naaliasán ang salúg sing madámù nga bináto nga humáy. When N.N. was pounding rice, many grains flew out and scattered over the floor. (see ályas, id.; ásik, ágsik, ásang, álwak, ályak-to spill (of water, etc.); wisík-to sprinkle, splash).



(Sp. almirez) A kitchen mortar, a small mortar. (see lubakán, lusóng-rice-mortar. The pestle of an almirés is called "baláyo, baráyo", that of a lusóng "hál-o").



To plug, bung up, stop up a hole by means of a pin, bolt, wedge or the like driven in from inside or from underneath the object to be plugged or mended. Alópi ang lusóng. Plug the rice-mortar. Iálop ko iníng káhoy sa lusóng. I am going to stop up the hole in the rice-mortar with this piece of wood. (see hálop; for the cork or stopple of a bottle "súngsung" is to be used).



To pound or hull, especially rice, by means of a wooden mortar (lusóng) and a pestle (hál-o). Báywa or bayohá ang humáy. Pound the rice. Báywi or bayohí akó sing isá ka pásong nga humáy. Pound for me a bushel of rice. Ibayó akó ánay siníng isá ka gántang nga humáy. Kindly pound this gantang of rice for me. Humáy nga binayó. Rice that has been pounded. (see lúbak, totó, gúmà, dásdas, líg-as).



Hulled rice; pimple; to hull or be hulled (of rice). Nagbugás na ang humáy sa lusóng. The rice in the mortar has been hulled. Ang duhá ka pásong ginbugás ko sa pándut. I had two bushels of rice hulled for the feast. Bugasá iníng isá ka gántang. Pound or hull this ganta of rice. Bugasí akó sing napúlò ka gántang sa mga dumulúaw. Hull me ten gantas of rice for the visitors. Ginabugasán akó ni Fuláno. I am supplied with hulled rice by N.N. Binugás mo na ang pilít nga sulumanón kag ilibusón? Have you hulled glutinous rice for making súman (cooked rice mixed with sugar and the juice of coconut-meat) and íbus (rice mixed with the juice of coconut-meat, wrapped up in coconut-leaves and boiled)? May tátlo ka bugás siá sa guyá níya. He has three pimples on his face. (see humáy, pálay-unhulled rice: kán-on-cooked rice).



Alternately, by shifts, by turns, turn and turn about, to do by turns, take turns, to alternate. Magsímba kamó sing bulúsbúlus. Go to church by turns. Nagbulúsbúlus silá magbayó-or-sa pagbayó. They took turns at pounding rice. Bulúsbulúsan ta ang pagdalá sang bakág. Let us carry the basket turn and turn about. Bulúsbulúson mo ang itúm kag putî sa pagsámay sang ákon báyò. Make black and white stripes alternate in the design for my jacket or dress.



Depth, profundity, deepness: to deepen, make-, become-, deep. Nagdálum ang lúblub tungúd sang madámol nga ulán. The defile deepened on account of the heavy rain. Ginpadálum níla ang búhò. They dug the hole deep. Padálma (Padalúma) ang búhò sang lusóng. Deepen the cavity of the rice-pounding mortar. Ginpadálman (Pinadálman, Pinadalúman) níya ang amó nga butáng sang íya painóíno. He thought profoundly over it. He pondered long and deeply over that matter. Nagapadálum siá sang íya nga painóíno. He is thinking deeply, profoundly. (see nábaw-to be shallow, etc.).



To pound (rice) for the first time, start the rather lengthy process of pounding rice by hand. Gumáa ang humáy. Pound the rice (for the first time). Gumái akó sing isá ka lusóng nga humáy, kay ákon dasdasán. Pound for me a mortar-full of rice, as I am going to pound it the second time. Igúmà akó ánay siníng humáy sa lusóng. Kindly start pounding the rice in the mortar. (see bayó, dásdas, totó, líg-as, ríg-as).



To break out afresh, open again, become worse (of wounds, boils, etc.). Nagahimaló ang íya nga katúl, kay kinálot níya. His "katúl" is getting worse, because he has been scratching it. Naghimaló ang íya nga pilás sa tiíl, kay nasúntok sang isá ka baníklan. The wound on his foot broke out afresh, for it received a sharp knock from a piece of wood. (see dalusó).

húyup, huyúp


To blow, to expel the breath with some effort, to breathe upon, puff, whiff, exhale. Húypi siá. Breathe or blow upon him. Ihuyúp sa íya iníng taláyhup. Blow on him with this blowing-tube. Naghuyúp siá sa lusóng. He blew into the rice-mortar (i.e. he burned his fingers, he made trouble for himself, the result was a miserable failure or ended in his own discomfiture).



To shovel, scoop, spoon or ladle out dry and liquid things. Kandusá ang humáy, sópas, etc. Scoop out the rice, ladle out the soup, etc. Kandusí akó sing isá ka kándus nga sópas. Give me a ladleful of soup. Ikándus akó ánay sing duhá ka gántang nga humáy, kay ipíslong ko sa lusóng kag bayohón. Kindly scoop out two gantas of rice for me, because I am going to put it into the mortar and pound it. (see sarók, galó).



Hole, cavity, grave, sepulchre; to excavate, dig-, scoop-, out earth, etc. Akó ang makáli, ikáw ang makótkot. I will do the digging and you will take out the earth. Imo kotkotón ang binayó sa lusóng, kay ákon pagatáphan. Scoop out the pounded rice from the mortar, for I am going to sift it. Kotkotá ang balás sa búhò. Take out the sand from the hole. (see káli, búhò, lulúbngan).



(H) To complete the pounding of rice (leaving very little rice unhusked), pound rice thoroughly. Nakalíg-as na akó sing isá ka lusóng. I have now pounded thoroughly one mortarful of rice. Lig-así akó sing duhá ka gántang nga humáy. Pound two gantas of rice very well for me. Ginlig-asán akó níya sing tátlo ka lusóng. He pounded for me three mortarfuls of rice. Líg-as na-or-nalíg-as na. The rice is now pounded. The pounding of the rice is finished. (see gómà, dásdas, bayó).



(B) To crush, pound, beat. Nagalúbak siá sing ságing sa lusóng. He is pounding bananas in the rice-mortar. Lubáka ang lánot nga talagakón. Beat the hemp that is to be arranged for weaving-or-is to be tied together. Lubáki akó sing dalógdog, balátong, etc. Crush or pound for me some dalógdog-fruits, beans, etc. (see bayó for pounding rice).



(B) A mortar for the operation of lúbak. As a rule the lubakán is smaller than the lusóng, but similar in shape and make-up.

lúskan, etc.


From lúsok.

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