Search result(s) - ságing



To decay, rot, spoil, putrefy, decompose, corrupt; to become or make soft. Nadúnut ang káhoy sa dútà. The wood rotted in the ground. Padunúta lang sa dútà iníng káhoy. Just let this wood rot in the ground. Dunúta ang linúgaw, kamóti, ságing, etc. Make the rice-porridge soft, let the sweet potatoes, the bananas, etc. get very soft. Nadunútan ang ámon baláy sing duhá ka halígi. Two posts of our house have become rotten. (see gabúk).



(H) Old, ripe, ready to be plucked or harvested; to be or become old or ripe, ripen, mature. Gúlang na ang humáy mo; aníha (ánya) na lang. Your rice is ripe; harvest or reap it. Naggúlang na iníng mga ságing, búsà túb-on mo kag ibalígyà. These bananas are ripe now; therefore cut them and sell them. Indì mo ánay pagpopóon iníng mga páhò, kóndì pagulánga gid. Don't pick these mangoes yet, but let them ripen well. Pagulángi akó sing tátlo ka bílog nga talóng, kay binhión ko. Let three egg-plants mature for me, as I wish to use them for seed. (see lútò, tigúlang).



To buy up, buy wholesale, contract for all that is for sale. Ginhág-on ko ang íya ságing. I bought up his bananas. Ginhag-onán ko siá sang tanán níya nga ságing. I made a contract with him for all his bananas. Ihág-on akó sang íya kamóti. Kindly buy up for me his sweet potatoes. Ipahág-on mo sa ákon ang ímo kalámay, índì mo ánay pagibalígyà sa ibán. Let me have all your sugar; don't sell it to others. (see ságib).



To soften or make flexible through heat. Hálba (halóba) ang dáhon sang búyò. Make the buyo-leaf warm and soft. Hálbi akó sing búyò, kay ibányos ko sa hubág. Make a buyo-leaf warm and soft for me, because I am going to rub the swelling with it. Ihálob akó ánay siníng dáhon sang ságing, kay iputús ko sa ákon alopíhon. Kindly soften this banana-leaf, for I am going to use it to wrap round the rice for rice-cakes (called alopí). (see láhob).



To cover or line the bottom of a kettle or pan with leaves or the like to prevent the food from sticking. Ihaníg sa kólon iníng dáhon sang ságing. Line the kettle with this banana-leaf. Ihaníg akó ánay sang kólon, kay matígang akó. Kindly line the rice-pot with leaves, for I am going to boil rice. Hanigí ang ánglit sing lukáy. Put some coconut leaves into the small cooking-pot. (see baníg).



To take there, convey, carry, transfer to. Ihatúd mo inâ dídto. Take that there. Carry that over there. Hátdi (hatudí) siá siníng mga ságing. Hand these bananas to him. Ginhatúd mo na dídto sa kay Fuláno ang mga sapátos nga íya gintúgon?-Walâ pa akó makahatúd sinâ, kay masákò ang trabáho ko karón, ápang pagaihatúd ko gid inâ dídto sa buás sa ága. Have you taken the boots to N.N., as ordered by him?-No, I could not take them there as yet, for I am very busy at present, but I will certainly deliver them there to-morrow morning. (see dalá, hátol).



To love, have affection for, be in love with, hold dear, be enamoured of, cherish. Maghigúgma ka sa Diós labí sa ngatanán. Love God above all things. Higugmaá ang ímo ginikánan. Love your parents. Ginahigúgma siá sing dakû sang íya ilóy. His mother holds him very dear. Ang mánghud amó ang nahigugmaán gid sang íya amáy. The youngest son is very much loved by his father. Ihigúgma lang sa íya iníng mga ságing. Give him these bananas as a token of affection. (see hagúgma id.).



(B) To know where to look for or lay one's hand on a thing, take from a known place. Himat-oní lang ang mga ságing dirâ sa aparadór. Just take the bananas there in the cupboard. Makahimát-on ka balá sang tinápay dirâ sa bakág sa ákon kwárto? Can you find the bread there in the basket in my room? Gintágò ko ang mamón sa baúl, ápang hinimat-onán gid sang mga bátà. I had the cake hidden in the trunk, but still the children knew where to find it. (see matá).



(B) To finish a meal, end a repast; dessert, fruits or sweetmeats served after a meal. Anó ang buút mo ihinungá? Ságing o kalámayhátì? What would you like for dessert? Bananas or "kalamayhátì? (see tungá, úndang, hingúndang).



To take or grasp all, appropriate the whole amount, seize greedily everything to be had without consideration for others. Indì ka maghugákom sang tanán nga tabákò, ságing, etc. Don't take all the cigars, bananas, etc. (but have some consideration for others). Hugakóma lang ang tanán. Just grasp everything. Take it all. (see kayába, ángkon, kúhà, guráput, kapút, kápyot).



To nibble, gnaw, bite off a piece, snap, etc. Ikba (ikibá) ang ságing. Nibble the banana. Ikbi ang ságing. Take a bite out of the banana. Ang tinápay iníkban sang ilagâ. The bread had been nibbled (gnawed) by rats. Ang idô nagaikíb sang túl-an. The dog is gnawing the bone. (see íngkib, íngkit, kíbkib, etc.).



To nibble, gnaw, bite off a piece, snap, etc. Ikba (ikibá) ang ságing. Nibble the banana. Ikbi ang ságing. Take a bite out of the banana. Ang tinápay iníkban sang ilagâ. The bread had been nibbled (gnawed) by rats. Ang idô nagaikíb sang túl-an. The dog is gnawing the bone. (see íngkib, íngkit, kíbkib, etc.).



To deteriorate, degenerate, become less productive. Nagakalágyan ang mga ságing, kapáyas, etc. sa ámon hardín. The bananas, papaws, etc. in our garden are deteriorating, are giving less fruit than formerly.



(H) Banana-plantation, collection of bananas. (ságing; see kasab-ahán).



Dim. and Freq. of kínam. Kinámkináma iníng ságing, kon malúyag ka sang íya sabór. Try the taste of this banana and see whether you like its flavour. Kinámkinámi (tilawí) sing diótay iníng súman. Taste a little of this suman-dish. (see tiláw).



(Sp. quitar) To remove, take away, separate, put aside. Sang pagísip níla sang mga ságing nga íla baláklon ginkitár níla ang mga sinipî nga magágmay. When they counted the bananas they were going to buy, they put the small clusters apart. (see kúhà, bulág, báhin).



To swallow greedily, devour, gulp down. Indì mo paglam-odón ang tinápay. Don't eat bread so greedily. Naglám-od gid lang siá sang ságing nga walâ níya pagusánga. He swallowed the banana without chewing it. (see lámon, halúnhon, subád, síbà, sibád, lam-odá, lam-odí-lam-orá, lam-orí, etc.



To be plentiful, galore, lie about in heaps; abundant, more than enough. Nagalán-ok gid lang ang mga ságing, kapáyas, etc. sa íya nga hulút. There are in his room plenty of bananas, papaws, etc. Káon ka sing páhò, kay nagalán-ok lang dirí sa ámon. Eat mangoes, there are plenty of them at home. (see dagáyà, abúnda, bugánà, etc.).



To look for, go in quest of, search for, try to find or get. Langhasá ang ákon igsulúlat nga nadúlà. Look for my lost pen. Langhasí akó sing ságing. Get me some bananas. Ilánghas akó sang ákon pányo nga nawígit (nagkawígit) sa dálan. Kindly go in search of my handkerchief that has been dropped on the road. (see lághap, sághap, pangítà).



(B) A bruise, weal, contusion; to bruise, cause a contusion or weal. Nalanús ang akón kamót, kay nakasúnggò sa bató. My hand got bruised because I knocked it against a stone. Indì mo paglanusón ang íya bútkon. Don't bruise his arm. Nalanusán akó sing pilá ka sipî nga ságing sa bakág. Several clusters of my bananas got bruised in the basket. (see hánog, hanóg, lanóg).

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