Too short, not reaching far enough, below requirements. Ang kabús kag labáw nga batásan áton tadlungón. We should make normal, habits that fall below the standard as well as those that exceed. (see kulábus, kúlang, higúshigús).
Habits, custom, manner of acting or behaving, behaviour, moral character. (see gáwì, ginawî, batásan, kabatasánan, kabuyó, kinaanáran, kostúmbre).
Grief, sorrow, mourning, sadness, desolation, anguish, pain; to grieve, etc. Nagakághà siá. She is grieving. Ginakaghaán níya ang kamatáyon sang íya ilóy. He is mourning the death of his mother. Indì ka magpakághà sa ímo mga ginikánan. Don't sadden your parents. Indì mo pagsóndon ang mga batásan nga maláut nga igkakághà sang ímo mga ginikánan. Don't imitate bad conduct that will grieve your parents. Sa dakû nga kághà kag kasubô --. In great grief and sorrow --. (see subô, lisúd, sákit).
Liking, attachment to, affection for. May kasahô akó sa íya nga batásan. I have a liking for his ways and manners. (sahô).
(H) Habit, custom, practice, manner, behaviour, usage. (see ánad, batásan, kinabatásan).
(B) Past events, past time, the past, things of long ago, of yore; old, of old, bygone, ancient, out of date. Ang kinarádto--. Things or events or customs, etc. of long ago. Sa kinarádto nga batásan--. According to an ancient custom--. Sa kinarádto--. Formerly, in former, olden or bygone days--. (see sádto, sinádto, karágto, sinágto, tinó-o).
Wrinkled, creased; miserly, stingy, close-fisted. Kinuripót nga batásan. A miserly habit. (see kuripót).
(Sp. costumbre) Custom, habit, manner, usage. (see kinaanáran, kinabatásan, batásan).
To be or become bad, worsen, deteriorate, degenerate; to be or become sick, ill, to faint, swoon. Nagláin ang íya batásan. His behaviour has changed for the worse. His character (habits) has (have) degenerated. Nagláin ang íya ginháwa. He swooned, had a fainting fit, lost consciousness, his condition has become serious, or the like. Ang nalaínan sang ákon buút amó--. What-grieves me,-I find fault with, is--. Magaláin inâ kunína. It will turn out bad in the end. Sing makadámù ang mga talapuánan nga maáyo sing kamunóan nagaláin sa katapúsan. Often societies that start well have a bad ending. Indì pagigkaláin sang ímo buút kon--. Don't take it ill (amiss), if--. (see láut).
Different, not the same, altered, changed; to become different, to alter, vary, change. Naglaín na ang duág sang íya báyò. The colour of his jacket has changed. Lainón mo ang ímo batásan. Change your manners or habits. Ginlaín níya ang íya baláy, sulát, etc. He changed his house, letter, etc. He made some changes or alterations in his house, letter, etc. Lainí akó sing baláy. Build a different house for me (i.e. one that is not an imitation or likeness of another). (see túhay).
To infect, taint with, contaminate, be contagious, infectious, catching, spread from one to the other. Andam ka, agúd ang balatían sang útud mo índì makalatón sa ímo. Be on your guard, lest your brother's disease should infect you also. Nalátnan or linátnan akó sang íya nga katúl. I have become infected with his skin-disease called katúl. May katalágman nga ang ibán nga mga bánwa pagalátnan man sang kolerá. There is danger that the cholera will spread to other towns. Indì ka magsímpon sa íla, kay básì malátnan ikáw sang maláut níla nga batásan. Do not associate yourself with them, for you might be contaminated by their vicious habits. (see manlaláton, malaláton).
(H) Badness, wretchedness, viciousness, malice, wickedness; to be, become or make wicked, bad, malicious, depraved, miserable, wretched, to deteriorate, degenerate, worsen, change for the worse. Nagláut ang íya batásan sa Manílà. He contracted bad habits in Manila. Ginláut sang maláin nga kaupdánan ang kagawián ni Fuláno. Bad company perverted N.N.'s character. (see láin, kalalát-an).
A little out of-tune,-order, disagreeable, inharmonious, displeasing, unpleasant. Libáglibágon siá sing batásan. He has disagreeable manners or habits.
Modesty, bashfulness, unobtrusiveness; to be or become modest, perform in a modest way, etc. Naglígdong siá sa koléhyo. She became modest or bashful at college. Ginaligdongán akó sa íya. She appears to me to be of a retired disposition, to be modest or unobtrusive. Ginalígdong níya ang íya hámbal, batásan, pagginawî, etc. He is modest in his speech, manners, bearing, etc. (see úgdang).
To avoid, shun, keep away from, eschew, steer-, keep-, clear of, fight shy of, evade, elude, have nothing to do with, let alone. Maglikáw ka sa mga maláut. Likawán mo ang mga maláut. Shun the wicked. Keep away (aloof) from bad people. Likawí ang kaupdánan nga maláin sing batásan. Avoid companions of bad habits. Ilikáw (ilíkaw) sa íya iníng masakít nga táo, agúd índì níya makítà. Hide this sick man from him, lest he should see him. Makalikáw (makalíkaw) ka sang amó nga katalágman, kon--. You can escape that danger, if--. Linikawán níya akó. He avoided (meeting, coming together with) me. (see aklihís, kuyáw).
Dim. and Freq. of lingî. Indì ka gánì maglingîlíngì sinâ nga táo, kay maláut sing batásan. Don't even look at that man, because he is a bad character. Ginpalingîlíngì sang ilóy ang íya nga bátà sang halúk. The mother showered kisses on her baby turning it this way and that.
Again, repeatedly, a second time; to do again, repeat, to retract. Liwanón ko ang ákon sulát. I will rewrite what I have written. Ginliwán níya ang íya batásan. He changed his habits. Indì ka magliwán mangáwat (sa pagpangáwat). Do not steal again. Liwaní siá sing isá ka kúpa nga bíno. Give him another glass of wine. Ginliwán níya ang íya hámbal. He repeated his statement. He changed his statement. He retracted his statement. (see liwát).
(B) Good, well, etc. See maáyo. Dílì marása ang íya památì (pagbátì). His health is not good. He is sick. Marása gid ang íya nga batásan. His behaviour (character) is excellent. His manners are engaging. (see rása).
(Sp. moda) Mode, style, fashion, form, cut, shape, custom, manner, vogue. (see batásan, pamatásan, kinaanáran, úso, kinabatásan, kostúmbre).