To suspend judgment, have one's doubts about, doubt, hesitate, feel some apprehension or fear. Indì ka maglamálamá, kay matúod gid ang sinúgid ko sa ímo. Don't have any doubts now, for what I have told you is perfectly true. Ginalamálamahán níya inâ. He is in doubt about that. He is apprehensive about it. (see duhádúha).
To strike, beat, drub, thrash, throw, push. Ginlámba níya siá sa díngding. He threw him against the wall or partition. Ilámba siá sa salúg. Throw him to the ground. Lay him low. Knock him down. Ginlambahán níya akó sing lalámpus. He drubbed me with a stick or club. (see lámpus, bálbal, búnal, etc.).
To intercept on the road, stop, halt, bar or block the way, preclude the passage of, obstruct the progress of. Lamhatí siá sa dálan. Stop him on the road. Naglámbat siá sa ákon or linambatán níya akó. He intercepted me on my way. He prevented me from proceeding on my way. (see sámbat, bálag, pamalábag, bánggà, bángan).
(H) Band, cross-stripe. Ang dúghan níya may lámbat nga mapulá. Across his breast there was (is) a red stripe or band.
To mention, relate, refer to. Anó gánì ang ginlámbit níya? What did he really refer to? Lambití siá sa nahanungúd sang pagpatíndog sang ákon baláy. Talk to him about the building of my house. Ang nalámbit sa hitáas--. What was mentioned above or before--. The above mentioned--. The aforesaid--. Indì ka maglámbit sinâ sa íya. Don't mention that to him. Don't tell him of that. Ilámbit sa íya nga--. Tell him that--. Ngáa man nga walâ mo pagilámbit inâ sa ákon nga dáan? Why did you not mention that to me before? Why didn't you tell me beforehand? (see sámbit).
To grasp, seize, take firm hold of. Lamlamá ang pagúyat sang ímo kaláptan. Take a firm grasp on what you hold. Lamlamí-or-palamlamí ang báso sang kamót mo. Grasp the glass firmly with your hand. Ilámlam ang kamót mo sa pínggan, agúd índì makapalús. Hold the plate firmly in your hand, lest it should slip. Ipalámlam ang págbo sa baláyan. Join the rafter firmly to the girder. Ginlámlam níya ang isá ka báhin sang ákon umá. He took, seized or usurped, part of my field. (see hámham, samál, sabán, etc.).
Swaddling clothes, swaddling band; to swaddle. Lampiní ang bátà. Swaddle the baby. Lampinón ko gid iníng bunáng. I shall make swaddling-clothes of this yarn. Ilámpin iní sa bátà. Swaddle the baby with this. Pinutús níya ang bátà sa mga lámpin. She wrapped the baby in swaddling clothes.
A crack, chap, fissure in the skin (due to exposure to water in planting rice, washing clothes, etc.); to form cracks or fissures. Naglán-ag ang batíis ko sa panálug sing haroán. I got my calf covered with fissures on account of groping for haroán-fish in the water. Nalan-agán ang tiíl níya sang tánum. The skin of his foot cracked from planting rice. Ang labandéra may lán-ag sa kamót. The washerwoman has chapped hands-or-has chaps on her hands. (see litík, balanâ, etc.).
To oil, make, or treat with, coconut oil. Lanahá iníng mga lubí. Make oil from these coconuts. Lanahí akó sing duhá ka botílya (nga lána). Make two bottles of coconut-oil for me. Lanahí ang mákina sa tahî, agúd magtánlas. Oil the sewing machine, in order that it my run smoothly. Diín si Fuláno?-Nagalaná siá. Where is N.N.?-He is making coconut-oil. Maglaná ka sa íya-or-lanahí siá, agúd pasúgtan níya ikáw. Oil him, i.e. ingratiate yourself with him, that he may allow you to have your will. (see lána).
To covet, look longingly or wistfully upon, stare at with greedy eyes. Ang mga matá níya nagalanát sa mga páhò. His eyes are looking longingly at the mangoes. Ginalanatán sang mga matá sang bátà ang matám-is nga kalanónon. The boy is staring with greedy eyes at the sweet pastry. Indì nínyo paglanatán sang ínyo mga matá ang mga pagkáon sa látok. Don't stare with greedy eyes at the food on the table. Indì mo pagilanát ang ímo mga matá sa mga bibínka. Don't cast greedy looks on the bibinca-cakes.
Joke, jest, fun, wit, drollery, pleasantry, humour, smart saying, flash of merriment; to tell jokes, make fun, etc. Nagalangás (nagalinangás) siá. He is joking. Linangasán níya akó. He told me some funny things or ridiculous stories. Langasí kamí sang ímo mga hurubáton. Let us hear some of your jokes (witty sayings). (see lahúg, hámpang, linangás).
Dim. and Freq. of langô. Ginlangôlangóan níya akó or naglangôlángò siá sa ákon. He gave me his consent by a slight nod of his head. (see tangôtángò).
(H) A grin; to smile, grin, laugh showing one's teeth. Indì ka maglángsì. Don't grin. Indì mo akó paglangsián. Don't grin at me. Linangsián níya ang makakaládlaw nga sinúgid. He grinned at the ridiculous story. Ayáw pagsábta, kóndì langsií lang siá. Don't answer him, but simply grin at him. (see rángsì id.; ngirít, balangisí, bangirít).
Nail; to nail. Ilánsang siá sa kruz. Nail him to the cross. Ginlánsang níya ang pisára sa díngding. He nailed the blackboard to the wall. Lansangá ang tápì nga nagukáb. Nail down the plank that has become loose. Lansangí lang ang lamésa. Drive nails in the table. Bákli akó sing isá ka kílo nga lánsang nga parís nga tagótlo ka pulgáda. Buy me one kilo of three-inch wire-nails.
To put off, procrastinate, postpone, prolong, protract, delay, defer. Indì mo paglantangón ang ímo sugilánon. Don't spend a long time in conversation. Ginlántang níya ang pagkonpesár. He postponed going to confession. Naglántang siá dídto sang íya pagpuyô sing tátlo ka túig. He prolonged his stay there for three years. Lantangá ang ímo pagpuyô sa hospitál túbtub nga magaáyo gid ikáw. Prolong your stay in the hospital till you get quite well. Karatán siá nga dáan kag walâ níya paglantangá ang pagkádto dídto. He had been anxious for some time to go there, and did not put off his visit. (see palántang, palantánglántang which are more in use).
Perfect, accomplished, excellent; to be or make perfect. Naglántip na siá nga mamaláybay. He has now become a perfect poet. Ginlántip níya ang íya pagtoón sa Manílà. He finished his studies in Manila. Lantipá ang pagpínta. Paint well. Try to be a good painter. Lantipí ang ságwà sing pínta. Paint the drawing room well. Ilántip mo akó siníng sulát. Please make this letter perfect (correcting all the mistakes, etc.). Lántip siá nga dalága, pamatán-on, manunúon, etc. She is an accomplished young lady, youth, professor or teacher, etc. Maáyo na man siá maginingglés, bisán dílì pa gid lántip. He talks English quite well now, though not yet perfectly. (see hímpit, sampáton, maáyo, gid)
A flick, stroke, lash, cut (of a rod, whip, etc.); to strike, flick, lash, flip, whip, beat, flog, give a stroke (of a rod, etc.). Lapdosí siá. Give him a flick. Linapdosán akó níya sang látigo. He gave me a stroke of the whip. Ilápdos sa íya ang bilogón sing makátlo. Give him three strokes of the rod. (see lábtik, búnal, hámpak, látigo, hánot, etc.).
To cut in slices or pieces, carve (cutting slantingly or horizontally). Laplapá iníng búgsò, tinápay, ísdà, etc. Cut this piece, bread, fish, etc. in slices. Laplapí akó sing kárne. Carve some meat for me. Gingolót níya ang kárne, walâ níya paglaplapá. He cut the meat downwards, he did not carve it from right to left. Iláplap sa kárne iníng kotsílyo. Cut the meat with this knife.