Search result(s) - níya

líab, lí-ab


A shirt-collar, the hole or opening for the neck in a garment; to make a shirt-collar. Nagalíab siá sang ákon báyò or ginaliában níya ang ákon báyò. She is making a collar for my jacket. Ilíab iníng gúnting. Use this pair of scissors to cut out the collar. Liábi ang íya nga báyò sing halúg. Make a loose collar for her dress. (see kolyár).



To recline, lean back against, rest one's back against or on. Nagaliáy siá sa ulúnan. He leans back against the pillow. Liniayán (ginliayán) níya ang ulúnan. He leant back against the pillow. (see saliáy, idág).



To be drawn out, held sustained, said of the voice, of sounds, etc. Nagalíb-ok ang íya nga tíngug. His voice is well sustained. Ginpalíb-ok níya ang íya tíngug. He sustained his voice. Maálam ka balá magpalíb-ok sang ímo tíngug? Can you sustain your voice? Do you know how to hold (keep up, sustain, prolong) notes without taking breath? (see lígbok).



To throw a missile, as a stick, a piece of wood, etc. Libagá ang báboy. Throw something at the pig. Ginlibág níya akó sang íya bastón. He threw his stick at me. Libagí akó sang ákon bastón nga nalipatán ko dídto. Throw the stick I forgot there over to me. (see pakóg).



Detraction, disparagement, depreciation, vilification, obloquy, defamation, aspersion, traducement, backbiting, speaking ill of, running down; to detract, derogate, disparage, decry, depreciate, run down, vilify, vilipend, malign, belittle, asperse, pull to pieces, cast aspersions on, blacken, backbite, traduce, defame, speak ill of, talk about the faults of others with injury to their reputation. Indì ka maglibák. Do not detract. Indì mo siá paglibakón. Do not talk about his faults. Ginlibák níya akó. He injured my reputation. Indì mo pagilibák sa íya ináng diótay níya nga mga kakulángan. Don't bring up against him those little short-comings of his. Dî maísip nga mga kalaínan ang saráng mahátag sa isá ka bánwa sang amó nga mga paglibák kag pagbutángbútang. Untold are the evils that may be brought upon a town by such defamations and calumnies. (see híkay, múlay).



(H) To complete the pounding of rice (leaving very little rice unhusked), pound rice thoroughly. Nakalíg-as na akó sing isá ka lusóng. I have now pounded thoroughly one mortarful of rice. Lig-así akó sing duhá ka gántang nga humáy. Pound two gantas of rice very well for me. Ginlig-asán akó níya sing tátlo ka lusóng. He pounded for me three mortarfuls of rice. Líg-as na-or-nalíg-as na. The rice is now pounded. The pounding of the rice is finished. (see gómà, dásdas, bayó).



To pass, pass-, go-, by. Naglígad na ang tátlo ka túig kútub sádto. Three years have passed since then. Ligádi (-ári) siá. Pass him by. Go past him. Ginligádan (-áran) níya ang ámon baláy nga walá magsákà. He passed our house without calling on us. Ginpalígad níla ang íla pándut. They let their feast-day pass i.e. they postponed their feast-day. Ang naglígad índì saráng mapabálik. The past will never return,-cannot be brought back. (see lubás, labáy, lídan, talikód).



To heat, warm (of solids, not of liquids). Ligánga ang tinápay. Warm the bread. Naglígang siá sang íya kamót sa kaláyo-or-ginligángan níya ang kaláyo sang íya kamót. He warmed his hands at the fire. Ilígang iníng kaláyo sa salsálon. Heat the iron in this fire. (see gáang, gánggang).



Band, bandage, garter, ribbon; to bandage, garter, bind up; put ribbons or strings on. Ligási ang nagbátà. Bandage the mother. Linigásan níya ang ákon médyas. She put ribbons on my stockings. Ilígas sa íya pilás iníng hénero kag písì. Bind up his wound with this cloth and string. (see líga, wágkos, etc.).



Modesty, bashfulness, unobtrusiveness; to be or become modest, perform in a modest way, etc. Naglígdong siá sa koléhyo. She became modest or bashful at college. Ginaligdongán akó sa íya. She appears to me to be of a retired disposition, to be modest or unobtrusive. Ginalígdong níya ang íya hámbal, batásan, pagginawî, etc. He is modest in his speech, manners, bearing, etc. (see úgdang).



To shudder, get a shock, become nervous, have one's hair stand on end. Nagalígna akó sa pagtán-aw siníng mahígkò nga úlud. I shudder to look at this dirty worm. It makes me shudder to see this dirty worm. Nalignahán siá sa pagtúluk sing líntà. She got a shock when she saw a leech. Ginlignahán akó níya, kay madámù ang katúl ko. I made his blood run cold, I gave him-the creeps,-the shivers, because I have "katúl" bad. (see bígne, lígni, rígna).



To jam, squeeze, press, compress, squash, crush by pressure as between two boards and the like. Nalígpit ang tagútò sang bató. The lizard was crushed by the stone. Ligpitá ang tánga. Squash the cockroach. Ginlígpit níya ang ilagâ sang tápì. He crushed the rat with a piece of board. Ilígpit ang haló sa padér. Jam the iguana against the wall. Iníng tápì naligpitán sing tátlo ka tokô,-or-iníng tápì nakalígpit sing tátlo ka tokô. Three geckoes were crushed against this board. (see ipít, lágpit, lígsà, lumâ, pusâ).



To dodge, avoid by stepping or bending aside, side-step, duck, evade, elude. Walâ siá maígò, kay nagliháy. He was not hit, because he stepped aside. Iliháy ang úlo mo. Duck your head. Magliháy kamó sa madalî, kay may nagaabút nga áwto. Quick, get out of the way, for an automobile is coming. Ginlihayán níya ang bastón nga ginlámpus sa íya ni Fuláno. He dodged the stick with which N.N. struck at him. (see líkday).



To ask a favour, request, pray, beg. Si Fuláno naglíhog sa ákon nga kuháon ko ang íya nga maléta dídto sa baláy níya. N.N. requested me to fetch his hand-bag there from his house. Lihóga siá nga íya kamí lihóan sing manók. Ask him to get some chickens for us. Liníhog ko siá nga magkúhà sang ákon koríyo-or-sang ákon mga sulát sa koríyo. I asked him to fetch my mail-or-my letters from the post-office. Ipalihóg mo akó sa--. Palihóga akó sa ímo sa--. Please do me the favour of--.

líkaw, likáw


To avoid, shun, keep away from, eschew, steer-, keep-, clear of, fight shy of, evade, elude, have nothing to do with, let alone. Maglikáw ka sa mga maláut. Likawán mo ang mga maláut. Shun the wicked. Keep away (aloof) from bad people. Likawí ang kaupdánan nga maláin sing batásan. Avoid companions of bad habits. Ilikáw (ilíkaw) sa íya iníng masakít nga táo, agúd índì níya makítà. Hide this sick man from him, lest he should see him. Makalikáw (makalíkaw) ka sang amó nga katalágman, kon--. You can escape that danger, if--. Linikawán níya akó. He avoided (meeting, coming together with) me. (see aklihís, kuyáw).



Dodge, evasion; to dodge, avoid, step aside, sidestep, evade, elude, start suddenly aside. Naglíkday siá, búsà walâ siá maígò. He stepped aside, therefore he was not hit. Likdayí ang bató. Dodge the stone. Kon walâ níya paglikdayí sing madalî ang lubí, walâ sing duhádúha nga nahulúgan siá. If he had not quickly dodged the coconut, he would certainly have been hit. (see liháy, líksi, idóg, ísdog, ísol, likáw, líktin).



Secret, hidden, sly, cunning, underhand; to do on the sly, give secretly, bribe, suborn, corrupt, tamper with. Sa líklik nga paági. By secret means. By fraud. On the sly. Ang líklik níya nga pahitôhítò--. His secret (cunning, hidden) dealings (machination, plotting)--. Liniklikán siá níya sing napúlò ka mángmang. He was bribed by him with ten pesos. Ilíklik lang sa íya iníng tátlo ka mángmang. Just give him on the quiet these three pesos. Si Fuláno matárung nga táo kag índì gid magpalíklik. N.N. is an honest man and cannot be corrupted or bribed. Ang líklik amó ang isá ka mahígkò nga padúgì. Bribery is a mean expedient. (see híphip).



A quick movement aside, a swift dodge; to turn or step aside swiftly, make a quick dodge, side-step, elude, evade. Walâ ko siá madakúp, kay nakalíksi siá. I could not catch him, for he succeeded in running off swiftly. Ginliksihán níya akó. He was too quick for me. Ilíksi ang láwas mo, agúd índì ka maígò sang bóla. Dodge quickly, lest the ball should hit you. (see págsi).



To make a quick step away from, towards or upon something, pounce upon, give a jump, side-step quickly. Naglíktin siá (sa ákon)-or-ginliktinán níya (akó). He made a quick step away from (me) or towards (me). (see líksi, lúmpat, lúkso).



Concealment, hiding, secrecy; to hide, conceal, keep quiet about, screen, secrete, veil, disguise. Indì malikúm iníng búhat mo. This deed of yours cannot be concealed. Liníkman (linikumán) níya akó sinâ nga búhat. He hid or concealed that deed from me. Indì ka maglikúm sa íya sang kamatuóran siníng nagkahanabû (nahanabû). Do not conceal from him the truth of this event. Ilikúm lang sa íya ang ákon pagabút dirí. Simply keep him in the dark about my arrival here. Walâ sing likúm ang íya nga katuyoán. There is no secrecy about his intention or plan. (see lílong, tágò).

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